Ok so I was the one to start this talk of meeting/ Potluck and I wanted to do it for the reason like Kkday says. I just wanted to meet other med growers and swap clones and seeds so other med growers have something to start with and I have something new to grow. So I will do it at my house if there is no where else to do it but i was wishing some one with a large yard chimed in so we could have a good time outside. I have a good place but any more then 10 and we have to do it somewhere bigger. I am a med grower so im safe but if you attend your on your own and i dont care if your med or not, but we should be safe if it is on my property or someone else. How do I get in contact with the guy from ASA I would like to have them here for the event and I am going to have my doctors info for people who want to become a med grower.
So here are my Ideas and plans if I do it at my house.
All wear a green shirt- thanks KKday
All bring some type of smoke so we can all burn one at the start so all feel safe
Dont bring a excess of clones or seeds maybe max 10 each they go a long way.
I will have some sort of grab bag for them so at least 2 of what you bring will go in there. If you dont have clones or seeds make something up like pipes or buds or shirts you choose just dont show up with nothing because thats what you will leave with. My friends at some local shops may be here and give out gift cards/ deals on growing items or books and info. So I know this sounds crazy and yes we all have the chance of getting busted so we all need to trust one another. We all also need to trust that what you bring is what you say it is. I have a lot of seed and extra things so if you need something I would be glad to share I just dont want to wast my time for some bag seed or males. I dont think we are at risk if we keep it cool and be smart.
Aloha Hawaiian Kind