
Well-Known Member
ive been adding PK 9-18 from week 5 to now week 8!! im gonna let it go for 10 weeks to get optimum results!!! can i add molasses to my flowering nutes and PK boost


Active Member
molasses is the SHIT!!! hippie guy turned me on to it. Your plants will love you for it.


Well-Known Member
anybody here using PK 13-14 or 9-18?? if so, have you ever added molasses or anything other ,
Well, I'll be using Canna PK 13-14 during flowering, definitely with molasses. I've already been introducing small amounts of this black goodness and my girls have only been vegging for a week.

Even when you eventually flush, you should do so with molasses.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'll be using Canna PK 13-14 during flowering, definitely with molasses. I've already been introducing small amounts of this black goodness and my girls have only been vegging for a week.

Even when you eventually flush, you should do so with molasses.

did you read into this pk & molasses or did somebody that did it tell you
im curious?? dont want to mess up my tight nugz


Well-Known Member
I use molasses in my hydro drip system, from what research I've done I's basically the same ingredients as most bloom nutes....but its a hellofa lot cheaper.....I use it all the way thru because it's full of micro nutes............


Well-Known Member
did you read into this pk & molasses or did somebody that did it tell you
im curious?? dont want to mess up my tight nugz
A friend first informed me, then I did some research here and elsewhere.

In any case, I would never use more than 50% of the recommended dose on these nutes.

So if you wanna start using molasses, cut down slightly on the amount of PK nute you already use as the molasses contains a lot of both these (and many other) beneficial nutrients.

Also note that folks use molasses for the sugars (carbs) it contains, which the microorganisms in the soil feed on and in turn the roots can better absorb the good stuff from the soil (and your nutes). This apparently results in a slightly larger yield, and a sweet tasting bud.


Well-Known Member
yes you can use it i have been using molasses my whole grow man 1 tablespoon a gallon my bro is usin it in his grow too


Well-Known Member
I use Molasses during flowering. Never scientific, I pour approx. 1-2 tablespoons into a gallon of water, every other watering and then every watering during final 2 week flush. I grow in soil, have heard it gums up the works in hydro, but I wouldn't know 4 sure. I have noticed an approx 20% increase in yeild . But I also use the Super plant tonic from Blue Mountain Organics, (Buy off E-Bay) this stuff is full of GOOD microorganisms. As stated in previous reply, It is my understanding that the molasses feeds the good Microorganisms which inturn force feed the roots of our precious plants. I have twice grown 2 with and 2 without and this is how I base my 20% icrease in yeild. But twice isn't science, you be the judge...... Good Luck!