whatre some fun things to do when tripping?


Active Member
well this weekend im gunna do acid. ive only done it once and it was like a year ago and it was rediculous.


my buddys got this liquid acid that i wanna try.

any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Too bad its winter.

Some of the best trips I've had were when I was camping with a bunch of us on acid.

We'd get some beer, build a big ass fire - fire is ALWAYS fun when your tripping........

Its really cool when you get away from the light pollution on a clear night and try to keep track of the stars.......

The beach is fun too....

But seeing how you'll most likely been indoors......fuck if I know.......I hate tripping inside.

Get some good music. Fuck watching movies....you won't know what the fuck is going on anyway.....


Well-Known Member
Go see Santa!:bigjoint:

I watched "Natural Born Killers" tripping on acid before, and that was pretty intense in itself, esp. the scene with the snakes following up to the giant neon green Pharmacy they went to to get "snake juice"...you could always watch "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas."

I agree with cheesey though...I'd rather be outdoors and active if I'm tripping



Well-Known Member
Damn, IDK if a movie about one horrbile 48 hour bad trip is a good idea for the second time on acid......


Active Member
Don't stay inside and watch a movie. You should chill outside somewhere cool for a bit and just listen to music, smoke cigarettes and just chill. I always like just being outside and experiencing new things. Watching a movie is fine but I wouldn't want to do it while peaking. I also hiked a mountain one time for like 4 hours, chilled at the top it was pretty sweet.