How to mix Nutes?


Well-Known Member
Ive read alot about the N-P-K and ppm here on the forums. Also watched videos and read articles.
I still have no clue on how to mix them, when to add them, etc.
I would love to experiment on my own if i had the time and room to do this. With a limited time scheldule and even smaller space to do this in, Ide rather someone explain this to me.
Can someone pleae help.


Well-Known Member
what nutes are you using? most have clear instructions for usage on the label.


Well-Known Member
10-15-10 r good for beging and 10-54-10 are good for flowering
super phosphates are HORRIBLE for pot, and can even kill them. at best you will lower yields and have acrid residual tasting smoke.

do NOT use super p's like green light's super bloom 10 54 10.

10-15-10 will work decently for flower, but has a bit too much nitrogen. if mg, you will have residual tastes from unbalanced micros. for veg, use something high in nitrogen, low in phosphorous, and medium in potassium, like a mg 24-8-16 (if you HAVE to use mg).

never use super p's for pot. pot is not a rose, and can't handle that much phosphorous.


Well-Known Member
WOW! I came back to edit this after like 3 minutes..HAHA! You guys are great on here.
Well I was turned onto to going the organic way by a member here.
Im going to use pro-mix. Originally I was going to use MG potting soil with time release nutes. I here good and bad things about this.
Right now the person ive been speeking to is using the MG.
What I have for nutes is bone meal and blood meal. The bone meal is 1-11-0 and the blood meal is 12-0-0. I will be using a scedule that uses one to start, later mixing the other in small doses and the working the oposite in the flowering cycle.


Well-Known Member
you'll need potash.... blood meal attracts pests, as does bonemeal. you might want to consider picking up some pesticide and neem, just in case.

i detest organic grown pot; to me, it's always the "clean organic" buds that have the residual taste and acrid flavors, along with the dreaded black ash...


Well-Known Member

You need to get ppm checker, mix in a bucket with water... My mothers are the only dirt plants I have and I feed them at 900 ppm an extremely strong nitrogen nutrient.
You can get a nice little ppm checker on ebay for 19.00


Well-Known Member
If I did use MG with time release or the pro-mix, it wouldnt be 100% organic. Trying to get away front that chemical taste. I also think that these nutes would be ok just incase i OD them.


Well-Known Member
for organic nitro fert i suggest alasking fish fertilizer its 5-1-1 but works like a charm. i heard its quite popular when i started asking about it on here.


Well-Known Member
so far im going to have a bug infestation and a fish smelling house....should be interesting..haha!
you know, it's funny; i grew up on farm land, we had tractors and grew crops.... we never flushed the veggies o.0. have you ever eaten a tomatoe that tasted like fertilizer? :p

if you give the plant what it will use, and not a million other things there is NO reason to flush EVER. how do i know? i don't flush; my pot gets rave reviews and is said to taste better than anything (from several sources).

chemical formulations are awesome. esp if you get something specifically designed for and exclusively tested on mmj (like advanced nutrients or general hydroponics). the cleanest tasting pot i've ever had was grown in hydro with chem only nutes. wonderful stuf!


Well-Known Member
you know, it's funny; i grew up on farm land, we had tractors and grew crops.... we never flushed the veggies o.0. have you ever eaten a tomatoe that tasted like fertilizer? :p

if you give the plant what it will use, and not a million other things there is NO reason to flush EVER. how do i know? i don't flush; my pot gets rave reviews and is said to taste better than anything (from several sources).

chemical formulations are awesome. esp if you get something specifically designed for and exclusively tested on mmj (like advanced nutrients or general hydroponics). the cleanest tasting pot i've ever had was grown in hydro with chem only nutes. wonderful stuf!
If had the room to set something like that up...I would without hesitating


Well-Known Member
Nice plants... Yeah dude I'm a city farmer... THe only think I know is what I get from books and people just like yourself, as well as what I get out of my own experance...


Well-Known Member
This is the thing. How do I learn how to understand how it works? Those are amazing by the way...please keep those to yourself...hahaha


Well-Known Member
i'm not on my pc right now, but if i remember later this week i'll post a link with hundreds of articles on chemicals and how plants use them. it's a real eye opener, and will help you think in a different way. different types of plants like different things, so it's a matter of finding what cannabis likes. to sum it easily, pot likes a 312 for veg and a 123 for flower (assuming rational values for npk, ie 15-5-10 for veg 5-10-15 for flower). the concentration is not nearly as important as the ratio. when choosing nutes, try to find formulas that will create similar ratios.


Well-Known Member
That floragro needs to be used in a hydroponics system? Can it be used for pots? When do you add that?


Well-Known Member
nice harvests man. i know people who smoke organic herb cause its easier on the lungs but i grow organicly because for some reason i think the plants like it better like eating better food. chem stuff might make it bigger but some people dont look for bigger yields but better stuff and i have to argue on the point of chem stuff doesnt taiste like chem stuff. organic stuff has a much weedier taste and i like that. it brings the flavor of the strain out more.