Stealing from the MAN


Well-Known Member
just wanted to put in my two cents, i believe stealing is wrong. i am not saying i have never stolen anything. i have thoughtlessly stolen before. didn't seem all that bad, until i was stolen from. funny how that works. the origin of the thread was stealing, and from the man. it was not a pissing match betwwen 2 members. wikid i think u r a wonderful person, god bless you! slim, u strike me as a very clever individual. i believe, slim made the error of assuming u were a dude. if you read his comment, he also said u basically are the shit! wikid i think u r easily offended when someone slips up on ur gender. i've witnessed this on other threads. i am not calling you out or taking sides here! at first glance, i assumed u where a woman, hence "bitch"(duh!). not all that obvious, to other members i guess. if ur tag was "i'm a woman" i dont think u 2 would be going back n forth. we r each entitled to our own opinions, regardless of gender, race, creed, etc. i have made the mistake of going back n forth wit a fellow forum member, so i dont claim to be any better than anyone else. lets just focus on what we have in common and work on our goals together! thank you both for being who you are!
Well, thank you captain! lol, I generally DON'T get upset when people confuse my gender. I'll definitely point it out, but I don't take it personal, because this is a mostly male board, I know I usually assume new people are males unless they make it obvious they aren't.

I was more upset with the fact that he was trying to personally attack me. If you go back and read, I never made a comment about HIM, I was only commenting on the subject at hand, stealing. I never made statements about Armadillo Slim as a person, because I don't know him.

He doesn't know me either. Him referring to me as a man the entire time he was talking about me just kinda struck me as ironic. I was more irritated with the fact that he was making statements about me as a person without having the slightest clue about me.


Well-Known Member
WIKIDBCHOFTHEWST is god himself, he is the absolute moral standard, the idea of him commiting an act that was anything other then moral perfection is inconceivable. If not then he wouldn't be arguing that stealing 0.000000000000000001 of a penny from a lot of people is the same as taking someones wallet, "stealing is stealing is stealing", just because two things can be classed as stealing doesn't make them equivelently bad. Anybody who says they are too good a person to steal any amount of money however small and off however many people is a hypocrit, there are people starving to death in other parts of the world while us in the west spend our money on weed and shoes and whatever, don't you think that is moraly worse then stealing 0.0000000000000000001 pence of someone? So don't give us this "stealing is wrong, I'm not a scumbag, I'm too good a person to steal so shame on you for being such a revolting theif" If you don't want to be a hipocrit then either give all your money away or shut the fuck up.
Beyond the obvious vacuity of such a comparison, Fredo, you raise an interesting point about those parts of the world where people are starving.

Is it possible that those people are starving because they live under weak, ineffectual, and corrupt governments? Governments which allow agents of anarchy and lawlessness to ignore private property rights. This instability thus depriving people the ability to provide for themselves in a just society.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
Where you started talking about me like you know me, and that's what I call getting personal. You started talking shit about me, sorry if I got irritated an responded in that manner.

So you agree, stealing is wrong. And you're saying that because it's a street light and the dollar value is so small, it's not THAT bad.

Since when is stealing wrong only if it's a high dollar amount? My mother made me a necklace once, and it was stolen. Is it not so bad because I didn't pay for it?

And what about the fact that when you steal a street light, you're stealing from that entire community, everyone who lives on that street. So rather than stealing from one person, you're stealing from dozens.

A street light lights up a neighborhood. What if it's the only street light on that street? What if the absence of that street light leads to a kid getting hit by a car? Or a girl being mugged and raped?
Firstly, Captain Chronnizle seems like a nice guy and he's right about what he said. But I'm not going to stop the discussion, I'll just try to be nicer about it.
WIKID, when I said you were god himself I wasn't talking about you personally, I was being sarcastic, I was suggesting that only somebody who was perfect in every way should have the right be so outraged at somebody stealing a street light because it is such an insignificant thing.

"So you agree, stealing is wrong. And you're saying that because it's a street light and the dollar value is so small, it's not THAT bad." Exactly, It's so "not that bad" that other immoral things that we all (sorry about making another assumption about you) do every day are worse then it, so you shouldn't get angry about someone stealing a street light and not get angry about somebody not opening a door for someone.

If a street light had some kind of sentimental value to somebody like the necklace had to you then it would be worse to steal it, but I doubt street lights do have sentimental value to any one.

When you steal a street light you are not stealing from a few dozen people in your community, your stealing from your entire country, the same country that's been stealing from us all our lives.

And your last point about the absence of the light leading to somebody being hurt; I live in a small village in england, It has loads of street lights, much more then it needs and half of them are out anyway because the bulbs blow and the council can't be bothered to get somebody to replace them. So one more street light wouldn't make a difference. Plus, what kind of mugger or rapist lurks under non-operative street lights waiting for their next victim?

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
Beyond the obvious vacuity of such a comparison, Fredo, you raise an interesting point about those parts of the world where people are starving.

Is it possible that those people are starving because they live under weak, ineffectual, and corrupt governments? Governments which allow agents of anarchy and lawlessness to ignore private property rights. This instability thus depriving people the ability to provide for themselves in a just society.
You seem to have some kind of cult status amongst the people of, with WIKID anyway, sorry to ask but, who are you and why should I know you? Or was WIKID refering to the name "Johnny Organic" If she was then who is he?

I don't watch Italian-American organised crime shows by the way so I don't know who Fredo or the other guy is. What makes the comparison between the immorality of living in relative luxury while people starve in another counrty but yet being disgraced by an insignificant act like stealing a street light so vacuous? Third world countries are poor for many reasons, the point you raised is part of the story but there are other more important factors, the reason people are STARVING is generally because of the environment where they live, the soil quality and rainfall for example. The situation in Africa doesn't matter though, it was just an example of one of the things that are moraly worse then stealing street lights that we all do every day.


Well-Known Member
Firstly, Captain Chronnizle seems like a nice guy and he's right about what he said. But I'm not going to stop the discussion, I'll just try to be nicer about it.
WIKID, when I said you were god himself I wasn't talking about you personally, I was being sarcastic, I was suggesting that only somebody who was perfect in every way should have the right be so outraged at somebody stealing a street light because it is such an insignificant thing.

"So you agree, stealing is wrong. And you're saying that because it's a street light and the dollar value is so small, it's not THAT bad." Exactly, It's so "not that bad" that other immoral things that we all (sorry about making another assumption about you) do every day are worse then it, so you shouldn't get angry about someone stealing a street light and not get angry about somebody not opening a door for someone.

If a street light had some kind of sentimental value to somebody like the necklace had to you then it would be worse to steal it, but I doubt street lights do have sentimental value to any one.

When you steal a street light you are not stealing from a few dozen people in your community, your stealing from your entire country, the same country that's been stealing from us all our lives.

And your last point about the absence of the light leading to somebody being hurt; I live in a small village in england, It has loads of street lights, much more then it needs and half of them are out anyway because the bulbs blow and the council can't be bothered to get somebody to replace them. So one more street light wouldn't make a difference. Plus, what kind of mugger or rapist lurks under non-operative street lights waiting for their next victim?

When you make a bunch of sarcastic statements about me, that's attacking me personally. I didn't make a bunch of sarcastic statements about you. I didn't even mention your name before you mentioned mine.

Not opening a door for someone is not worse than stealing. Not opening a door for someone might be rude, poor manners, but stealing is wrong, and illegal. Bad manners aren't illegal.

What kind of mugger or rapist lurks in the dark waiting for their next victim? Um...the majority, I believe. Most muggers and rapists don't attack you in a brightly lit area. :wink:

That still doesn't answer the question of a kid getting hit by a car. :?

And while I'm glad one missing street light wouldn't affect your community, not all communities are like that. Green Valley, a town in Santa Clarita, has only TWO street lights, in the whole community. TWO.

There's a street in the area where I grew up that's called "The Dark Street" because there are NO street lights on there. Oh, there are lamp posts, but as soon as the street lights get replaced, they get stolen. The cops have to constantly patrol that street, because that's where a lot of shit goes down, why? Cuz it's dark :lol:

As for not just stealing from dozens of people, stealing from the entire country....well, that's even worse isn't it? The government has it's flaws, but it's still our government, this is still our country, we all contribute.

What if we all thought it was ok to become thieves, using your logic? The country would go to shit a lot more quickly than it is now. Thank goodness not everyone decides to set their behavior at the lowest common denominator :roll:

If people want to use their government's flaws as their excuse to justify their stealing, that's cool. Whatever makes them feel better about themselves. Doesn't change the fact that they're stealing :grin:


Well-Known Member
right and wrong are different for everyone! i try to look at things from all points of view and i usually can see the truth! so with that said, there is a balance of every thing and what you think is wrong might end up being good for others and vice versa. when it comes to stealling, ok its wrong but there are just as many good that comes out of it like jobs created to deter theft whether it be security guards or some one who works in a factory making cameras ask them if any good comes from stealing and theft. i think people dont realize that we are all connected and your actions afect otheres far more than you realize! not tring to toot my own horn but i think i can find good in anything bad and vice versa! it may not be good for one but usually is for otheres

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
Seen as though were all a bunch of stoners(and i'm pretty damn stoned at the moment and in a good mood because it's such a jolly season and i've just reaped my harvest) I'll admit that you are right, stealing street lights is wrong. But for some people it's a way to get their own back on the government. And it hardly has any negative effects compared to some things, but over all it is wrong. If every one decided to get thier own back on the government then the country would be in an even worse state then it is now. I might regret this post later on though.bongsmilie:)


Well-Known Member
Seen as though were all a bunch of stoners(and i'm pretty damn stoned at the moment and in a good mood because it's such a jolly season and i've just reaped my harvest) I'll admit that you are right, stealing street lights is wrong. But for some people it's a way to get their own back on the government. And it hardly has any negative effects compared to some things, but over all it is wrong. If every one decided to get thier own back on the government then the country would be in an even worse state then it is now. I might regret this post later on though.bongsmilie:)
Woa....we're in agreement.

I think this calls for a bowl!


Well-Known Member
Ok, wikid, i understand you love to argue, but here's the deal about the street lights. You said, stealing is stealing. That, most definitly, no questions asked- IS A FACT. You dont seem to understand why your argueing. You are making points that are in no way shape or form what the arguement is initially about. Even tho it IS considered stealing to go up a light pole and take that light. I should add the reason WHY its stealing: Because the law prohibits it. Period. End of story. However, the arguement IS NOT about if its considered stealing, the arguement IS NOT about if stealing in general is bad or not. It's about- Is stealing that particular object.... aproppriate? Or like armadillo was saying- "Morally right". And this question by itself cannot be answered with facts, only opinions, and by reading your posts, you dont seem to be very knowledgable with opions, only your facts.


Well-Known Member
Ok, wikid, i understand you love to argue, but here's the deal about the street lights. You said, stealing is stealing. That, most definitly, no questions asked- IS A FACT. You dont seem to understand why your argueing. You are making points that are in no way shape or form what the arguement is initially about. Even tho it IS considered stealing to go up a light pole and take that light. I should add the reason WHY its stealing: Because the law prohibits it. Period. End of story. However, the arguement IS NOT about if its considered stealing, the arguement IS NOT about if stealing in general is bad or not. It's about- Is stealing that particular object.... aproppriate? Or like armadillo was saying- "Morally right". And this question by itself cannot be answered with facts, only opinions, and by reading your posts, you dont seem to be very knowledgable with opions, only your facts.
I don't love to argue, I just can't stand to let some things go uncontested. If I loved to argue I'd be in the Politics forum a lot more often :wink:

Making points that are in no way shape or form what the argument is about? Um, the argument is about STEALING, right? I think my posts have been VERY related to the argument. If I said "The sky is blue" THAT is in no way shape or form related to the topic :razz:

LOL, "don't seem to be very knowledgeable with opinions, only your facts" that's kind of a silly statement. The thing about opinions is that you don't NEED to be knowledgeable. Opinions don't have to be backed up with facts, or anything at all. You can pull that shit right out your ass, and it can stand as an opinion.

THAT'S why I prefer to argue with facts.

Ok, is stealing a light appropriate? No, because stealing is wrong.

When I said I didn't know what I was arguing I didn't mean I didn't know what I was saying, I meant I didn't know what YOUR side was. Because so far we've all agreed that stealing is wrong...and taking a street light IS it seems like we've answered the question of this thread.


Well-Known Member
I don't love to argue, I just can't stand to let some things go uncontested. If I loved to argue I'd be in the Politics forum a lot more often :wink:

Making points that are in no way shape or form what the argument is about? Um, the argument is about STEALING, right? I think my posts have been VERY related to the argument. If I said "The sky is blue" THAT is in no way shape or form related to the topic :razz:

LOL, "don't seem to be very knowledgeable with opinions, only your facts" that's kind of a silly statement. The thing about opinions is that you don't NEED to be knowledgeable. Opinions don't have to be backed up with facts, or anything at all. You can pull that shit right out your ass, and it can stand as an opinion.

THAT'S why I prefer to argue with facts.

Ok, is stealing a light appropriate? No, because stealing is wrong.

When I said I didn't know what I was arguing I didn't mean I didn't know what I was saying, I meant I didn't know what YOUR side was. Because so far we've all agreed that stealing is wrong...and taking a street light IS it seems like we've answered the question of this thread.

i still think stealing 0.000000000000000000000000000000000001$ from every person doesn't matter :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I don't love to argue, I just can't stand to let some things go uncontested. If I loved to argue I'd be in the Politics forum a lot more often :wink:

Making points that are in no way shape or form what the argument is about? Um, the argument is about STEALING, right? I think my posts have been VERY related to the argument. If I said "The sky is blue" THAT is in no way shape or form related to the topic :razz:

LOL, "don't seem to be very knowledgeable with opinions, only your facts" that's kind of a silly statement. The thing about opinions is that you don't NEED to be knowledgeable. Opinions don't have to be backed up with facts, or anything at all. You can pull that shit right out your ass, and it can stand as an opinion.

THAT'S why I prefer to argue with facts.

Ok, is stealing a light appropriate? No, because stealing is wrong.

When I said I didn't know what I was arguing I didn't mean I didn't know what I was saying, I meant I didn't know what YOUR side was. Because so far we've all agreed that stealing is wrong...and taking a street light IS it seems like we've answered the question of this thread.

The question of the thread requires an opinion. Your opinion is that stealing is wrong. Good. Thats nice to know. My opinion, well you may not like my opinion, but i'll tell you anyways, first of all, my opinion is that your an idiot. Second, i believe stealing 1 or 2 lights from a lightpole is ok. i dont believe stealing anymore then that is ok. Where i live, you have to pay the city to put a street light up in front of your house. I know this becuase my father is a lineman. Now i made that point to make this one. Once that street light is up there, it was put there because u called and asked for it to be put there, which means you pay the electricity bill for that light. If you wish to climb up that pole and take the light out that light socket, in all fairness, its your light. Now all that happens is someone like my dad is sent out to replace the bulb which in return makes my dad a some cash for easy work. I believe taking that light is doing nothing but helping our community. That's my opinion. For everyone talking about some guy is gunna jump out the bushes and rape someone because that light isnt there.. haha If thats not the weakest excuse for an arguement i dont know what is..


Well-Known Member
i still think stealing 0.000000000000000000000000000000000001$ from every person doesn't matter :mrgreen:
What if every person in the country thought like that? It would add up very quickly. So while you might think it doesn't matter, we're lucky not everyone thinks that way :grin:

And maybe the street light isn't worth that much, but what about the cost to replace it? We pay for that too, and that's gotta be over a hundred bucks a pop,.

So the light might not be that much, but you're still costing us a lot of money.


Well-Known Member
The question of the thread requires an opinion. Your opinion is that stealing is wrong. Good. Thats nice to know. My opinion, well you may not like my opinion, but i'll tell you anyways, first of all, my opinion is that your an idiot. Second, i believe stealing 1 or 2 lights from a lightpole is ok. i dont believe stealing anymore then that is ok. Where i live, you have to pay the city to put a street light up in front of your house. I know this becuase my father is a lineman. Now i made that point to make this one. Once that street light is up there, it was put there because u called and asked for it to be put there, which means you pay the electricity bill for that light. If you wish to climb up that pole and take the light out that light socket, in all fairness, its your light. Now all that happens is someone like my dad is sent out to replace the bulb which in return makes my dad a some cash for easy work. I believe taking that light is doing nothing but helping our community. That's my opinion. For everyone talking about some guy is gunna jump out the bushes and rape someone because that light isnt there.. haha If thats not the weakest excuse for an arguement i dont know what is..
Stealing from the community HELPS the community? lol, and you called ME an idiot.

I love how all the people saying the argument of getting mugged on a dark street is weak are all male :roll: And that still leaves the question of what if a kid gets hit by a car? :?

I don't attend church, since you went through the trouble of leaving the comment on my profile I figured I'd answer.

So, can you tell me why, in your opinion, I'm an idiot? Because I think stealing is wrong? Because I say if you steal you're a thief? That makes me an idiot? :?

Please, enlighten me :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
You ARE the Idiot, because everytime someone calls the city to get a light installed on the light pole outside their house, they are charged a 60-100 dollar fee. aka, they pay for the light to be put up, and then they pay their electricity bill on it. However its basically set up like an insurance plan. Every light that goes out on your light pole is replaced free of charge by the city aka the tax payers. That bulb costs the city a little under 15 bucks. They buy in bulk and they stock the line men up with those lights like their butterscotch pocket candy. So assuming you pay your taxes, your paying at least enough to pay a total replacement bulb for 1 of those street lights. aka, when u get that 1 street light, your getting YOUR street light. I've just covered the entire process that lays it all out for you and shows you that stealing/taking 1 street light is in no way taking something that you didnt pay for. It's in fact stealing/taking(whatever you feel like calling it) something that was equally if not over paid for. They actually make profit off taxes- you gotta remember.


Well-Known Member
and to answer your question about the child getting hit by a car. Most likely when [stealing/taking] a light off a light pole, were talking about a residential neighborhood. Most smart parents have their children inside at night time anyways. and if they dont, then they're poor parents. Lets assume the child was walking about on the street and a car comes speeding towardds the child, either the child is deaf and cant hear the car coming or blind and cant see it,(we'd have to assume that in order for the child to actually be able to get hit by a car in a residential neighborhood since the speed limits are like 10-25 mph anyways) If you want to argue that it may not be in a residential neighborhood, then my response would have to be, why the fuck is this child that far away from his/her house, and where the fuck is his/her parents. So Yes, your arguement about the street not being lit in that area would cause a child ot get hit by a car is also a lame excuse for arguement. Your gunna need more then that, sorry.


Well-Known Member
Altho you may not go to church, im sure you know about the bible and its "answers" Well just like church goers, you seem to be brain washed also. Dont let the government fool you. " Stealing is stealing is stealing" that statement by itself is a perfect example of how powerful our government is. They control the way we think for a reason.. to keep us civilized. they make churches for a reason, to keep us from doing things they dont want us to do. The bible is nothing but a way to control the mass population. Look at the amount of people in christian religion for example. It's a huge organization. Thats exactly what our government wants, if they want the people to eat sandwhiches everyday, all they have to do is write it in the bible Thou shalt edeth sandwhiches daily. and the people will follow...


Well-Known Member
Why do you think they put people away for so long just for growing a silly plant? They dont want people knowing their secret, and thats exactly what weed does to people. It allows your brain to gather its deepest thoughts and actually figure out and understand the government and cause people to rebell. The government has the american people brain washed, and marijuanna basically un-brainwashes people. thats why its illegal. You can say its silly all you want. It's the truth. There's no books, no research and not facts to proove my statement, but neither is the bibles.


Well-Known Member
You ARE the Idiot, because everytime someone calls the city to get a light installed on the light pole outside their house, they are charged a 60-100 dollar fee. aka, they pay for the light to be put up, and then they pay their electricity bill on it. However its basically set up like an insurance plan. Every light that goes out on your light pole is replaced free of charge by the city aka the tax payers. That bulb costs the city a little under 15 bucks. They buy in bulk and they stock the line men up with those lights like their butterscotch pocket candy. So assuming you pay your taxes, your paying at least enough to pay a total replacement bulb for 1 of those street lights. aka, when u get that 1 street light, your getting YOUR street light. I've just covered the entire process that lays it all out for you and shows you that stealing/taking 1 street light is in no way taking something that you didnt pay for. It's in fact stealing/taking(whatever you feel like calling it) something that was equally if not over paid for. They actually make profit off taxes- you gotta remember.
Ok, can you please re-explain?

"everytime someone calls the city to get a light installed on the light pole outside their house, they are charged a 60-100 dollar fee. aka, they pay for the light to be put up, and then they pay their electricity bill on it" -- that makes it sound like people pay for the light in front of their house, and pay to have it replaced.

"Every light that goes out on your light pole is replaced free of charge by the city aka the tax payers." -- THAT makes it sound like the taxpayers pay for it.

So who pays for it, the person who owns the house, or the taxpayers? Are you saying the person who owns the house pays for the original installation, and the tax payers pay for the replacements when they're stolen? Isn't that still stealing from the taxpayers then?

And who says this guy is only stealing the street light in front of his house? Most people I've heard of stealing street lights were NOT stealing the one right in front of their house.

and to answer your question about the child getting hit by a car. Most likely when [stealing/taking] a light off a light pole, were talking about a residential neighborhood. Most smart parents have their children inside at night time anyways. and if they dont, then they're poor parents. Lets assume the child was walking about on the street and a car comes speeding towardds the child, either the child is deaf and cant hear the car coming or blind and cant see it,(we'd have to assume that in order for the child to actually be able to get hit by a car in a residential neighborhood since the speed limits are like 10-25 mph anyways) If you want to argue that it may not be in a residential neighborhood, then my response would have to be, why the fuck is this child that far away from his/her house, and where the fuck is his/her parents. So Yes, your arguement about the street not being lit in that area would cause a child ot get hit by a car is also a lame excuse for arguement. Your gunna need more then that, sorry.
I don't know where you live, but at this time of year, it dark outside by 5. I know I was allowed to play outside past 5.

Kids don't always think about cars, they don't always think to look both ways, especially if they're younger. Kids assume the cars will stop, that the person will see them.

It is not that far fetched that a kid could get hit in a residential neighborhood because the driver couldn't see him. All it takes is a kid running out from between two cars and the driver not seeing them in time.

And what if the kid was deaf? You don't know any deaf children? I do.

Everything you said did nothing to prove that a kid couldn't get hurt because a driver couldn't see him because someone stole a street light.

Altho you may not go to church, im sure you know about the bible and its "answers" Well just like church goers, you seem to be brain washed also. Dont let the government fool you. " Stealing is stealing is stealing" that statement by itself is a perfect example of how powerful our government is. They control the way we think for a reason.. to keep us civilized. they make churches for a reason, to keep us from doing things they dont want us to do. The bible is nothing but a way to control the mass population. Look at the amount of people in christian religion for example. It's a huge organization. Thats exactly what our government wants, if they want the people to eat sandwhiches everyday, all they have to do is write it in the bible Thou shalt edeth sandwhiches daily. and the people will follow...
What are you talking about? Why are you bringing up the Bible, or Church? Did I mention either of those things? I don't remember it if I did, but then again I'm pretty high right now.

Do you really think the only reason stealing is wrong is because the Church or the government says so? I don't, and I don't believe others do either. I know plenty of Atheists who hate thieves on GP. Has nothing to do with God, or the government.

Stealing is wrong. The Golden Rule is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. You don't steal because you would not appreciate being stolen from.

The Golden Rule isn't based on the bible, it's based on ethics stemming from Greek philosophy. Ethic of reciprocity, it's a fundamental moral value.

Why do you think they put people away for so long just for growing a silly plant? They dont want people knowing their secret, and thats exactly what weed does to people. It allows your brain to gather its deepest thoughts and actually figure out and understand the government and cause people to rebell. The government has the american people brain washed, and marijuanna basically un-brainwashes people. thats why its illegal. You can say its silly all you want. It's the truth. There's no books, no research and not facts to proove my statement, but neither is the bibles.
Are you serious? You really think marijuana is illegal because it "unbrainwashes people"? lol, that's so silly I'm not even gonna bother with it.