Stealing from the MAN


Well-Known Member
Ooohhhh... your a woman, that explains it. Anyway, how am I supposed to know your a woman? Just because I'm called armadillo slim doesn't mean that i'm an armadillo. And you started the stupid patronising smiley faces so don't load your post with them like your making fun of my post when I only put it there to take the piss out of yours. And your the "fucking moron", either that or you can't read properly, I'm not some hippie saying that we should all send our money to africa, I'm saying that if you can get so outraged and up your own arse about somebody stealing a street light when there are much worse things going on that you don't give a shit about then you are a complete fucking tosspot. And apparantly you are.
Take the piss out of my smilies? :roll: As if you could :razz: If you want to try, bring it on

So wait, I'm the fucking moron for pointing out your red herring? This is a debate sir, either stay on topic, or don't be surprised when people get confused by your nonrelated bullshit.

What does it matter that there are worse things? First of all, I would argue that there AREN'T many things that are worse than stealing. Thieves go to the 8th circle of hell for a reason :wink: And if you think of the worst crimes, they involve stealing to some degree. When you kill, you steal someone's life. When you rape, you steal someone's right to say no.

Secondly, stealing is wrong. STEALING is wrong. Stealing IS wrong. Stealing is WRONG. STEALING IS WRONG.

If you STEAL, you are a THIEF. That's not an opinion of mine, that's a FACT.

So, since I have been doing nothing but state the facts, I fail to see why you're arguing with me. If you don't care that people steal from your community, that's cool...for you.

But please, don't try to start shit with me. You'll just get


Well-Known Member
i think that stealing is wrong, but me also like millions have downloaded copyrighted music or movies from p2p like software on the internet. i agree stealing copyrighted material without properly compensating the author/publisher is wrong. i also think charging 15 - 20 dollars per cd is also a crime. after 100 times of listening you can throw it away and that's not fair. in my country they taxed listening to music in all local places. now you come to a bar for a cup of coffe and there's silence in most of them these days. so am i stealing when i download a song and listen to it all day long for free:confused: should i have a bad conscience about this:confused:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I don't think you should feel any way but how you want to.But stealing is stealing, is the point.I have also done the song thing before, so I'm not trying to say I'm better than you.It just is what it is.:joint:
i think that stealing is wrong, but me also like millions have downloaded copyrighted music or movies from p2p like software on the internet. i agree stealing copyrighted material without properly compensating the author/publisher is wrong. i also think charging 15 - 20 dollars per cd is also a crime. after 100 times of listening you can throw it away and that's not fair. in my country they taxed listening to music in all local places. now you come to a bar for a cup of coffe and there's silence in most of them these days. so am i stealing when i download a song and listen to it all day long for free:confused: should i have a bad conscience about this:confused:


Well-Known Member
And your the "fucking moron", either that or you can't read properly, I'm not some hippie saying that we should all send our money to africa, I'm saying that if you can get so outraged and up your own arse about somebody stealing a street light when there are much worse things going on that you don't give a shit about then you are a complete fucking tosspot. And apparantly you are.
And yes, I can get outraged about someone stealing from me. Are you ok with someone stealing from you? :?

And as for worse things going on that I don't give a shit about, this goes back to what I said in my other post about you not knowing shit about me. How do you know what I give a shit about? You DON'T. So once again, I'll ask you to speak on what you know, or not at all :razz:

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
you lack empathy and i shall have no pity on you if you steal from me and i shoot you in the leg and you bleed to death on my front lawn
So you think that people who steal should be murdered by vigilantes? You think that stealing is immoral therefore theives should be killed? Then your either a muslim or you don't care about this debate and you just want something to complain about. Because this thread is about the the morality of stealing a street light and you clearly have no morals.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
What does it matter that there are worse things? First of all, I would argue that there AREN'T many things that are worse than stealing. Thieves go to the 8th circle of hell for a reason :wink: And if you think of the worst crimes, they involve stealing to some degree. When you kill, you steal someone's life. When you rape, you steal someone's right to say no.
Firstly hell doesn't exist and Dante's inferno is just a story not FACT and I can't see what the opinion of a 13th century poet has to do with our discussion, just because Johny organic or whatever his name was wet himself when you mentioned it doesn't mean it adds anything to your argument. The fact that treachery was the 9th circle should show you just how irrelevant Dante's Inferno is. Secondly, morality is not based on crimes, the law is not what we should base our morals on so just because stealing is a crime doesn't mean thats it's moraly wrong (most of the time it is though). Ignoring somebody's text or coughing without covering your mouth is also slightly moraly wrong, probably worse then stealing 0.0000000000000000000000000001 pence off somebody.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
And yes, I can get outraged about someone stealing from me. Are you ok with someone stealing from you? :?

And as for worse things going on that I don't give a shit about, this goes back to what I said in my other post about you not knowing shit about me. How do you know what I give a shit about? You DON'T. So once again, I'll ask you to speak on what you know, or not at all :razz:
Yes I'm fine with someone stealing 0.00000000000001 pence off me, It annoys me more when the government steals £10 off me whenever I fill my motorbike up and spends it on their religious crusade in Iraq. "speak what you know or not at all" That makes no sense, for all you know I could have personally funded a street lighting scheme in my area and paid for all the street lights myself. You don't know shit about me either so you can shut up as well. But none of us know anything about each other so we just have to make assumptions sometimes.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
i think that stealing is wrong, but me also like millions have downloaded copyrighted music or movies from p2p like software on the internet. i agree stealing copyrighted material without properly compensating the author/publisher is wrong. i also think charging 15 - 20 dollars per cd is also a crime. after 100 times of listening you can throw it away and that's not fair. in my country they taxed listening to music in all local places. now you come to a bar for a cup of coffe and there's silence in most of them these days. so am i stealing when i download a song and listen to it all day long for free:confused: should i have a bad conscience about this:confused:
That's a very good point, I'm going to take a risk and say that WIKID has downloaded music illegaly in her life, but apparantly I don't know shit about her so I shouldn't assume that, in fact she's probably an outspoken critic of illegal downloading because she's the only person who can see it for what it really is... FILTHY, DIRTY, SCUMMY, REVOLTING STEALING!!!!!!:cuss:


Well-Known Member
i think that stealing is wrong, but me also like millions have downloaded copyrighted music or movies from p2p like software on the internet. i agree stealing copyrighted material without properly compensating the author/publisher is wrong. i also think charging 15 - 20 dollars per cd is also a crime. after 100 times of listening you can throw it away and that's not fair. in my country they taxed listening to music in all local places. now you come to a bar for a cup of coffe and there's silence in most of them these days. so am i stealing when i download a song and listen to it all day long for free:confused: should i have a bad conscience about this:confused:
Charging $20 a CD is not wrong. It is commerce. You are not merely paying for the materials needed for the manufacture of the disk. You are paying for the sound engineering, the musicians, the producers, the marketing, and most importantly you are paying for the product of an artist's creative mind. It's intellectual property. If you object to the price, you are free to not purchase the disk.

After you purchase the disk, you are free to discard it after one listening or one thousand. That's completely fair.
Firstly hell doesn't exist and Dante's inferno is just a story not FACT and I can't see what the opinion of a 13th century poet has to do with our discussion, just because Johny organic or whatever his name was wet himself when you mentioned it doesn't mean it adds anything to your argument. The fact that treachery was the 9th circle should show you just how irrelevant Dante's Inferno is. Secondly, morality is not based on crimes, the law is not what we should base our morals on so just because stealing is a crime doesn't mean thats it's moraly wrong (most of the time it is though). Ignoring somebody's text or coughing without covering your mouth is also slightly moraly wrong, probably worse then stealing 0.0000000000000000000000000001 pence off somebody.
You will learn soon enough that you have your hands full with Wikid. She does not need my help, I promise you.

I seriously doubt you want me in on the fun and games because I'm a bastard when the situation calls for it.

You're poking your stick in the wrong cage, pal.


Well-Known Member
Firstly hell doesn't exist and Dante's inferno is just a story not FACT and I can't see what the opinion of a 13th century poet has to do with our discussion, just because Johny organic or whatever his name was wet himself when you mentioned it doesn't mean it adds anything to your argument. The fact that treachery was the 9th circle should show you just how irrelevant Dante's Inferno is. Secondly, morality is not based on crimes, the law is not what we should base our morals on so just because stealing is a crime doesn't mean thats it's moraly wrong (most of the time it is though). Ignoring somebody's text or coughing without covering your mouth is also slightly moraly wrong, probably worse then stealing 0.0000000000000000000000000001 pence off somebody.
You seem to like to take my posts and just jumble the words together. Where did I say Dante's Inferno was FACT? I said "Stealing is wrong THAT'S a FACT" And it IS. You have yet to say anything to prove that it isn't. :neutral:

Where did I say my only issue with stealing is that it's illegal? I've said that I believe it's morally wrong. The fact that it's illegal just backs up the fact that it's wrong.

Yes I'm fine with someone stealing 0.00000000000001 pence off me, It annoys me more when the government steals £10 off me whenever I fill my motorbike up and spends it on their religious crusade in Iraq. "speak what you know or not at all" That makes no sense, for all you know I could have personally funded a street lighting scheme in my area and paid for all the street lights myself. You don't know shit about me either so you can shut up as well. But none of us know anything about each other so we just have to make assumptions sometimes.
I said speak on what you know, in reference to your attempt to make statements about ME. I'm not the one sitting here trying to personally attack someone because they don't agree with me. Even when I started talking shit to you, it was only after you started trying to get personal with me :razz:

Either stick to the debate, or bow out. It's really sad when people can't win the argument, so they resort to shit talking. Once the other person has to resort to personal attacks, I know I've won :wink:

That's a very good point, I'm going to take a risk and say that WIKID has downloaded music illegaly in her life, but apparantly I don't know shit about her so I shouldn't assume that, in fact she's probably an outspoken critic of illegal downloading because she's the only person who can see it for what it really is... FILTHY, DIRTY, SCUMMY, REVOLTING STEALING!!!!!!:cuss:
Why do you keep trying to talk about me like you know me? :?

In all seriousness though, could you please make a valid point in your next post, rather than making sad attempts at insulting me? That's how debates are supposed to work. I make a statement, you respond to that statement.

Here's mine: Stealing is wrong.

Now, you respond :grin:

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
You will learn soon enough that you have your hands full with Wikid. She does not need my help, I promise you.

I seriously doubt you want me in on the fun and games because I'm a bastard when the situation calls for it.

You're poking your stick in the wrong cage, pal.
Is wikid going to maul me? I didn't say she needed your help, I just said you were a bit extreme with your "Dante's inferno... I think I'm in love" comment. Does the situation of a discussion about the morality of stealing on a website about growing marijuana call for you to be a bastard? If so then I'm very scared, please don't hurt me.:shock:


Well-Known Member
You will learn soon enough that you have your hands full with Wikid. She does not need my help, I promise you.

I seriously doubt you want me in on the fun and games because I'm a bastard when the situation calls for it.

You're poking your stick in the wrong cage, pal.
He doesn't know Johnny, he's a newbie :razz:


Well-Known Member
The basic thing wrong with the whole premise is that taxes get used to pay for government programs. Well every country that has a central bank ( Almost all do) well its taxes are NOT used to fund gov programs, all the tax money is used to pay the interest on the loans your central bank has given you. The government borrows all of its money from the bank with interest attached, and we as the people just pay for the interest since the actual loan can never be repaid as there is not enough money to do that.

Just thought I would clear that up...indeed taxes are not used to "Pay" for things, they are used to pay for the loans interest only. The gov has been stealing from you and every other tax payer for our whole lives.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
You seem to like to take my posts and just jumble the words together. Where did I say Dante's Inferno was FACT? I said "Stealing is wrong THAT'S a FACT" And it IS. You have yet to say anything to prove that it isn't. :neutral:

Where did I say my only issue with stealing is that it's illegal? I've said that I believe it's morally wrong. The fact that it's illegal just backs up the fact that it's wrong.

I said speak on what you know, in reference to your attempt to make statements about ME. I'm not the one sitting here trying to personally attack someone because they don't agree with me. Even when I started talking shit to you, it was only after you started trying to get personal with me :razz:

Either stick to the debate, or bow out. It's really sad when people can't win the argument, so they resort to shit talking. Once the other person has to resort to personal attacks, I know I've won :wink:

Why do you keep trying to talk about me like you know me? :?

In all seriousness though, could you please make a valid point in your next post, rather than making sad attempts at insulting me? That's how debates are supposed to work. I make a statement, you respond to that statement.

Here's mine: Stealing is wrong.

Now, you respond :grin:
I believe "I'm a WOMAN, you fucking moron" was where it started to get personal, and that was YOUR post so you just fucked yourself there. To answer your statement, stealing is wrong, the less you are stealing the less bad it is and when you are stealing a street light you are stealing such a miniscule amount that it hardly matters at all and is eclipsed by other immoral acts like not covering your mouth when you cough.


Well-Known Member
I believe "I'm a WOMAN, you fucking moron" was where it started to get personal, and that was YOUR post so you just fucked yourself there. To answer your statement, stealing is wrong, the less you are stealing the less bad it is and when you are stealing a street light you are stealing such a miniscule amount that it hardly matters at all and is eclipsed by other immoral acts like not covering your mouth when you cough.
No, that statement was in response to THIS post by you

WIKIDBCHOFTHEWST is god himself, he is the absolute moral standard, the idea of him commiting an act that was anything other then moral perfection is inconceivable. If not then he wouldn't be arguing that stealing 0.000000000000000001 of a penny from a lot of people is the same as taking someones wallet, "stealing is stealing is stealing", just because two things can be classed as stealing doesn't make them equivelently bad. Anybody who says they are too good a person to steal any amount of money however small and off however many people is a hypocrit, there are people starving to death in other parts of the world while us in the west spend our money on weed and shoes and whatever, don't you think that is moraly worse then stealing 0.0000000000000000001 pence of someone? So don't give us this "stealing is wrong, I'm not a scumbag, I'm too good a person to steal so shame on you for being such a revolting theif" If you don't want to be a hipocrit then either give all your money away or shut the fuck up.:-P
Where you started talking about me like you know me, and that's what I call getting personal. You started talking shit about me, sorry if I got irritated an responded in that manner.

So you agree, stealing is wrong. And you're saying that because it's a street light and the dollar value is so small, it's not THAT bad.

Since when is stealing wrong only if it's a high dollar amount? My mother made me a necklace once, and it was stolen. Is it not so bad because I didn't pay for it?

And what about the fact that when you steal a street light, you're stealing from that entire community, everyone who lives on that street. So rather than stealing from one person, you're stealing from dozens.

A street light lights up a neighborhood. What if it's the only street light on that street? What if the absence of that street light leads to a kid getting hit by a car? Or a girl being mugged and raped?


Well-Known Member
Is wikid going to maul me? I didn't say she needed your help, I just said you were a bit extreme with your "Dante's inferno... I think I'm in love" comment. Does the situation of a discussion about the morality of stealing on a website about growing marijuana call for you to be a bastard? If so then I'm very scared, please don't hurt me.
Wikid does not need to maul you. You are doing an admirable job on yourself. Something you are quite accustomed to I'm sure.

Nobody is impressed by a thief. You may be Tony Soprano somewhere in the depths of your mind, but to me you resemble Fredo Corleone.

It ain't the way I wanted it! I can handle things! I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect!
You are some criminal mastermind, Fredo. Dangling from a streetlight like a monkey in a zoo hanging from a tree branch.

You could not steal a kiss from Jocelyn Wildenstein.


captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
just wanted to put in my two cents, i believe stealing is wrong. i am not saying i have never stolen anything. i have thoughtlessly stolen before. didn't seem all that bad, until i was stolen from. funny how that works. the origin of the thread was stealing, and from the man. it was not a pissing match betwwen 2 members. wikid i think u r a wonderful person, god bless you! slim, u strike me as a very clever individual. i believe, slim made the error of assuming u were a dude. if you read his comment, he also said u basically are the shit! wikid i think u r easily offended when someone slips up on ur gender. i've witnessed this on other threads. i am not calling you out or taking sides here! at first glance, i assumed u where a woman, hence "bitch"(duh!). not all that obvious, to other members i guess. if ur tag was "i'm a woman" i dont think u 2 would be going back n forth. we r each entitled to our own opinions, regardless of gender, race, creed, etc. i have made the mistake of going back n forth wit a fellow forum member, so i dont claim to be any better than anyone else. lets just focus on what we have in common and work on our goals together! thank you both for being who you are!