Nothing removes Gorilla glue, if it's on something, it becomes a part of it, if you get it on your hands it takes about a week to come off... It's great shit, but would be even better is if there was something to remove it from all my jeans, and shirts... :roll:

BTW Gorilla Glue was invented and is made in my town!

Look out in 20 yrs it'll be a toxic area from all the toxic waste

LOL jk
I hate a fuckin thief....:evil:
A guy hosed me for some weed last month and I found out he's living in a motel..I'll never see the money but I have been ordering pizza's, chinese to his room for a couple of weeks... I hope he enjoys the company.. next week he may need a tow truck, plumber..etc
A guy hosed me for some weed last month and I found out he's living in a motel..I'll never see the money but I have been ordering pizza's, chinese to his room for a couple of weeks... I hope he enjoys the company.. next week he may need a tow truck, plumber..etc

Hee heee thats cool
Hee heee thats cool
I could go there and bop him, but to what avail..... I'm going through the service section of the yellow pages... If it didn't risk lives I'd call an ambulance because I know he'd be passed out... maybe they'd use the paddles on him...shit that would cover the debt in my mind....... Ever see the scrubs show where they hit a sleeping guy with the defibulator (sp?)...
send over a escort service ,, then when the chic see's he has no money , her driver will beat his ass
LOL ... I wish, but here they do a call back 1st... I figure I'll stop before xmas... hee hee......
Shit I just realized thats in 1 week..... :o...
Baaa humbug......

Wow, slow day huh?

-That's funny as shit vette. and what even funnier is that Twisty know's about the "callback"

Been having a lot of escorts over Twisty? :clap::lol:
Oh and yeah, I'm a dumbass, I realize your avi is bonnaroo...

Hey Twisty- Why don't you just steal his identity, i think it's pretty easy, you hear about it all the time... Then use his credit card to pay for the "escort"

When you order her, make sure to say you want her to pretend she's a stranded motorist, and need to take a "clean up"

And you want her to make all the moves...

He'll think he's the luckiest guy ever... Until he gets the bill.
Oh, and another thing completely off topic...

Anyone have "mega-churches" in their town?

There like massive churches that augment the bible to make it suitable for a younger audience... $$$$$$$$$$$$$...


The biggest mega-church in town was having their "christmas story" play thingy last night was opening night, a few thousand showed up.

At one point about 30mins into the show, they had "angels" flying around over the audience, presumably the ones that visit Mary...

One of those "angels" fell out of her harness and plummeted to her demise...

Good riddance :fire:

Don't pretend
hey vette...just got this from bonnaroo...[FONT=verdana,helvetica,arial] » HUGE LIVEBONNAROO.COM HOLIDAY DISCOUNT!

In honor of the holiday season, we are thrilled to announce a 25% discount on ALL [FONT=verdana,helvetica,arial] downloads[/FONT]!

This weeklong promotion is the largest discount on Live Bonnaroo downloads since we have launched the download program in 2003. Be sure to get yours ASAP, as the sale starts today and ends on Wednesday December 24th at 11:59pm!
hey vette...just got this from bonnaroo...[FONT=verdana,helvetica,arial] » HUGE LIVEBONNAROO.COM HOLIDAY DISCOUNT!

In honor of the holiday season, we are thrilled to announce a 25% discount on ALL [FONT=verdana,helvetica,arial] downloads[/FONT]!

This weeklong promotion is the largest discount on Live Bonnaroo downloads since we have launched the download program in 2003. Be sure to get yours ASAP, as the sale starts today and ends on Wednesday December 24th at 11:59pm!

Yep i got that too in all of my e mails ..LOL
Oh, and another thing completely off topic...

Anyone have "mega-churches" in their town?

There like massive churches that augment the bible to make it suitable for a younger audience... $$$$$$$$$$$$$...


The biggest mega-church in town was having their "christmas story" play thingy last night was opening night, a few thousand showed up.

At one point about 30mins into the show, they had "angels" flying around over the audience, presumably the ones that visit Mary...

One of those "angels" fell out of her harness and plummeted to her demise...

Good riddance :fire:

Don't pretend
I love that story. Does it ever occur to people that since bad things happen to "good" people that religion is B$. The bible is nothing more then the best SELLING book ever. Jesus Christ was a great man no doubt. But he proclaimed himself KING based on self righteous belief of divinity and immortality. The entire world would have bowed down to his feet if only he could have preformed 1 god-like parlor trick. Like NOT die. And then they want you to believe that after all that suffering torment anguish. His decomposing body arose from a tomb only to say good-bye. To be continued............No......, end of story. The man had good ideas & great morals but that is it. Worship the man's beliefs, his idealism's. But you must have to throw Physics , Archeology , History , and many other areas of science and logic out the window to believe in God. Might as well make room for Santa this Christmas. And hope for a trip to never-neverland. Just believe what the nice preacher man tells you kiss-assabout a man's intentions 2,000 years ago. Based on a book that is a mix and match of interesting fairy tales from people who had less education then a third grade student. People who hated their government and were slaves and prisoners of the established order. These were fantastic stories of a magical world that the slaves would go to if they followed the word of God (to the letter that is). That there life was not theirs, but God's. They constantly call you God's children and sheep. Tell you that you can't understand HIM. He has a plan. Just follow him to the afterlife. So when is it that we get to make our own decisions and follow in our own path? When we get to the ohh so perfect heaven? Hell no, If that place is perfect, then he wouldn't want us messing it up. So anybody who thinks for themselves goes to hell? Please tell me I'm wrong. That God is good, God is right, I'm going to hell(which by the way isn't even part of catholism or christianity untill much later). While your at it can you post a link to the most recently capture video of the herald angel on Youtube. Hell any angel would do. How about a demon. They don't play by God's rules surely someone has footage of one of them running around. Do yourself a favor and pick somebody else heritage and research it. Then you can look back at yours through new eyes.
Wow, slow day huh?
-That's funny as shit vette. and what even funnier is that Twisty know's about the "callback"
Been having a lot of escorts over Twisty? :clap::lol:

In days gone by.. now I like my crabs with garlic butter... not a big fan of infect-a-groin or face..

Oh and yeah, I'm a dumbass, I realize your avi is bonnaroo...

Hey Twisty- Why don't you just steal his identity, i think it's pretty easy, you hear about it all the time... Then use his credit card to pay for the "escort"

But then I'd have to pay for the pizza..... plus he's poorer then I am... and you don't want to steal my CC... try to use it and the clerk will beat you up.......... :mrgreen:
Actually I've never had a CC..always worked when not in the bone yard.... a lot of good that did....:roll:
No, you open a card in his name, spend shitloads of money, and destroy his credit... that's what identity theft is.

How about a shameless plug for my journal...?

I've never seen any of you there...


