flowering not working???


Active Member
ive just switched my plants day time to 12/12 but its varying a lot because of me over sleeping or losing track of time... does it have to be EXACTLY 12/12 or can it be within a half hour of it?... the space is COMPLETELY dark but nothings happening? the plants around 1'-2", its got new growth coming from the original leaves, but theyre not fully mature yet... am i doing something wrong or is the plant not mature enough? overall its healthy.. it lost the 2 bottom leaves so... ehh, but the rest are fine... i also began addin Miracle Grow Bloom Booster to increase yield, or so it says...

anyone able to help? i dont wanna screw up this plant since its doing good..


Well-Known Member
How tall is it, 1 foot or 2 inches? Clarify please. I hope you didnt say that there only 1-2 inches tall. Be patient man, this shit takes time. I recommend you get a timer, there not that expensive and it saves you little work, and even more responsibility. Spend the $20 and you will not have to worry about this. I am pretty sure that a steady dark period will benefit the final product. Show some pics if you got them.


Well-Known Member
i put my plants i the dark for three days and then 12/12 i dont know if every body dus this but the old school growers i know do this and it works


Well-Known Member
3 days? a little excessive if you ask me. You might not see signs of fems. for another couple weeks. The males might be poppin up soon though, so keep an eye out. get pics


Active Member
k, thanks guys! ill try to post pics tommorow around 12pm eastern time, PLEASE check back n lemme know? and theyre 1'2", 14 inches minimum all together


Well-Known Member
i have never grown from seed befor is it better. i get clones then grow them for about 3 months i got two and ahalf pounds not including the small stuff out of four plants i have a room of about 8f by 10f and two 1000 hps lights i grow trees but growing from seed how long dus it take to germinat or get four leafs i would love to try it some day

the widowman

Well-Known Member
it takes 12 to 16 days to show signs of sex. and you must have total darkness during dark. i had little lght getting through i thought it'l be o.k just like the moon but it badly delayed flowering. best of luck


Active Member
thanks guys! its completely dark, at least darker than the moon, for sure... my MAIN problem is i keeeeep over sleeping... also, later on, im gonna post a picture of another plant cause it keeps drooping... it was fine until it got torn out of its pot by my dog, but no bruises or cuts or anything... just drooping... so maybe it just needs more time to recover


Well-Known Member
Lowe's sells a digital timer that works perfectly for $9. Please get it, it will really help your plants out.


Elite Rolling Society
Those timers are $9.95 at Lowes and Home Depot. Easy and Simple too.
You got to have a real time schedule to fool the plant into thinking autumn is near.


Well-Known Member
Until you get one of these timers, your flowering problem is probably going to keep biting you in the rear.


Active Member
CRAP!!!! ok, then im thinkin ill just keep it in veg for a few more days until i can get a timer... is it okay to use though? i could have swore it says CF's arent for use with timers???


Well-Known Member
CRAP!!!! ok, then im thinkin ill just keep it in veg for a few more days until i can get a timer... is it okay to use though? i could have swore it says CF's arent for use with timers???
yes i have used CFL's with timers before and it was fine plus im sure like a million other growers do too so yea ur good and for ur dog lol dont let him get them in flower time when u got buds or both u and him will be fucked up.:joint: