PLEASE help me identify that sickness :( high quality PICS this time


Well-Known Member
grow details:

growing in soil, some local brand, a mix of organic stuff and perlite

giving nutes once a week, following dosage on the bottles, using reccomended strenght for soil growing, watering with 6.5 ph solution - excess water has 5.9 ph

4 weeks into flowering, 400W hps, flowered for 3 weeks with the same light
temps ranging from 18 to 26 degree celsius, I have no idea of humidity, constant air flow from bottom of the box to the top, about 100 liter per hour

I've tried anything, my plants show signs of Mg deficiency, I tried adding epsom salt to the water, to apply it with a sprayer, and nothing seems to work, it's getting worse every day

here are the pics, this time better quality, hope I can save them, they are about a month away from harvest

I think that spots on the leaves have something to do with the red stem, it's like the leaves that have problems are connected to the red stem, the places where the stem is green there are no probs



Well-Known Member
growing in soil, some local brand, a mix of organic stuff and perlite

giving nutes once a week, following dosage on the bottles, using reccomended strenght for soil growing, watering with 6.5 ph solution - excess water has 5.9 ph

4 weeks into flowering, 400W hps, flowered for 3 weeks with the same light
temps ranging from 18 to 26 degree celsius, I have no idea of humidity, constant air flow from bottom of the box to the top, about 100 liter per hour

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
nute companies are notorious for recommending higher than needed nute strengths. i'd give em a flush, and once dried enough, start feeding at a reduced rate. i'd guesstimate 3/4 strength of the recommended rate.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i believe the defs are the result of nute lockout because of ph issues. and, if they're already overfed, it wouldn't be a shortage of nutes to decrease the strength.

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
my books pictures say that that is potassium defecentcie,your supposed to add wood ashes to the soil by water.i would mix 2 tablespoons per gallon of water then you need to ph the sulution that willl start around ten down to 6.5.hope this helps


Well-Known Member
well the runoff in the soil is a tad bit low first of all, which will lead to certain nutes such as mg to be locked out. no matter what amount of nutes you add, they will not be able to uptake because the ph is not balanced. i would get 7.0 water and flush the plants until the runoff at the bottom is 6.5-6.8.

when it does, feed with 1/2 nutes ph balanced to around 6.5 you can save them but the leaves will not recover, and since you are so close to harvest you will not see new growth to show you that the problem has been solved. just get your ph straight and finish them out.



Well-Known Member
OK I flushed them for about 30 minutes, the runoff water went from 5.8 before the flush to 6.2

flushing more did't make it go any higher so I stopped, should I water with a slightly higher ph in order to balance it out, lets say water with ph 6.8

I would be perfectly happy if they stabialize at this state, I just don't want them to go any worse, cuz with that tempo they will die in a week or 2

i will wait for the soil to dry out and feed them half strenght nutes

should I foliar feed them until I give them nutes in the water? if yes what strenght and how often?

I have dutch formula grow, bloom and micro, also enzymes, bloom excelerator and roots stimulator


New Member
you should always put 2 inches of perlite in the bottom of your container to help with drainage. what you have is root rot! and now the little bit of nutes that your giving them can't even reach the buds or leaves if you could gently remove the container your roots are brown instead of white, there is not much you can do at this point couse roots really only grow in veg, you should look into growbags to, then u could cut the bags for transplant with no shock

spaceman spliff420

Active Member
Defenetly nuts burn, DO NOT give them any more nutes,just flush with 5.5 water then repeat a week later. Use ur bloom enhancer maybe once or twice before done but at 1/4 strength. In fact always start at 1/4 strength nutes till u get the feel for it. Also continue to inoculate with microbes to help plants recover the best they can. Good luck