I dunno if I'm wrong or how to approach this situation... ** INSIGHT PLEASE**

Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
So, I think I "pissed in my backyard" last night...

Me and My best friend are like brothers, I've known this guy since I was 7 years old... He and I are "boys"
and like most men... He's got that "list" of those "3 a.m. females" ...
along with his, " Main Squeeze" ** shes kinda dull, not interested**

I tend to stay to myself and don't project myself out there in that way..
**I'm the "perpetually" single guy, Makes life simpler...**

I was turned on immediately the first time i seen her though, never said anything though, i knew my best friend was friends with benefits with this chick at one point, I never met her though till about 3 months ago at a party and was ...I just went and played pool in the basement,
** something that i do for anxiety, It calms me down**

**Blond Hair, Emerald Green Eyes, 4'10" 100lbs, tattoo's and piercings, with a 40's Pin Up Girl Style of sexy ..Knockout... Waaaay Out Of My League IMO....**

I've seen her randomly over the course of time but Never perused anything outside of a normal conversation.. I don't "flirt"..something I'm not too good at... I just play pool...

Well anyways... about 2 weeks ago she ends up finding me on facebook, and within a short amount of time, plans get setup, and contact information is exchanged... for this coming Saturday... I'm thinking Saturday was cool...
but apparently not..
all this time never I never said anything about it to him about it...

I get a phone call last night at 7:45pm... Here's how the conversation went...

Her - "Hey, What are you doing tonight?"

Me - " Uhh, a load of laundry, and sitting in front of the computer... Why, Whats up???"

Her - "Oh me and Patty **Another amazing looking female** are going down to the Tap House, and we don't have a DD for the night... would you mind??"

**I CHOKED in shock that (1) she called me and (2) she wanted to be seen in public with a sad haggard looking bastard such as myself.. **

Me - "Uh yeah, but I'm gonna need a miracle to get changed... I'm kinda a mess right now..."

Her - " OK, I'll be there in a lil bit to pick you up...Click"

I hang up and SCREAM**

I start picking shit out to where, and end up looking like a fucking retarded lumberjack with my busted ass timberland boots... I'm not showered

She's at my doorstep in what felt like 30 seconds...

We make a pit stop back at her place, so she can get fully changed...
** she steps out in a "choker" style dress that Hugged her body just the right ways was backless with No bra on...**

I forget what hell I'm saying and all that comes to my mouth is "WOW"

I have to smoke a bowl with her older brother just to calm down... I'm at this point scratching my head wondering what the hell is going on**

the 2 of them make a couple of drinks, and we proceed to cram 3 deep in the front, and shes got her hand in my lap and shes putting her head on my shoulder the whole way to the bar...

We get to the bar, she takes me under the arm the entire way to the door, and we proceed upstairs, I find myself sitting at a table with 2 drop dead knockouts and a dude that i think is gay...
** not homophobic, Just call it like i see it...**

She and I dance a few times, very close

Well 1:30am rolls around and the me and the 2 girls go back to there place for a few more drinks... "3 a.m." goes to change and comes out in a pair of boy cuts on and a t-shirt on...
** I again; almost pass out**

Patty goes to bed, me and "3 a.m" and I are still in the kitchen, and we make our way to the bedroom...
where the evening advanced, I wont go into further details...

I come home and My best friend is pretty heated cause I took this chick out from under his nose...

How to i approach this without looking like a dick to either one...

Bros Before Hoes???


Well-Known Member
if this was just your boys side or fuckbuddy and she chose you (which it sounds like she did) he has no right to be mad.......

Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
if this was just your boys side or fuckbuddy and she chose you (which it sounds like she did) he has no right to be mad.......
Yeah, She's the Side... Not his main chick... they were fuck buddies, thats it.. I guess she was trying to get my number from him 3 months ago when i met her in the first place... no one gave it to her, until she found me on facebook...

**I never pay attention to this type of bullshit though...Gossip is bullshit...
I'm too old for this type of shit...**

I could have very well avoided this situation... but didn't...

I dig this broad... ALOT... I'm not gonna stop talking to her, I know that much...


Well-Known Member
unless the two of them had a deal made up previously (i.e. some sort of "exclusivity" clause) you're in the clear. Besides, back when you were 7 didn't your parents tell you two to share?


Well-Known Member
the verdicts out pimpin...she chose you,and if you dig her dont let petty bullshit stop what might be a cool thing for you....

Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
unless the two of them had a deal made up previously (i.e. some sort of "exclusivity" clause) you're in the clear. Besides, back when you were 7 didn't your parents tell you two to share?
My thoughts exactly... there was no connection between them outside of physical attraction... ** could be the same thing though with me too, We'll see...**

Did he ever tell you not to mess with her?
No, If the 2 of them were together like that I honestly think wouldn't have pursued... I

hey adamus..
just thought id tell you their supposed to be making an earthworm jim movie


Well-Known Member
I think your buddy is a little jealous that she has chosen you over him... He'll get over it, bros before hoes as you said. Plus she searched you out on facebook, she's totally into you... In the mean time if you really like this girl treat her right and she will keep you a very happy man. Congrats man!

Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
I don't personally mess with friend's exes...because it causes trouble. However, I don't see that you've done anything underhanded.
Like I said... there never were anything.. I never seen the 2 of them actually do anything outside of the whole,
" Hey, what are you doing??? I'm gonna Come over..."

I agree with what y'all are telling me, I think the same way, Ex's are always trouble...

I'm gonna give him a few days to chill, I think he's pissed cause I got in on something that was "his" and I came out of nowhere and scooped her up for the night...

And I'm taking her Ice Skating this Saturday and I need to quit acting like a "Bitch"...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Just make it so good that she never regrets picking you, lol.
Like I said... there never were anything.. I never seen the 2 of them actually do anything outside of the whole,
" Hey, what are you doing??? I'm gonna Come over..."

I agree with what y'all are telling me, I think the same way, Ex's are always trouble...

I'm gonna give him a few days to chill, I think he's pissed cause I got in on something that was "his" and I came out of nowhere and scooped her up for the night...

And I'm taking her Ice Skating this Saturday and I need to quit acting like a "Bitch"...

Big P

Well-Known Member
if he trips just tell him to stop being so greedy he got other gurls and its not like you even initiated, the pussy just fell in your lap tell him to charge it to the game:mrgreen:

then tellem u dont want him messin with her anymore cuz shes your main:mrgreen:

if she does end up becoming your main I mean:mrgreen:

she sounds like a giver

heres a question, did u or she have a condom ready?

I havnt met too many gurls who carried them around but that always makes u feel a little uneasy lol

like jeez i must be like just one of a thousand:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
GARRRRRR----ONNNN----TEEEEE this little fuck muffin you're stressin is running some kinda ulterior motive. Only a fool would try to figure out what it is. BUUUUUT.....you and your bro......using said information in the correct manner.... ???? It' a mans world tomodachi .....keep yo pimp hand strong young brother

Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
Just make it so good that she never regrets picking you, lol.
this date is gonna be simple.. it damn near sets itself...

She's never been ice skating.. I know how to ice skate...
Theres An outdoor Ice skating rink downtown...
Downtown Ice Skating on the weekend before christmas??? With a chick that I actually Wanted kick it with ... How much more can you ask for???

I'm still in that whole, "What the FUCK is happening right now???" mode..
and i aint really sure that if this is some bullshit or if she's playing games...

Real talk, I was perfectly happy with the way things were going.... Till this broad came along...
I think theres something going on.. I think I'm being used...

FDD, I had that going through the back of my mind... your right, i should have told him...
But... if she's on the side... She's on the side... there is no entitlement to that pussy without a wedding ring (?) or a chastity belt (!)

And Most women don't like to carry Magnums, I've broken a few Durex's too many to wanna risk it... I stick with what works...Always Prepared like a Boy Scout...


Well-Known Member
this date is gonna be simple.. it damn near sets itself...

She's never been ice skating.. I know how to ice skate...
Theres An outdoor Ice skating rink downtown...
Downtown Ice Skating on the weekend before christmas??? With a chick that I actually Wanted kick it with ... How much more can you ask for???

I'm still in that whole, "What the FUCK is happening right now???" mode..

I still don't get it...

I have a habit of things not working out well for me...

your buddy is the last thing on your mind right now. this is whats gonna piss him off. :neutral:

this thread went from, "i think i hurt a friend" to "i'm so in love". :?

Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
your buddy is the last thing on your mind right now. this is whats gonna piss him off. :neutral:
I'm kinda caught in the crossfire, I never once approached with intent to do this kinda shit... I know I hurt a good friend, Its pretty obvious... I'm not a retard... I'm caught in the middle of shit

but just cause they used to be fuck buddies back in high school means that she's off limits???

I could see it if she was an actual ex girlfriend, and not some booty call from the get go...

IMO, i dont see the connection outside of running into each other at parties and through mutual acquaintances...

I didn't back stab him, by getting her number out of his phone without him knowing...Never looked her up online or anything like that...

I never honestly seen this going beyond going on a couple of dates...

she gave me her number, I never asked for it.. She initiated contact..

i do have this sneaking suspicion that a shit storm is going to brew in my face in the next few days because of this single incident ...

this shit is fuckin with my head... I hate these games females play...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Men play games too.If you really like this girl, the three of you, sit down, hash it out.
I'm kinda caught in the crossfire, I never once approached with intent to do this kinda shit... I know I hurt a good friend, Its pretty obvious... I'm not a retard... I'm caught in the middle of shit

but just cause they used to be fuck buddies back in high school means that she's off limits???

I could see it if she was an actual ex girlfriend, and not some booty call from the get go...

IMO, i dont see the connection outside of running into each other at parties and through mutual acquaintances...

I didn't back stab him, by getting her number out of his phone without him knowing...Never looked her up online or anything like that...

I never honestly seen this going beyond going on a couple of dates...

she gave me her number, I never asked for it.. She initiated contact..

i do have this sneaking suspicion that a shit storm is going to brew in my face in the next few days because of this single incident ...

this shit is fuckin with my head... I hate these games females play...