312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.


Well-Known Member
You said it and now it is coming to pass. I have no trichomes of my own and I think it might have been the heat, but I am at least comforted by the closeups of yours! Your grow is doing great! When I get another paycheck I will build an honest to goodness grow box and hope that I can get results like that! Can we see another full plant pic?

This is all old news for you isn't it? I mean you have grown before, am I right?


Well-Known Member
dude its the same thing that happend to mine. someone said not enough zinc but iono. here are some pics. people tolled me not to worry about it since im so close to harvest so im sure we'll be fine. the leaves go to shit anyway after you flush.



Well-Known Member
Yep I have leaves that look like that, I figured the purple was because my closet has been getting down to 60 degrees at night.


Well-Known Member
I am going to dry in the same closet they are growing in. The RH is only about 25%, I can constantly pull stale air out of the closet, and I can run my oscillating fan in there. For curing I plan on using glass jars, and burping 3 times a day for 30 minutes.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
i dont know if you guys are interested in politics and all that bullshit, but i got some links in my sig that are really cool and really informative on how the government keeps fucking us over and over. Not only stoners but the whole society. Check em out if you'd like. sorry for the thread hijack bx but i knew this way alot of ppls will read my post, my journal barely gets any hits.


Well-Known Member
i plan on making a small drying box seeing as I have a spare fan lying around and a nice sized tupperware would only be about 5- 6 bucks I post pics when im done.....


Well-Known Member
That pic of all four of them was like looking at an aerial view of a snow-capped pine forest! If I can have buds like those, I would say tha whatever I'm growing is unkillable! You did great work so far. I think those discolored leaves are the plants Autumn colors as she winds up to sloughing them off entirely. There may be nothing more than Nature taking its course with your unneeded fan leaves. Same for you, Buckd! All the rest of your leaves looked healthy and it really does seem to be only the fan leaves that are affected. Thanks for sending up those extra shots! I did notice a bit of purpling on those calyxes. Nice! Looks like a lot of that green thumb found its way to you!

I was going to dry in my grow box too! it is only for a few days and you already have the ventilation needed to get it done quickly and properly. A mighty fine plan indeed.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! I am o so close right now, and somehow my rep points just went from 94 to 117! No idea how that happened but thanks again for the support from everyone!

cannabis chris

Active Member
Hey dude, I'm doing something very similar to your grow, but in two 50 gal Rubbermaids. I've got the 150 cooltubed econolight plus about 8 cfls give or take depending on how hot it is outside (yeah it's December but, fuck Florida it's 80 degrees!)... I came across your thread a week or two ago and am glad I will have your grow to compare to! I was wondering why I hadn't seen any grows quite like this, seems so ingenious haha. Happy growing dude can't wait to see your final harvest


Well-Known Member
Hey dude, I'm doing something very similar to your grow, but in two 50 gal Rubbermaids. I've got the 150 cooltubed econolight plus about 8 cfls give or take depending on how hot it is outside (yeah it's December but, fuck Florida it's 80 degrees!)... I came across your thread a week or two ago and am glad I will have your grow to compare to! I was wondering why I hadn't seen any grows quite like this, seems so ingenious haha. Happy growing dude can't wait to see your final harvest
Thanks dude! I appreciate all the support, this site really has helped.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
mmmmm looks so fucking tasty man, they have definitely swollen alot in the past 2 weeks. wanna see how much they swell if you are going 70/30 amber/cloudy its gonna be insane


Well-Known Member
Well today is 8 weeks and 2 days into flowering, I definitely think they will need to go at least to 9 weeks. Here is some bud porn because I couldn't resist . :weed:
Just tasty! Your plants look 100% healthy and thriving - you sir definitely have a green thumb =)