*** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Boneman
Doc, I just started a grow using coco coir w/p'lite. How soon can I introduce nutes? I have a batch of AN monkey juice (made especially for coco) mixed up @300pm which is 1/2 of the min recommended dosage. As of today they have had nothing but ph'd water. Plants are 1 week today.

They are ready for nutes---the coco has none----add more water to your monkey juice and get you ppm down to 200 for the first feed--then increase by 50ppms if you feed with every watering or increase ppm's by 100 if you feed with every other watering.
2nd question...it's been 10 days and all is well but I am wondering if I need to slip in plain water feedings with coco or do I continue with my nutes every feeding? They each have been getting approx 8oz of nute watering every morning, thats just enough to cause slight run off out of the holes in the grow bags. I have had no problems with growth, stretching or discoloration. knocking on wood!!
Yes feed with plain water in between feeds and increase your ppm's each feed as we said befor---glad to here things are well.


Well-Known Member
Are you using all of the 2+ formula, or strictly Monkey Juice?

I've never tried the Monkey Juice, when I grew with a mix of coir and perlite I had to water daily... It was a bitch. The coir barely holds any water at all.

Along the feeding, in bloom you want to do a curve in feeding... Start low, peak in week 3-4, and taper off towards the end.

Like this...
Week 1- 700 ppm
Week 2- 800 ppm
Week 3- 900 ppm
Week 4- 1000ppm
Week 5- 900 ppm
Week 6- 800 ppm
Week 7- 700 ppm
Week 8- Flush

This would be very light feeding. You can vary the strengths, like start at 1000, and peak at 1800... That would be heavy feeding.

I assume you're using Monkey Juice, Carboload, Barricade, and CalMag

Good beneficials for AN;
BudBlood, Big Bud, Overdrive

If you have extra cash;
SensiZym, Fulvic, Humic, B52

If you're loaded;
Scorpion, Voodoo, Pirahna, Tarantula, SweetLeaf, Emerald Shaman


Well-Known Member
i have had my plants on a 24/0 schedule for around 5 weeks now, will i hurt anything if i switch to 18/6 now. i only have a t-5 setup for six plants right now. i was thinking of going 18/6 for two weeks. then im getting a 600watt hps, i was then going to keep it going on 18/6 for one more week when i get that. then switch to flowering. will i hurt anyhting by doing this? will i see sex quicker at this poiint if i put it on 18/6??


Well-Known Member
i have had my plants on a 24/0 schedule for around 5 weeks now, will i hurt anything if i switch to 18/6 now. i only have a t-5 setup for six plants right now. i was thinking of going 18/6 for two weeks. then im getting a 600watt hps, i was then going to keep it going on 18/6 for one more week when i get that. then switch to flowering. will i hurt anyhting by doing this? will i see sex quicker at this poiint if i put it on 18/6??

Why switch? stay 24/0???


Well-Known Member
They might show sex quicker under 18/6, and you can switch to it if you want there won't be any problems...

I find giving them a rest under the 600W HPS helps, but with the t5 24/0 is better IMO.

When you put them under the HPS give em a week of 18/6 if you want, but I'd just go straight to 12/12. :leaf:


Active Member
Hey Dr and mrhoward, thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge.

If you have a minute, I would be grateful if you could take a look at the grow journal in my sig, and offer any suggestions. I think I have my nutes and environmental issues pretty well dialed in - what I'm unsure about are primarily two things:

Pruning: should I top or fim these plants, or just clear out the lower third of the stalk at 2 weeks into flowering and go for one big top per plant? If I top or fim, how long will the plants need to recover before I flower?

Pot size: I can squeeze 25 3 gallon grow bags together in my 4'x4' tent, but will the plants need that much soil in a S.O.G. setup, or would 2 gallons or less be sufficient?


New Member
i was wondering if you have an answer to my ? or anybody else sorry if i'm bugging you +rep up front

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
i was wondering if you have an answer to my ? or anybody else sorry if i'm bugging you +rep up front
The correct and only true answer would be ----They could!!!----Until you grow them out you will not be able to know but the chances are very good that they could produce Hermie because of the "self pollinated"---If you are worried about the Hermie's there are 2 things you can do----1. Use Dutch masters reverse at the light switch----2. take the chance that they will not Hermy(watch for male flowers closely. 3. Don't grow those seeds out. Hope this helped to answer your question. As you have probably already found out if you have read most of my threads---I'm not a fan of feminised seeds.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Hey Dr and mrhoward, thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge.

If you have a minute, I would be grateful if you could take a look at the grow journal in my sig, and offer any suggestions. I think I have my nutes and environmental issues pretty well dialed in - what I'm unsure about are primarily two things:

Pruning: should I top or fim these plants, or just clear out the lower third of the stalk at 2 weeks into flowering and go for one big top per plant? If I top or fim, how long will the plants need to recover before I flower?

Pot size: I can squeeze 25 3 gallon grow bags together in my 4'x4' tent, but will the plants need that much soil in a S.O.G. setup, or would 2 gallons or less be sufficient?
If your trying to squeeze as many plants in that tent as possible then you will want to lollipop the plants. FIM or TOPPING would be fine if you were going to grow out only a few plants in that tent. Just an opinion but I would fill the 3 gallon bags 1/2 full(1.5 gal of medium) the reason I would stick with the 3 gals is because they will give the plants the correct spacing in that size as not to overcrowd them and the plants will still have ample room to spread out there roots even if you decide to run with a long flowering sativa Dom strain. I don't know how much head room you have in your tent so If you have 4' or less below your light then you need to flower those girls when they are 9" or less for indi' and inbreds----and 6" for sativa or sativa hybrids--other wise you will run into height problems---I would then strip everything from 1/2 down at week 3. Don't fall in love with the branches either--anything longer than a inch get cut all the way up(except fan leafs of course.-------If you have more head room then start the girls an inch per foot taller-------5' headroom below hoods----10" start-------6' headroom below hoods----11" start. Hope this helps you with your decision.


Well-Known Member
That's exactly what I'd suggest... What he said. :mrgreen:

Except for filling the bags half-way, I'd fill em all the way up, the more root area the better nutrient uptake, and growth. Go big!

+rep to Doc if I can :mrgreen:


Active Member
so my friend just gave me some clones and all the fan leaves has one single leaf and not a full five. Is this going to be an unhealthy clone where it's not really going to yield? The strain is pot of gold.


Well-Known Member
Blazed2k, they will pull out of it alright, as they get better trim the retarded crap off... And tell you buddy to take better care of his plants...

Hey Dr V
is there a way to tell the sex of your plants before bud stage begins?

Yeah, you have to wait until they mature, it takes about a month, but they will show either a calyx with pistols or a ballsac right where the branch comes from the main stalk...

I have pics of it in my journal, I'd fetch them if I wasn't so damn lazy.

I't pretty far in, like post 200 or so...

I'll go get pics...