1st Grow - CFL KB Seeds w/ Pics


Well-Known Member
Hey Hey,

So this is my 1st grow (aw so cute) and I wanted to share it here and get some feedback to both help myself and anyone else to become a better gardener. I'm a little behind already because I'm on day 16 of my grow already so here is a little summary...

12/1 - I planted 2 germ'd seeds into 1.4L pots with Moisture control MG. I set the pots into a plastic container (to catch any mess) and placed them in my closet which is roughly 33x18x72" (LWH). I then set up 4- 26W 3500k CFL's, a small fan, and contractor bags to cover and keep in the light.

Using a timer outlet I bought at the depot I set it to 18/6 and let mother nature take its course. Over the next few days I noticed steady growth from seedling into its veg. stage.

Last week I was reccomended by a friend to hit the plants with 24 hours of light all the way until I begin flowering and I did just that. It's been 4 days since I made the switch from 18-24 and the plants have grown significantly (pix below).

I've been doing more research as the days pass and fianlly today I realized that my CFL's arent the right size according to the CFL forum. So Im going to grab 4 6500K CFL's to continue my veg. stage and change them out for a lower K light when it comes time to flower in a few weeks.

If anyone wants to know more about my set up or anything Ive done so far let me know I just left it out cus' it was getting long. LET ME KNOW HOW IM DOING!! Im dying to know. Thanks

The Pics below are:
1. both plants today
2. both plants and an idea of the set up i have



Well-Known Member
Good to hear cus' Im about to go buy some now. Thanks.

Im not sure on the strain. It was from a friend and all I know is that it was 'awesome' but thats it which kinda blows but this 1st grow is just a test run. Another friend and I ordered just about $200 of seeds from Attitude last night so that grow I'll know more about.


Well-Known Member
Sick thanks the both of you.
I just bought some 6500k lights, bigger pots, and some extra lights. Ill set it up tomorrow and post some new pics.


Well-Known Member
soooo its day 17 now since I planted my germ'd seeds. Today I transferred my plants into larger pots 1.4L to 5L.

It was my first transfer so I hope all goes well, thanks to everyone that advised me.
I added some perlite to the soil (moisture control MG) to get some airation.

I felt I needed a bit more light so I added another 2 CFLs which brings me to 6 total for 2 plants.
4 - 26W 6500k
2- 26W 3500k

I checked the levels which were
78F and a PH of about 7

Check the pics below and lemme know how my set up is I could use all the help I can get... The shield is just a cardboard strip that domes the top of the set up and is lined with tin foil... i need some mylar where do i get it?



Well-Known Member
looks good man but ur gunna have to fix that PH head down to walgreens n buy soeepsom salts n put 1 tblsp per gallon


Well-Known Member
Day 20
2 - Plants still growing (sex unknown)
4 - 26W 6500k CFL
2 - 26W 3500k CFL
Temps around 80-86F
PH around 6.8-7
24 hours of light

Day 20 and I just got home from being away for a couple days but the plants seem to be doing OK. Nothing much to update other than I found 1 of the plants had grown into a light and burnt it a lil bit but nothing bad. I did some searching around today on RIU and got some good advice from another CFL Grow. Check it out its a nice one.
Anyway I'm gonna head out soon and grab a couple 68W 2700k bulbs for flowering along with some blooming nutes, spray bottle and hopefully finally getting my hands on some mylar.
Either monday or next week I plan on switching thecycle to 12/12 and finally start the fun part of growing... Anythoughts on whether i should do it the 3rd or 4th week of veg?

Budda: Thanks, and Im gonna grab that epsom and try lowering that ph a lil bit... things looking alright?

1st and 2nd pics are plant A
3rd and 4th are plant B
Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
do it when u feel its right just make sure u have a enough space to grow out. plant should get alot bigger in flowering


Well-Known Member
do it when u feel its right just make sure u have a enough space to grow out. plant should get alot bigger in flowering
haha i have cold feet i just dont want to regret not letting it keep growing and i dont want to run out of light haha. but yes thanks and i just might go for it this monday..

dewey: thanks yea they are both lil shorties only about 5" a piece but they are equally as wide, i didnt know if i should of stretched them a bit so i never did, maybe next grow


Well-Known Member
i feel ya lol. wouldnt have hurt to let them stretch a lil but the shortness is for a compact area. so let me know how it goes through out the flower and ill keep an eye on ur thread good luck bro:clap:


New Member
Looking good man, I would take down the foil though because its supposed to reflect heat not light. You should peep my journal cuz our shits pretty similar. Im subscribed:weed:


Well-Known Member
then in that case get the foil out asap. i had a bad experience with foil. cooked my plants i was pissed. i ripped it out and painted the inside the box white. lookin for a way to rig up a reflector for my lights.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a bunch, and yes its foil hahah. I was bored and came up with a quickie solution one night and its prob why its as warm as it is in there. I went out today and bought 2 heat blankets at target for like $3. Its crazy reflective but like foil its meant to reflect heat so im going to try it out for a couple hours and if it gets too warm then im axing it... i just have no idea where to buy mylar in the form that I want it... is there a mylar store somewhere I dont know about?

I was just over a friends house actually setting up his grow room and he reminded me of how short his last plants were(like 1.5') and he got a lil over an ounce with 1 plant so I think for this grow Im going to keep it as is and start the veg on monday. I guess because him and I just ordered like 20 seeds that I have atleast a lil something to fall back on if I dont get a great amount out of these plants... kinda....