Planning 1st outdoor grow spring '09


Active Member
hey everybody, i'm looking to get some input from experienced growers. ok so i'm planning on starting a dozen or so plants indoors and then transplanting them outside right after the last frost around the very end of may. i plan on digging up the ground im gonna use and fill it with better soil and whatever nutrients are required. the area is new york state so i'd be harvesting by the end of Sep, beginning of Oct. at the latest. i have a couple questions..
how long should i grow the plants indoors before moving outdoors?
any certain strains that are known to grow well outdoor in that climate for September harvest preferably?
any general tips for my situation? thanks
hey everybody, i'm looking to get some input from experienced growers. ok so i'm planning on starting a dozen or so plants indoors and then transplanting them outside right after the last frost around the very end of may. i plan on digging up the ground im gonna use and fill it with better soil and whatever nutrients are required. the area is new york state so i'd be harvesting by the end of Sep, beginning of Oct. at the latest. i have a couple questions..
how long should i grow the plants indoors before moving outdoors?
any certain strains that are known to grow well outdoor in that climate for September harvest preferably?
any general tips for my situation? thanks
i think most Amsterdam strains would work up there and i would say a month indoors or however long you want really just depends on how big you want them to get. and check the info on the seeds they should tell you when you will need to expect to harvest the growfaq
for new york i would suggest any indica really there more suted to when it starts to get chilly at the end of september some strains being

hollands hope
early misty
white widow
amsterdam indica

these are all good stainsto grow outside stay away from the sativas because they take along time to grow and finish and there buds are very compact making them very vunerable to mold and for some reason pests seem to like them better than indica anyway hop this helps oh ya you don't have to grow inside very long you can put them in the ground as soon as they sprout if you want to but id personally let them get about a foot tall anyway