PS3,360 help's kill time Waiting on Grow.


Well-Known Member
man the alienware i wanted was like fucking $5000 but it seemed like it was worth it!!!!
I built this pc with liquid cooling for about 2000. I could have made it top of the line by upgrading the CPU and graphics cards and it would have only cost another $750. I'll be perfectly willing to give you a parts and price list of all the stuff you can get to have simply the best pc of it's time.


Well-Known Member
Unreal Tournament 2004, 3 years old and still amazing. I play at least an hour a day, greatest game ever. If you want my name let me know, Im on every day as I said. And Unreal tournament 2007 is going to be insane as well, they havnt even finished game and they have companies buying the engine. Unreal Engine is like 20% of games, and they make the engine just for Unreal and then sell it cause its so brutally sick.


Well-Known Member
Unreal Tournament 2004, 3 years old and still amazing. I play at least an hour a day, greatest game ever. If you want my name let me know, Im on every day as I said. And Unreal tournament 2007 is going to be insane as well, they havnt even finished game and they have companies buying the engine. Unreal Engine is like 20% of games, and they make the engine just for Unreal and then sell it cause its so brutally sick.
I'm not sure but crysis seems to be using an extremely efficient, not to mention brutally detailed engine. Is this the same one as used in UT 2007?


Well-Known Member
kiea that would be so great!!!!!!! that would help out so much i got a budget limit of $3000.


Well-Known Member
kiea that would be so great!!!!!!! that would help out so much i got a budget limit of $3000.
Alright it'll take me about a day to do so cause I gotta sober up first. For me computer work and cannabis don't usually mix.


Well-Known Member
Wow Kieahtoka, that's a fucking impressive rig my man! SLI 8800s, mad GFX power - fuck the 360! I could probably just about afford that upgrade but i'm not sure I can justify it. What games do you play to really show off those cards?


Well-Known Member
Wow Kieahtoka, that's a fucking impressive rig my man! SLI 8800s, mad GFX power - fuck the 360! I could probably just about afford that upgrade but i'm not sure I can justify it. What games do you play to really show off those cards?
Funny you should ask, there arent any yet. to fully utilize the power of these card I'd have to upgrade to Vista and it's too buggy right now in my opinion. They are coming out with a few games this year, but the only one I'm interested in is the FPs called Crysis. It's supposed to be a ground breaking game with the best graphics potential of the last ten years,and even a few years to come. here's a few trailers of crysis ACTUAL GAMEPLAY. - Crysis - DirectX 9 vs. DirectX 10 Hunter

this one shows the advanced details of the directx 10 and crysis engine. - Crysis - GDC 07 Trailer

Now please keep in mind that these videos cannot possibly show the true graphics potential of this engine. What you are seeing is only about half of the actual detail that you'd see in-game


Well-Known Member
what is everyones GAMERTAGS!!!! i got a 360 and love playing it online i play halo 2, lost planet, gears of war, fight night R3, arcade games shit i play whatever.



Well-Known Member
No 360 for me pal, but if you ever see me on Bf2142 I'll own your ass^^ my current score is around 28,600, and that's kills buddy.


Well-Known Member
awsome i got to download that game i got bf2......but i think im going to download bf2142 ive been wanting to try it!


Well-Known Member
awsome i got to download that game i got bf2......but i think im going to download bf2142 ive been wanting to try it!
The gameplay is alot cooler, although there are still a lot of glitches. especially in titan mode. It's pretty much two flying battleships that you spawn on and the objective is to destroy the opposing team's titan first. Unfortunately a lot of noob players like putting the two titans within arms reach so they can just jump over and plant a bunch of bombs. this lags the server sometimes down to even like 5 frames per second. when normal gameplay for me is around 90+ fps.


Well-Known Member
damn i hate fucking noobs ive been playing battlefield for 3 years and ive been playing counter strike for 2 years....... but yea i got bf2142 going the file is fairly large 3.25GB


Well-Known Member
damn i hate fucking noobs ive been playing battlefield for 3 years and ive been playing counter strike for 2 years....... but yea i got bf2142 going the file is fairly large 3.25GB
Yeah, it's pretty big, but oh so worth it. If you can lookup my gaming handle. it's the same as my username on here. Once you start playing I'll try and pm you sometime with an ip of a server we can play on.


Well-Known Member
yes i deffinently tell you when its done.....i like playing on servers with people all over the world

Yeah, it's pretty big, but oh so worth it. If you can lookup my gaming handle. it's the same as my username on here. Once you start playing I'll try and pm you sometime with an ip of a server we can play on.


Well-Known Member
yes i deffinently tell you when its done.....i like playing on servers with people all over the world
Well unfortunately people all over the world don't necessarilly like americans. because we lag the server. when I play on a dutch server my latency is around 200. When I play on an american server it's around 10. so whenever I get on a foreign server I usually end up getting kicked.


Well-Known Member
damn i hate shit like that.....when i play counter strike an go to a german or netherland source they all ways fucking kick me!


Well-Known Member
I built myself a rig around august or September
fx-62, 2 gigs gskill ddr2-800, only a geforce 7950 (512mb version). got myself a coolermaster hyper tx for a cpu cooler, and that does a great job.
I mostly play bf2 or css, I actually like bfv more than bf2, but no-one plays it anymore =(