How do I control the height of my moms?


Active Member
I have these 3 mom's (DJ Short Blueberry) that I keep on 18/6. 430 watt HPS, Foxfarm Ocean blend soil with Foxfarm Grow Big, giving them half the recommended nutes every other watering. I have been clipping clones, usually about 10 clones per plant every month or so. I want to know how I can keep these ladies from getting too tall. As you can see in the pic, my light can't really go much higher. I want to keep these plants because the herb that the clones are producing is just too dank to give up the genetics. Are there any techniques as far as "topping" the plants or removing the top portion of the plant but still keeping them alive? Thanks for reading.



Active Member
i just took 30+ clones on thursday hah. How do I go about training them to grow out and round? I'm a noob so sorry about all the questions.


Well-Known Member
i just took 30+ clones on thursday hah. How do I go about training them to grow out and round? I'm a noob so sorry about all the questions.
With some string tie the tops down so they face downwards and outwards. This will do two things; firstly it will cause the plant to grow more bushy, secondly begin to train your plant. Very quickly the tops will start to face upwards so that your stems have a swan neck kink, at this point tie down againand train in the direction you wish. Alternatively you could train it to grow around a frame of some sort which is argubably a less stressful way but not in my findings.


New Member
Fresh clones get cut just above the second or 3 nodes. Then those 2 or 3 remaining nodes can grow a few more nodes before you cut out the growing tip. Eventually it will get dense and bushy so you can prune out any branches inside the structure to create a kind of upside down cone to allow light to lowest growth.

Tie off and prune anything to get the desired result. Don't be afraid of trimming off too much or anything. If you leave a node at the end of a long branch and strip off eveything else, the tip will keep pulling sap, so the branch will not die off.

It's hard to mess up. ;-)