The major neurotransmitters are acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. Many experts believe that an imbalance among the different neurotransmitters is the cause of
the above line is what i would be worried about.
pop 1 or 2 for a buzz and you will be holding up the walls. that is what it did to me the first time. inside of 20 min i could barely make it to the bed. make a habit of it and you looking at misery. they are addictive.
trazadone was given to me to easy the withdrawals of cocaine. i not talking about a weekend binge. it was 4 years of almost daily use. the trazadone was to increase the serotonin levels i had knocked out of wack from the drug use. it increases production of serotonin and other chemicals in the brain. much like the coke was doing for me. the trazadone had to keep the levels equal to that of which the cocaine produced then easy off it slowly in order not to crash as hard. with that said i have had issues with depression for most of my life. so in reality this would be really bad with someone who is depressed or bi-polar like myself, and may not effect a normal person.
this is how it was explained to me by the doctor, and further backed up by my own research before i would even take it.