

New Member
We elect people and then they are run through the Stepford machine and we end up with the same government as always.

I don't want to know what the government can do for me, I want to know what the government can do to leave me alone.

We need less people in government and we need much harsher penalties for white collar crime. People like Blago. should be publically hanged or beheaded. Who's that dude that's been in the news lately, with the 50 million dollar pyramid scheme thing going on? He should be hanged, beheaded or get the firing squad. These people do these things because they get a slap on the wrist. If they were actually in fear for their lives they might not do these things. How many jobs are lost on these kinds of rip offs alone? The people losing out have to make up their money somewhere.

I bet there are people who get more time for having weed than for stealing millions of dollars.

Of course its our fault. We get the government we elect.



New Member
:lol: Miss... people do those things because they DON'T think they are ever going to get caught. Some people are just in it for themselves and the thrill....:sad: ... and that's on both sides of the aisle.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
But they always do get caught and then they get a slap on the wrist and a pardon. No lessons learned there, so the next guy thinks " so and so did this and he still has everything he had before, he did 3 hours in jail and got let off by a sympathetic crook that just hasn't been caught yet".


New Member
You only hear about the ones that get caught. Dig into crime statistics and become very frightened indeed.....

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I bet there are people who get more time for having weed than for stealing millions of dollars.
That's a pretty safe bet. I was looking at 30 years for 30 lbs, after some money changed hands, I got 3 years probation and a $1,000 fine. Lawyers ain't cheap. Since have had my record expunged. I used to move a little weight in my youth. Got ratted out by someone that I supplied that got busted.


Well-Known Member
You got probation and were still able to get your record expunged? I'm interested in this because of the problems of a close family member directly related to pot charges (and he's a legal med grower).

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
i have been busted with small amounts twice. one was free, one cost 1200. how exactly do you get a record expunged because one time was when i was 17 and that is why i got busted the second time. he said it was there forever. had they not seen the prior arrest, they would have let me go back to the concert. just need a good lawyer and don't say shit. they also told me one more arrest would be a felony, even though i have not been convicted of either charge. fucking bullshit.

why do we need to kill people? why not just lock em up. he has the right to a free trial and even though i think he is in it up to his eyes, i hope i wouldn't get fired until i was prosecuted. i want the same rights for me as everyone else.


New Member
You got probation and were still able to get your record expunged? I'm interested in this because of the problems of a close family member directly related to pot charges (and he's a legal med grower).
I'd sure like to know more about this, Seamaiden. Can you elaborate a bit? Thanks ...



New Member
She was awesome on that episode of the Love boat where she tosses off the entire crew except Gopher who gets stuck in the elevator between floors!@!! funny stuff...

out. :blsmoke: