The Mike Myers Official Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
:lol: I did not know plants were that picky! What is wrong with your tap water bro?
I read threads on both sides of this argument. lol And I tried testing it with this 3-Way meter I got and it didn't work so I just decided to use bottled instead of tap til I was sure. lol


Well-Known Member
Best way to fix ph is to get a tester. They're like $20. You want your ph at 6.5 for soil. And from the droopiness of the leaves it looks like you may be overwatering a bit. When I water I flood the pot and the soil gets fully saturated and heavy. Then I lift up the pot every day and when it feels empty it is time to water again. Young plants with small root structures can sometimes go 5-6 days before needing water again. So if you are watering every day or even every other day at this point it would be too much.
and I try not to water too much. maybe every 3 days! I water'd yesterday, so I'll wait til like Christmas to water. That should be cool right?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea man just lift the pot before and after you water. You will notice a big weight difference. I just pay attention to my leaves. Happy leaves are perfectly flat, standing up, and angled perpendicular to the light.

I use 100% tap water and it works great but if you have hard water then it can upset nute absorption.


Well-Known Member
Yea man just lift the pot before and after you water. You will notice a big weight difference. I just pay attention to my leaves. Happy leaves are perfectly flat, standing up, and angled perpendicular to the light.

I use 100% tap water and it works great but if you have hard water then it can upset nute absorption.

Good to know! As you can tell this is my first grow. lol And I want to thank you two for being the only ones posting in my journal. Please keep me on my toes.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
No prob, man. It's like with anything you learn. When you are first starting out you wish you could find someone who really knows what they are doing to lay it all out for you. But when you finally become someone who knows what you are doing then you forget what it is that the beginner doesn't know and it's kind of hard to lay it all out. After a while everything becomes a routine and what you've learned becomes kind of automatic. I guess what I'm trying to say is ask plenty of questions if you're ever confused. We've all been there.


Well-Known Member
No prob, man. It's like with anything you learn. When you are first starting out you wish you could find someone who really knows what they are doing to lay it all out for you. But when you finally become someone who knows what you are doing then you forget what it is that the beginner doesn't know and it's kind of hard to lay it all out. After a while everything becomes a routine and what you've learned becomes kind of automatic. I guess what I'm trying to say is ask plenty of questions if you're ever confused. We've all been there.

That's a bet! I called my self LST'n the plant a little by bending it. I just wanted to try it! lol part of my "physical therapy". I'll post pics in a minute.


Well-Known Member
I called myself attempting to LST my plant. I tied it down with a Placker. Yes, a Placker you clean ribs out of your teeth with. I removed it for the photo shoot cause it kept popping out of the soil. I'll remodel my "LST placker plugs" and post more pics later, maybe even a how-to. Now for my beautiful tree....

Leaning toward you

Leaning away

To the left, to the left

To the right now yall

Close up one time (right)

Close up again (left)

Close up 3rd time (forward)

The Mike Myers is back under all four 23w CFL's. Lets just say, the other seeds didn't make it. lol The window was cracked last night and it was about 16 degrees.

:wall: Damn you Jack Frost!

Once again, thank you for your time and don't you all speak at once! There's enough room for everyone to post! :lol:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Nice LST. Not much experience with that technique myself but I've seen great results here on the boards.

I'm pretty sure the discoloration you're seeing is from too much nitrogen. I know you've been using only plain water but that Miracle Grow already has nutes in it. That's why most people don't use it for m.j. because it's a whole lot easier to add exactly the nute levels you want to a blank canvas. If you have a problem you can just flush the plant by pouring a lot of water through it and you're back to a blank canvas. With that Miracle Grow you can't flush those nutes out. They are always there. So you're just going to have to deal with a little burn on the leaves I think. Should get better as the plant gets older. It is possible to grow a nice plant in MG - I've seen it - I'm just of the opinion that it's a little more difficult to maintain the conditions you want in the rootzone.

I think the most important thing I would like to know is when you lift up your pot right now does it feel empty or heavy? The symptoms of overwatering and underwatering are very similar. I want to help you get those leaves standing up nice and healthy-like.

Also, do you know the exact temperature around the plant?


Well-Known Member
Nice LST. Not much experience with that technique myself but I've seen great results here on the boards.

I'm pretty sure the discoloration you're seeing is from too much nitrogen. I know you've been using only plain water but that Miracle Grow already has nutes in it. That's why most people don't use it for m.j. because it's a whole lot easier to add exactly the nute levels you want to a blank canvas. If you have a problem you can just flush the plant by pouring a lot of water through it and you're back to a blank canvas. With that Miracle Grow you can't flush those nutes out. They are always there. So you're just going to have to deal with a little burn on the leaves I think. Should get better as the plant gets older. It is possible to grow a nice plant in MG - I've seen it - I'm just of the opinion that it's a little more difficult to maintain the conditions you want in the rootzone.

I think the most important thing I would like to know is when you lift up your pot right now does it feel empty or heavy? The symptoms of overwatering and underwatering are very similar. I want to help you get those leaves standing up nice and healthy-like.

Also, do you know the exact temperature around the plant?

Well, I water'd them a couple days ago and the pot still feels a bit heavy. I'll wait a couple more days until the pot feels lighter and the soil is drier. As far as temps, they don't reach above 85 degrees and is averaging around 77-78. Its a bit cold in my neck of the woods, so the wife causes the high temps between the space heater and the damn central heating. :wall:

I stopped at the garden store this morning and picked up a Hydro Farm Jump Start 36 and was going to germ a few more seeds. Is it okay to change my lighting back to 24/0 until I got the seeds to root? They'll be in the same cab with the Mike Myers. Once they root, I'll be transplanting them into Ocean Forest. My days with Miracle Grow are over after this one is sex'd and harvested! lol

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea, that jump start deal is almost exactly the same thing I use. Works great for seeds and clones. I never mess around with my lighting schedule so I don't know for sure whether it will hurt your plants to go back to 24/0. I have had a couple hermies though and you want to avoid that shit at all costs. I believe it is possible to plant seeds and put them under 18/6 light. Roots grow in the dark too. I'd try to keep it as constant as possible.

And for your soil choice I strongly recommend something that isn't soil at all. Coco coir is the shit and it's cheap. I use it just like soil. I have one and two gallon pots that I water every couple days but I get super huge hydro type growth. Feel free to check out my journal and copy anything you see. The coco is a great ph buffer and is the "blank canvas" I was talking about before.


Well-Known Member
Yea, that jump start deal is almost exactly the same thing I use. Works great for seeds and clones. I never mess around with my lighting schedule so I don't know for sure whether it will hurt your plants to go back to 24/0. I have had a couple hermies though and you want to avoid that shit at all costs. I believe it is possible to plant seeds and put them under 18/6 light. Roots grow in the dark too. I'd try to keep it as constant as possible.

And for your soil choice I strongly recommend something that isn't soil at all. Coco coir is the shit and it's cheap. I use it just like soil. I have one and two gallon pots that I water every couple days but I get super huge hydro type growth. Feel free to check out my journal and copy anything you see. The coco is a great ph buffer and is the "blank canvas" I was talking about before.

OMG dude, I swear you must be reading my fuckin' mind. Whenever I go to the garden store the sweet lady always lets me have free magazines and I always pick up a couple cause you can never read enough. The one I pick'd up this morning is called "Urban Garden Magazine" and the issue is dedicated to Growth Media. lol and I am reading an ariticle about Coco Coir and I swear I would have bought some of that shit instead of Ocean Forest had I known. I always see it in the store but never had the knowledge. I know these pellets are made outta Coco Coir and I'll see how it does. You also read my mind about the light schedule and hermies. lol So in that case... I'll leave the timer the alone.

Do you crack the seed first in a paper towel/water and then drop in the pellets or do you drop the seeds directly in the pellets?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I would go back and see if they'll exchange you some bags of coco for that OF. No kidding I really would. I have been on this site for almost 9 months and people growing in coco seem to experience way less problems than any other media. I've been growing in coco myself that whole time and it is so easy I don't understand why more people don't use it. I'm not going anywhere so if you're serious about growing some nice buds I can tell you everything you need to know to get exactly the results I have. I'll attach one of my trophy bud pics here. But soil plants live a little differently than coco plants so I can't help so much with that.

I germ my seeds in a paper towel first. I actually put the seeds in the crease of a wet, folded paper towel, fold that up in some aluminum foil and then put it in a sealed plastic bag. The goal is to have complete darkness and 100%humidity with plenty of moisture all around the seed. Works every time so far. Make sure there is no standing pools of water though.

I transplant when the taproot is 2 cm long. You can let it go longer but I find there is more possibility for damage that way.


Well-Known Member
Forgot my trophy pics LOL I grow monsters!

Damn dude! Those pics are the shiznit! I'll have the verticle space for that kinda shit once I move out of this apartment. I guess I could use my cabinet for mothers and clones. My goal is to have a whole room dedicated to flowering. What strain is that? Looks like some head banga boogie! I aint smoked in a couple days and those pics aren't making it any better. lol Hopefully something will come through today or tomorrow. I'll try your germing method on a couple seeds. Boy I cant wait til my first harvest. Where you say you lived again? lol j/k


Well-Known Member
White Lady! lol Sounds racist. lol But you showing me all those pictures is not making me any happier. I feel like your sig right not. My lights just came on. Imma go check onmy baby now.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
White Lady! lol Sounds racist. lol But you showing me all those pictures is not making me any happier. I feel like your sig right not. My lights just came on. Imma go check onmy baby now.
Awww, my bad. Sometimes I forget what it's like not to have any trees. I haven't had to buy weed for over 5 months:bigjoint: Stick with it and you can do the same.

And White Lady is a cross between White Widow and First Lady so no racism involved LOL.


Well-Known Member
Awww, my bad. Sometimes I forget what it's like not to have any trees. I haven't had to buy weed for over 5 months:bigjoint: Stick with it and you can do the same.

And White Lady is a cross between White Widow and First Lady so no racism involved LOL.

I just started germing 6 more seeds. 2 more Mike Myers, 2 Peter Griffins (bag seed copped from PG County that was some fire) and 2 Blueberry bagseed (not sure of the original seed bank but this was no mids). I do plan on stickin with it for a minute and hopefully I get nice yields. My LS is comming along fine and its already starting to grow an additional main stem and the old main stem started turning upward. I guess these plants are smart. Hopefully its a female and the seeds I am germing now are female. I have tons of good bag seed and I chose which ones to germinate by using a diagram I found in a thread earlier this week. Hopefully it works! ;-)
