Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
Ginseng and b12 never worked for me....I heard they chew betel nut over in china...hold on, I'll find you a link....
Just read about does look to be a stimulant...I will try it.ginseng?
It does have my interest. I will get some and give it a try. I am also going to try that Ginseng. My energy level is low lately and I am looking for that boost.Just get Adderall, sunny.Make sure it's xr.Serious.Just don't do the shit everyday.You know what you can handle.
I have never tried Ginseng but I used to get the B 12 shots all the time from my doctor, it worked but very short lived.Ginseng and b12 never worked for me....I heard they chew betel nut over in china...hold on, I'll find you a link....
Just read about does look to be a stimulant...I will try it.
It does have my interest. I will get some and give it a try. I am also going to try that Ginseng. My energy level is low lately and I am looking for that boost.
you could just put down the cheetos and get off the couch. lolol
I am like that too Stoney. I can drank one and nothing...Hope the ginseng works for ya.I think some of us need more chemical assistance for energy than others.Those five hour energy drinks, etc, do nothing for me.![]()
HEY!! I am not fat!!!!!!! Man, I would smack you right now if I could just put down the cheetos and get off the couch. lolol
HEY!! I am not fat!!!!!!! Man, I would smack you right now if I could....
I am like that too Stoney. I can drank one and nothing...
When I had kids I gained weight and when I went to lose it my doctor gave me Phentermine. It worked wonders with my energy levels. After I lost the weight, no more prescription. I have bought it off line before but now it is hard to get unless you want to pay an outrageous price...
I think childbirth does something to some women. I am with you, I didn't have all the problems you had, but, I have lost my energy completely. I also know what you mean about doctors...different story when you go to different ones...I had ovarian cancer and so did my sister....If one of the 10 doctors would of came up with the answer my sister probably would of lived. I do know about getting different diagnosis from different doctors...I was actually told my 'female' problems was due to me being stressed....sent home to relax?!? When really I had a gut full of tumors...God, I could not even imagine throwing in the no insurance to the mix....what a fucked up world we live in.I noticed, after my second pregnancy nearly killed me, that I have never bounced back as far as energy.I know I've got every symptom of hypothyroidism, and I've already been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, (which is just a precursor to polycystic ovaries, yeah!)My doc gave me metformin, the same shit a diabetic would take.I can't stand the shit, it makes me poop liquid about six times a day, so I won't take it.He also gave me adderall and prozac.Long story short, I have no insurance, so I'm just getting by on occasional pot.After I turned 26, something happened where I can't eat fat without having to go and enjoy some explosive diarrhea.It got worse after I had the little one,because I had preeclampsya so bad my liver nearly shut down.I think there's still something wrong, but who can afford all the tests they want to run.Especially when you go to two different docs and one tells you yeah, your thyroid is slow, and the other says, eh, it's not so bad?
I think childbirth does something to some women. I am with you, I didn't have all the problems you had, but, I have lost my energy completely. I also know what you mean about doctors...different story when you go to different ones...I had ovarian cancer and so did my sister....If one of the 10 doctors would of came up with the answer my sister probably would of lived. I do know about getting different diagnosis from different doctors...I was actually told my 'female' problems was due to me being stressed....sent home to relax?!? When really I had a gut full of tumors...God, I could not even imagine throwing in the no insurance to the mix....what a fucked up world we live in.
I had everything removed. No more, nothing....That, and if this goddamn uterus gives me any shit, I want it removed.I'm not gonna be tortured while they do their biopsies and prodding and you get pissed of when they do a pap?Cuz I do.Absolute rage.
I had everything removed. No more, nothing....
I hate going and get a pap...I have to do it 4 times a year and blood work 12 times a year and CTscan and bone density and mammogram once a year...I am 41 and they make me feel like I am 81....Yeah, being a woman can be tuff!!!
I know, they do poke....They strap my feet down now, I kicked one of my doctors in the head....reflex.I refuse to get a pap ever again.I have my tubes tied, I know I won't get pregnant.I just refuse to be tortured any more.I hate being touched.So many folks wanna poke and prod when you go to the doc.I hate it.
I know, they do poke....They strap my feet down now, I kicked one of my doctors in the head....reflex.
Sorry Fdd, didn't mean to jack your thread....I am leaving it alone now...![]()