This site is tooo slow these days


Well-Known Member
Just recently been browsing the forums again, and they are really (really) slow, i know its not me (im on 20 megabit bb) and other sites load in 1 second, just this site seems to take like atleast 6 seconds to load, sumtimes 20, 30 seconds.

why is it so slow now?


Well-Known Member
weird, suppose it could be because im in uk, but still all other sites are fine, just this one is slow most of the time.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't able to get on for 4 hours yesterday. I thought maybe someone didn't pay the electric bill ;-)


Well-Known Member
other sites have less traffic and media, this would be my guess
I might agree of traffic, but not othere stuff, when its running 600+ people, but when you see 280 here and 490 elsewhere online and places that run arcades. animated (big time) emoticon's, galleries.. hell some have streaming radio, bot main thing is the no info or post warning or saying why or when fixed.. times have been off for almost a week..I use south africa time zone setting.. Its my fav place but the screw you and wait with no info kind of sucks..... :finger:


Well-Known Member
The new interface works better for my iphone i can open thumbnails now. Big, big day for me


Well-Known Member
The iphone is absolutely all the hype you hear, its a phone you wont stop playing with, even after months and months