Growing secrets from badass growers


Well-Known Member
i dont sell crap weed to kids... its the good shit ;-)

and you'd have to stay high all the time to believe that "jah" created this plant...

i mean as far as religious folks go, Rastafarians are the coolest, but that still doesnt make them right... but keep blazin, stay peaceful, and keep contributing to society and your cool in my book - whatever religion you gotta be to do that is fine.

skeptics can say what they will, and rastafari is NOT a religion, its a livity, one of doing not talking, i just wonder what could cause peaple to kill each other over a plant of such good, if we had a little control over who used it by how responsible they were, things like me being robed and ducttaped by complete strangers wouldent happen. peaple dont shot each other over budwiser bro.


Well-Known Member
tru tru... thats why i'm helping to make it flourish, when everyone has it, it will be an exercise in futility to eradicate it, and worthless to steal it... then everyone should be happy ;-) (except for the "drug dealers")

until then, watch your back bro...

and nobody shoots someone for their budwiser, they shoot them after they've had too many...


Well-Known Member
skeptics can say what they will, and rastafari is NOT a religion, its a livity, one of doing not talking, i just wonder what could cause peaple to kill each other over a plant of such good, if we had a little control over who used it by how responsible they were, things like me being robed and ducttaped by complete strangers wouldent happen. peaple dont shot each other over budwiser bro.
its called socialization and money

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
Not only that, but who wants a fucking 7ft tall plant indoors? not me, I'm just fine with my 24inchers putting out 2oz a piece. act like you have secrets for growing 7ft plants, lmao. Now if you had some 20ft'ers indoors i might be impressed. soak it up.
I'd like a 7 footer in my house, if he had a 20 footer you fucking bitch too cunt :finger:


Well-Known Member
^^^^ ya i second that.. please put together a cohesive statement in your mind before you just jott it out and look like you are dyslexic or some shit..

on another note, this thread has gone from promising, to being decent to sucking balls.. just thought i would throw it out there


Active Member
First take a shit in a hole then throw EXACTLY 13 white widows seeds in. Fill in the hole with old wet newspaper.

In EXACTLY 13 weeks you will have 3,600 lbs of marijuana.

Ok thats my secret I admit it . . .
classic! true or not. Is there any truth to it?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if you all can not grow a 20 foot marijuana plant outside then their is somthing wrong with what you are doing. dont be mad cuz i can be happy


Well-Known Member
I'm not mad because your happy, i'm mad because you root for the oppression of other people who use the same herb you do....


Well-Known Member
although, i'm pretty sure this you are really just BabyBoi with another screen name...

a twenty foot plant lolol hahaha ...out side lolo hahahaha ... AND illegal lololl hahahah that made my day bro lol made my day...

sounds like adream wrld ta me.. or alaska.were noone would find it.:shock::shock:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
a twenty foot plant lolol hahaha ...out side lolo hahahaha ... AND illegal lololl hahahah that made my day bro lol made my day...

sounds like adream wrld ta me.. or alaska.were noone would find it.:shock::shock:
ok so u dont belive me here she is started in april pic taken in june.


Well-Known Member
Heres a little something on topic:weed:

first germ your seeds and look to see where the tap root comes out of the seed, if it comes out on either end its a female, if it comes out in the middle its a male.

Try it next time you germ some seeds and keep track of it. This was takin from The Best of Ask Ed, sent in by a reader and verified by another, regardless if it works or not it better than reading about people arguing.:?
Flame on


Well-Known Member
Heres a little something on topic:weed:

first germ your seeds and look to see where the tap root comes out of the seed, if it comes out on either end its a female, if it comes out in the middle its a male.

Try it next time you germ some seeds and keep track of it. This was takin from The Best of Ask Ed, sent in by a reader and verified by another, regardless if it works or not it better than reading about people arguing.:?
Flame on
i had read that too...i do believe its pretty accurate too...i apply that method and have not had a male yet...