SlikWiLL13's Kinda-Ghetto-But-Damn-It-Works Grow


Well-Known Member
you're right its just this is some of the best looking stuff i have grown to date, but i can wait. things are coming along to well for me to screw them up now. i'll probably give it another week or so. cause me myself i only smoke at night at home so i like the shit that makes you sit down an just "take that high, c'mon muthafucka you know you like it", "what, am i hitting you too hard, well too bad dammit, take it, take it all". yea that kinda smoke so i will be waiting till they mostly turn amber. holla!



Well-Known Member
Wow you're grow is awesome you should have a few pounds by the end to sell to all your friends. :)
wow! thank you for taking the time to stalk me, im flattered. i dont sell herb, hell i barely grow enough for myself. youre a douche, i wonder if people in real life think your as big of a joke as the people here do. i think your jealous of the guys out there making money doing something your just a "wannabe" at. who knows, maybe you get some negative rep for this, i wont do it...ill leave the decision up to my peers.


Active Member
hell yeah im diggin it buddy just gave me a nug of gdp and im feelin medicated good...u gotta get me some pics of the seeded out buds from the NYCD-BllllllD O-NL


Well-Known Member
Wow you're grow is awesome you should have a few pounds by the end to sell to all your friends. :)

it is amazing that you have your head so far up yuor own ass that you would search for someone, actually search, just because they have a different opinion than you. man you stink(pig). let me tell you something whatever anyone on this site does is their own business, matter of fact you talking about taxes and laws(yea i read that other bullshit you wrote) well come on man, your handle is "wannabe grower ". how stupid is that, matter of fact, how stupid are you? just asking. dude do like most of the other people who are as close minded as you do, please find another site, because everybody here is gonna keep on doing what we doing, WHATEVER IT MAY BE!!!!!!!
hey slick, ROCK ON BABY!



Well-Known Member
okay, things have been happening both in and out of the room so sorry for the lack of updates. 9 days ago i took 2 NL clones, they look good but no sure signs of rooting yet. 2 days ago i started my 5 day bushmaster treatment for my 2 veg girlies. when thats done into flower they go! in about a week im gonna start the gravity treatment on my older flower chica

pics in a day or so!!


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the kind works(even yours WannabeGrower!), sorry if i havent been visiting yall's journals much, like i said, shits been happining with me lately.


Well-Known Member
finished the bushmaster treatment and moved the two sweeties into the flower room.

i dont see any sure signs of roots yet from my clones but i have a good feeling about them.

im pretty sure i fucked up pollenating my older girl. i took her out of the room, was very carefull when pollenating, but when i put her back in the room i forgot about the fan. im pretty sure i saw sporatic browning of pistils which i think means im gonna have some seeds all through my crop instead of just the branch i wanted. it doesnt look like an epidemic, just no stuffing buds in the pipe to smoke w/o checking. oh well, i want plenty of seeds. now ill have some to share!

ive been seriously considering converting my ebb n flow into a drip system, or individualy flooding buckets(ebb n grow style!). im tired of rockwool and want to use hydroton.


Well-Known Member
how do you feed them the bushmaster? I give them a 16oz dose(1 tsp/1 gal)6 hours before they start dark cycle, but right before I turn the lights I flush.

ive used bm before and it clawed some of my leaves..just trying to figure optimum doses..some plants dont gorw vert anymore, and some might grow 6 more in.


Well-Known Member
your doing soil arent you? if you are i dont think this will be a good comparison. i use RW and hydroton in a flood tray. i also only run one strength nutrient in my rez as i have ladies at different stages of flower drinking from it. when i do any of the humbolt treatments i put that pot or pots inside a bucket to segragate it from the tray and hand water twice a day. i do a single ml of BM per gallon then ph it. i water with this for 4-5 days. the low dose with straight water eases the BM into action and serves as a pre-flower flush too. remember BM is basicaly poison so when in doubt use less.

you want to run a low dose until the new top growth just barely starts to come out twisted. then next time run it a day less, thats where its perfect for me.

i dont remember exactly how i did the gravity. ill check and post in a bit.


Well-Known Member
ill try to get you some for xmas my man.

now i have a serious question for you. now that youve know the feeling for a week or so....

whats it like to smoke fire cronic you DIDNT buy?


Well-Known Member
every once and a while, i find myself at a party (without anymore on me) buying a gram for $15 or $20 bucks and thinking to myself - theres suckers out there doing this every single day, poor bastards...

haha yea man i know exactly what u mean.. before this i as payin 275 a fucking half! i mean it was top notch shit.. but fuck man


Well-Known Member
been running the gravity for three days now, 1 3/4ml with molasses and just a few drops of nutes. buds are already getting harder, i think ill take it off tonight and flush then one more week of nutes and two of flush.

heres a quick pic, more later...



Well-Known Member
heres 2 clones about 16 days old. im gonna transplant them today or tomorrow and top them for the first time in a couple days.
