Cutting Fan Leaves


Well-Known Member
My plants are in flower for 9 days now with 10 or so nice bud sites on each. My question is alot of the sites are not getting alot of light because the fan leaves and veg growth is blocking them. Can i trim the leaves to give max light to the bud sites or will this damage my yeald.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't trim! plants need there leaves to grow! maybe if any then just some at the very bottom for air flow arould the base of the plant! im no expert but i wouldn't do it again from a past experience!


Well-Known Member
Can cut if you really want, but i would advise to leave them for now and cut them later when they start turning yellow. For now just tuck them away or tie them so they dont cover the bud sites.


Well-Known Member
So you think the yellow leaves can be cut even if the stem they are atached to still seems healthy?


Well-Known Member
So you think the yellow leaves can be cut even if the stem they are atached to still seems healthy?
trimming a few large fan leafs would be alright cuase it help put more energy into the buds instead of the fan leafs sucking up nutes and water but if go overboard it
definetly will affect them. and for yellow leafs or any deadones you can remove those cuase they dont do nothing but sit there and block airflow make sure u use sterile sicssors or w/e so u dont infect ur plant.


Well-Known Member
Man i cut 90% plus of my leaves off in flower. i then put 15ml of superthrive in my 50l res plus canna Cannazym Rhizotonic to help the root system cope with other stresses.
i still yield 15+ oz per plant so i guess it doesnt have to much effect.

bush basher

Well-Known Member
the fan leaves are there to catch the light to promote more growth to the bud sites!!! obviously there there for a reason, otherwise they wouldn't be. i'd never cut them. (my opinion)


Well-Known Member
I just trim any damage leaves from the plant. If there are healthy fan leaves in the way, then tuck them under another branch or something. I only trim/prune if the need arises.

It's not like I'm trying to win some fucking rose contest - I just want my weed to be big and bountiful come harvest time.


Well-Known Member
the fan leaves are there to catch the light to promote more growth to the bud sites!!! obviously there there for a reason, otherwise they wouldn't be. i'd never cut them. (my opinion)
exactly, the leaves are like solar panels.

in early flower, you can take a few of the highest leaves, so that lower sites will grow leaves, making for more and bigger buds all around. however, you don't want to take more than a few, because it will stunt the plants.



Well-Known Member
exactly, the leaves are like solar panels.

in early flower, you can take a few of the highest leaves, so that lower sites will grow leaves, making for more and bigger buds all around. however, you don't want to take more than a few, because it will stunt the plants.

finaly somwon who knows sumthing.


Well-Known Member
if you really wanna cut off some leaves to increase light penetration, start with the really bad looking ones, then the larger ones blocking budsites. Eventually the bad leaves will fall off on their own, but if U watch the "stoned free guide to growing" DVD it says they do it as soon as the leaves turn bad and dont wait for them to fall off. I also follow this method but I only do it within the first 2 weeks of flowering and during the last 2 weeks of flowering so i dont stress the plant too much.

try not to remove too many bcuz the plant will need them to soak in the rays, but if the leaf is turning brown or yellow then the plant wont miss it.

remember anything green has chloryphyl in it, including the stems and buds. chloryphyl is responsible for producing sugars for the plant, as soon as the leaf turns yellow or brown the plant wont need it for photosynthesis, but it will still be sucking nutrients from it... it should be safe to remove if needed.


Well-Known Member
if you really wanna cut off some leaves to increase light penetration, start with the really bad looking ones, then the larger ones blocking budsites. Eventually the bad leaves will fall off on their own, but if U watch the "stoned free guide to growing" DVD it says they do it as soon as the leaves turn bad and dont wait for them to fall off. I also follow this method but I only do it within the first 2 weeks of flowering and during the last 2 weeks of flowering so i dont stress the plant too much.

try not to remove too many bcuz the plant will need them to soak in the rays, but if the leaf is turning brown or yellow then the plant wont miss it.

remember anything green has chloryphyl in it, including the stems and buds. chloryphyl is responsible for producing sugars for the plant, as soon as the leaf turns yellow or brown the plant wont need it for photosynthesis, but it will still be sucking nutrients from it... it should be safe to remove if needed.

well put lol "stoned free guide" video is pretty tight


Well-Known Member
sorry spittn4cash but bullshit it aint.
you are not me and dont grow my way so dont open ya mouth unless your here to see its crap or not.
why the fuk would i wanna come in here and lie ???

i dont get no kick out of lieing so fuk off.
i have watched 6 or 7 dvds i downloaded and every one has different methods and different yields, there are sooo many strains out there you wouldnt even know what i am growing , i could have 1 plant under a 600w HPS for all you know.
worry about giving this dude advice not picking others apart.


Well-Known Member
Anyway fellas i took off all yellow or dead leaves today. Nothing from the top 1/3rd so i think they will be ok.


Well-Known Member
Anyway fellas i took off all yellow or dead leaves today. Nothing from the top 1/3rd so i think they will be ok.
even if u cut the dead/yellow leaves and a few large fan leaves it would still be fine personaly hacking the plant wont help IMO 90% of leaves would be overkill but a few top fan leaves along with occasional triming of dead/yellow leaves will be fine for ur plant and promote more lower branch growth.:joint: