Growing secrets from badass growers


Well-Known Member
............................. View attachment 277877
i agree with that...havent had a male yet....and ive had many an outdoor first indoor gro with 9 plants and they are all female also....always check ur seeds if u buy them before u plant them...if u follow the seed guide you still might get a hermy due to growers mistakes but ull never b disappointed


Well-Known Member
panhead had a thread about how he used dutchmasters reverse to try and force sex to female.. did a side by side, ones treated were 100 percent female, ones not treated were about 60 percent.. go figure


Well-Known Member
funniest part about all of this, ............................ there are NO secrets. it's just a plant. :dunce:
Here's a big secret

Its a really fu(king easy plant to grow as well! People over think and over complicate growing pot waaaayyy too much.... Sure you can always tweak, and experiment and yadda, yadda if you want. But the reality is, its really easy to grow enough to smoke for free and have some fun and make a little spending money to boot.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Here's a big secret

Its a really fu(king easy plant to grow as well! People over think and over complicate growing pot waaaayyy too much.... Sure you can always tweak, and experiment and yadda, yadda if you want. But the reality is, its really easy to grow enough to smoke for free and have some fun and make a little spending money to boot.
see its asses like you who want to make money off it. and ya its just a weed easy to grow but not everyone can grow anything, and that being said thats why it will never be fully leagelized cuz their will always be someone out there selling, like you. to those who use it for medical like myself GROW ON all the other who is in it for money your the reason why. DUMB ASSES


Well-Known Member
see its asses like you who want to make money off it. and ya its just a weed easy to grow but not everyone can grow anything, and that being said thats why it will never be fully leagelized cuz their will always be someone out there selling, like you. to those who use it for medical like myself GROW ON all the other who is in it for money your the reason why. DUMB ASSES

whoah, who grows for the clubs? and watch your tongue please. and where did we all get our weed 10 years ago?


Well-Known Member
see its asses like you who want to make money off it. and ya its just a weed easy to grow but not everyone can grow anything, and that being said thats why it will never be fully leagelized cuz their will always be someone out there selling, like you. to those who use it for medical like myself GROW ON all the other who is in it for money your the reason why. DUMB ASSES
Wow your quite an assuming person.

Pot is easy to grow... Period... I've had houseplants that were harder to grow.

I don't sell shit, all I said is it can be sold.. If you think this site isn't full of people growing for profit then your the dumbass.. The pot movement needs growers who sell. Its what keeps it going. Without those people, no one would have pot anymore and wouldn't even care at all if it gets legalized or not because they cant get it.


Well-Known Member
yea there are laws against buying it, its called possession... if nobody bought it nobody would sell it.. think before you speak
NY even has attempted posession charges. Usually coincides with using the phone to call and dealer and trying to get drugs... Sounds like bs, but its true


Well-Known Member
NY even has attempted posession charges. Usually coincides with using the phone to call and dealer and trying to get drugs... Sounds like bs, but its true
LOL that sucks... so much for innocent until proven guilty :?


Well-Known Member
in order to posses marijuana you either have to

A. buy it (from someone selling)
B. grow it (which is cultivation and usually intent to disribute)
C. find it (which is still possession)


Active Member
You said "What that does is, when you set it to 35 degrees its lowest setting, you can wind that dial right down which will bring the temperature down to 25-26 degrees which is perfect for dehydrating weed "

Isn't this a contradiction? The lowest setting is 35 but you dial it down to 25-25.
Can you clarify?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
see its asses like you who want to make money off it. and ya its just a weed easy to grow but not everyone can grow anything, and that being said thats why it will never be fully leagelized cuz their will always be someone out there selling, like you. to those who use it for medical like myself GROW ON all the other who is in it for money your the reason why. DUMB ASSES

WOW :shock: How very high and mighty of you.

Personally I don't use it for medical purposes... I use it for recreational purposes. Does that make you better then me or more entitled to it then me? I don't think so!

In the eyes of the FEDS you are every bit as criminal as I am.

In the eyes of (most) other users here it should be legal for ALL adults, regardless of what purpose we choose to use it for.


Well-Known Member
see its asses like you who want to make money off it. and ya its just a weed easy to grow but not everyone can grow anything, and that being said thats why it will never be fully leagelized cuz their will always be someone out there selling, like you. to those who use it for medical like myself GROW ON all the other who is in it for money your the reason why. DUMB ASSES
if its fully legalized, its gonna be because the government wants to make ALL of the money off of it...

and what would be wrong with giving some to your family and friends at reasonable prices? I dont want my sister going to some thug who tries to rob her cuz she wants a quarter...

with each post, you make yourself look like more and more of a complete fucking dickface.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if its fully legalized, its gonna be because the government wants to make ALL of the money off of it...

and what would be wrong with giving some to your family and friends at reasonable prices? I dont want my sister going to some thug who tries to rob her cuz she wants a quarter...

with each post, you make yourself look like more and more of a complete fucking dickface.
thats because you cant understand what u read.


Well-Known Member
thats because you cant understand what u read.

dude im fuckin paralized, completly medical. im pretty sure you got your first bag from a dealer, you think with out someone like that you still woud have been so drawn to useing ganja as a medician like you are now? i can see where your comeing from, but you have ta see the diffrence between drug dealers and good peaple, drug dealers will mark up price, jack you, and make you feel like a lower person then them because they have weed and you dont, if everyone just sold it for what its worth, were straight up businessmen { or women}, and was trying to just make an honest doller, we wouldent be haveng this bitch fest. peaple who try to skam and sqweez every doller out of there peers are what demonize ganja in the public eye.