Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s


Well-Known Member

Flower Day 14:
Two weeks of flower is at an end... about to start week three (actually going pretty quick!!) Like I showed yesterday, Fox is doing best in the bud department, with Jane right behind.. though Sway is taller, and closer to the HPS, the buds aren't the best (another reason she may not be full AK??)

Haven't switched out nutes yet today... been busy around the house. That will be tonight... Nothing much else to report.

Happy budding


Well-Known Member

So I figured out why Sway's buds weren't as nice and thick.. I dont know how I didnt realize it sooner...

Sway is a Hermie!

In the third week of flowering :-/ I think any pollen damage has been done, right?? I guess I'll just keep her... er... him? I would take her down today if I knew she hadn't pollinated the others..

what do you think?

Though, I am going out of town for Christmas here in a couple hours... so I have a quick decision to make


Well-Known Member
So... Jane is a she-male too!!

Well this means good and bad news...

The Bad news: I have two Hermies...

The Good news: I dont have to decide to take Sway down or not... I may consider losing 1 out of 3, but not 2 out of 3... All three are staying.



Well-Known Member
i mean finish them or whatever you were gonna do and just hash them instead of smokin buds with pollen and flowers on them...


Well-Known Member
Leggo bro have a good Xmas man. If u throw 2 of ur only 3 plants out just cuz they are hermies i shalt be very dissapointed. Grow them out clean ur flower room very well and start over next time. Bud with a couple seeds in it is better than none at all.
And going to be better than most smoke floating around as well. Throw it away dude thats what they all say bro. use common sense.