ESQUIRE HEADLINE: Why Obama Really Might Decriminalize Marijuana


Well-Known Member
ooo shit juss read the whole artical n its crazy but obamas not for it his side men are but if it calls for it and hes has no other choice he gunna be forced to legalize it is what i think


Well-Known Member
Obama is not obligated to do anything about it... it's really very important we keep going with this effort to legalize herb. If we keep our heads about us and act civilized in our efforts, we may just see national decriminalization in just a few short years!


Well-Known Member
Interesting read. The FDR anecdote should be repeated to B.O.

Want to invigorate the economy and create jobs? Fuck decriminalization. Re-legalize it!

Yes we cannabis!


Well-Known Member
Dont hold your breath....

Franklin D. Roosevelt ended alcohol prohibition during the great depression to create jobs. the same can be down today if its as bad as people think it is. it would make sense to create jobs. it would help get us out of the mess were in.


Well-Known Member

Decrim. 1st term so he can get re elected then second term legalize since he cant return


Well-Known Member
The most obvious message I came away with is that Barack Obama will be spending NONE of his political capital to reduce penalties against marijuana. My guess is to look for this sort of legislation in the waning hours of his presidency.


New Member
Interesting article, thanks for sharing.

I think once government realizes that broke people trickles down to broke government, they will need to do something to kick start the economy. They're lazy butts are starting to be affected. Local government where I live is already sweating, sales tax receipts are down, which means their income is down which means their paychecks are now on the line.

I think at the very least Obama will stop throwing away tax dollars on the DEA pursuing med states. That will pave the way for more states to pass med laws. Once that happens and crime doesn't increase and the government starts enjoying those tax dollars, they will start thinking "how can we make more tax dollars from this" bada-bing, decriminilazation followed by legalization. It's just going to take a good 10 years to get there.

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
ooo shit juss read the whole artical n its crazy but obamas not for it his side men are but if it calls for it and hes has no other choice he gunna be forced to legalize it is what i think
I think it might be the reverse. As the article says, his top choices for drug czar seem to be pretty unremarkable, and Rahm Emanuel, his chief of staff, has always been staunchly opposed to marijuana reform. Joe Biden actually helped create the drug czar position in the first place, and has been on record numerous times in opposition of legalization/decriminalization. Obama himself is actually the strongest proponent for the cause right now, although he had to scale back his position during the campaign. If there's any progress to be made, Obama is going to have to push for it in spite of the anti-drug pressures from the rest of his cabinet & Republicans.

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
The most obvious message I came away with is that Barack Obama will be spending NONE of his political capital to reduce penalties against marijuana. My guess is to look for this sort of legislation in the waning hours of his presidency.
Agreed. I'm sure he'd like to legalize it for the tax benefits, but there's simply too many bigger fish to fry right now. Legalizing marijuana would bring in about 10-14 billion annually in tax revenue. Obviously that's great, but it's kind of a drop in the bucket when we're spending upwards of 4 trillion on this financial crisis. Obama's gotta take care of the economy and this fucking war first. On the bright side, since the government is going to have to reel in spending on wasteful programs, Obama probably won't be expanding funding for the DEA anytime soon. :)


New Member
Don't forget to add in, not only the tax dollars marijuana will bring in, but also add up the tax dollars that won't be going to the DEA, or the courts or the prisons. That is going to add up quickly.

I'm really glad that Esquire got ahold of the whole question that received the most votes was discounted without a second glace. That means others news agencies will also eventually get ahold of the story too. It's really a good thing for us.