Recycle X-mas


Active Member
:weed:So its that wonderful time of the year once again, and I know tommow you'll be throwing out loads of wrapping paper. Well the other day I was baked off my ass looking at some x-mas wrapping paper. You know the kind thats all reflective. Where its all colorful on one side, then on the other side it looks like mylar.

I was wondering if anyone has decided to try using it in there grow box, for a cheaper verison on mylar?:confused:

bongsmilieMay your bongs be packed with the finest sticky:bigjoint:and your J's too!

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
i have herd people use it for reflective material,but flat white is supposed to be the best, for grow rooms

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I have only one problem with that... what if it heats up from the lights?

Here's the numbers on reflective materials: aluminum foil reflects 70-75% of light, white paint 80-85%, mylar 90-95%.


Well-Known Member
where did you get those numbers^ im sure they are right i am just interested in how you came up with that