Keep your Mothers in a Jar!


Active Member
I found this kit called plant tc (tissue culture) allows you to keep mothers in a jar, using only minimal light and nutrients, and has a shelf life of several months, and you have the benefit of using vastly less space and resources committed to controlling that enviroment. I dont know how to plug links, just google plant tc, it comes right up.


Active Member
Yeah dood, I was watching Marijuana Nation on National Geographic Explorer and they showed some clips of the one facility in America that stictly regulates all the pot used for experiments or w/e down in Mississippi I believe. One scientist chick had some tiny looking plants in glass bottles and I was like wtf is that!. They must have been these tissue cultures you speak off.

There is another thread about this floating around these forums somewhere. The kits are pretty expensive I think. Lemme see if I can dig it up.


Well-Known Member
yea that looks and sounds pretty hard to do without training, id love ta learn how tho looks fukin sweet.


stays relevant.
I wouldn't keep my mothers in a tiny jar... how would I be able to take a clone off of a mother that small?

Besides, the starter kit sells for $250, when all of the parts and whatnot can probably be purchased for under $50


Well-Known Member
it would be cool to do becasue you could keep a bunch of mothers and switch your yialds around every cycle that would be kina fun:pI


Active Member
Yeah all the jars and stuff look pretty cheap, you just have to find out what the gel is at the bottom and where you can purchase it. I have a magazine that I picked up in a Landscaping shop, which featured this tissue culture kit, and it was called Urban Garden magazine, and it gave a step by step how to do it and how it works. Best of all the mag was free, and very very informative!


Well-Known Member
Don't encourage people to use tissue culture and waste money on that kit, it's bad enough that you did.

Tissue culture takes 8 weeks to go from piece of plant material to useable clone. It has almost no value to any of us.

Rip up your mothers and use this insead of normal clones and you're insane.

(I apologize for rudeness that's not the intent and it's not personal, just getting my point across I hope.)


stays relevant.
Don't encourage people to use tissue culture and waste money on that kit, it's bad enough that you did.

Tissue culture takes 8 weeks to go from piece of plant material to useable clone. It has almost no value to any of us.

Rip up your mothers and use this insead of normal clones and you're insane.

what happened to your christmas spirit?


Well-Known Member
I'm a medical patient with chronic pain and out of meds and stuck at home cause I'm snowed in and broke and unemployed and disabled and ...

I did go back and add apology before your post though. Again sorry guys I am such a bitchy guy right now it comes in waves of pain you can tell I go from cool to hot to cool in 10 minutes sometimes.



Well-Known Member
I'm a medical patient with chronic pain and out of meds and stuck at home cause I'm snowed in and broke and unemployed and disabled and ...

I did go back and add apology before your post though. Again sorry guys I am such a bitchy guy right now it comes in waves of pain you can tell I go from cool to hot to cool in 10 minutes sometimes.


man i so feel yah bro, im paralized from the waist down and get pain from all types of shit, neways man much blessings! and go ducks! i love it here in eugene.


Well-Known Member
It's a way to safeguard your genetics~ hell you could even probably send it through the mail. Dunno what use that would be but w/e :weed:


Well-Known Member
well, not sure what exactly you guys are trying to do with this...but, tissue culture isnt some 'store mothers away for a rainy day' thing, you're not ceasing metabolic processes, and no, it wouldnt be useful for cloning really.

Tissue culture is (normally) used either for micropropagation of plants, or to regenerate transformed plant pieces (explants) used in biotechnology and plant physiology labs. Not trying to sound like a snobby know it all, it's just that this is what I do for a living. Honestly, it really wouldnt serve much purpose for us.

For one, you need a way to sterilize the materials. You'll need a pressure cooker and some sort of laminar flow hood. You'll need to be able to create a sterile growing medium (that 'jelly' is agar, with a specific formulation of sugars, salts, hormones, and probably some housekeeping antifungals) sterile tools, and you'll need to change them to new media every month.

I dont really get what people would want to do with this, if for example you wanted to take a small piece of tissue and regenerate it into a new plantlet...well you could, but the time and trouble (about 3 months from small tissue sample to small regenerating plantlet) hardly seems worth it. You'll need some knowledge of specific hormone ratios to create either roots or shoots, you'll need to subculture the explants at least 3 times before you're done...all the while keeping them absolutely sterile. Even in the lab, with all the equipment and perfect working conditions, we still lose material to contamination.

anyways, if you guys want to know more just ask, i'll be happy to share any info I can.


Active Member
Ah My SUPER AMAZING SATIVE INDICA CROSS HAS BEEN STOLEN! All I have left is this torn leaf... blah blah blah.

It saved my life and my strain.


Well-Known Member
Ah My SUPER AMAZING SATIVE INDICA CROSS HAS BEEN STOLEN! All I have left is this torn leaf... blah blah blah.

It saved my life and my strain.

I feel ya... I just purchased one off eBay and am going to give it a try for shits... I consider myself a farmer so why not give it a try... I don’t understand why people have to be so sour about new stuff, I always say how do you know if you’re going to like it if you never try it? Keep on keeping on.


Well-Known Member
I feel ya... I just purchased one off eBay and am going to give it a try for shits... I consider myself a farmer so why not give it a try... I don’t understand why people have to be so sour about new stuff, I always say how do you know if you’re going to like it if you never try it? Keep on keeping on.

Cackpircings...what exactly are you trying to do? regenerate a full plant from some tissue you have left over? I'm kind of confused as to what the main goal is here. Just curious.


Well-Known Member
I just love to grow man I want to give it a try so I have some experience with it. I also want to start growing venous fly traps, and this is a good way to start.


Well-Known Member
It's a way to safeguard your genetics~ hell you could even probably send it through the mail. Dunno what use that would be but w/e :weed:
shipping clone only strains? or maybe a little weed time capsule.:bigjoint: