150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource


Well-Known Member
See above pix of my next crop, which will be in around 2 wks or so.

I have done solo 150 grows and got close to 1g per watt..prolly .7/.8..
i now use the solo 150 from seed to the start of flowering, then hit it with the additional 70w after the first wk of flowering, and i'd say i'm get an aerage .9 per watt now. maybe 1gpw strain dependent


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks guys, dry weights on those yields would be great too if you have access to scales, but if not that's fine thanks a bunch.

I forgot to add we need the timeframe you vegged in. Someone could scrog for a year...etc...


Well-Known Member
my first harvest was 24g dry..i couldve squeezed a lil more if I let it go another week..I have another one Im gonna harvest at the first sign of amber trichs...she's taking her sweet ass time.


Well-Known Member
I use three 100 watt hps lamps a four foot two tube floro and about 6 cfls. Is there a mess club? Because i could be an original


Well-Known Member
i would prolly say no..
They tend to take 4-6+wks to get through their veg stge , But bare in mind they only get 12hrs of light from seedling and grow quite slowly to start, this is good for me as i have limited headroom in my cab....
around 5-7wks they will kinda reach maturity enough to show preflowers.. then a wk or so later they will generally start flowering..


Well-Known Member
I had 1 plant that was topped very early on in its life, then it spent the rest of its life around 6" away from the light...I did lst the crap out of it so all the popcorn buds got max light too..those ended up around 1/4 each dry.
the main buds were soo heavy and with all of the LST spreading the weight i had to support it with sticks, which wasnt fun.
Unfortunately, Big bud is either amazing, or a low grade bud,and i ended up with alot of bud that wasnt all that fantastic...
I wish i'd have documented te grow...you'd laugh your asses off at the LST n Stick web that entangled it.


Active Member
Can anyone link me to a site that sells for a decent price and sends thier products to europe? I can't really find one...ALl the better ones are in US


Well-Known Member
Ya id throw HTGsupply.com out to, get alot of bang for your buck there. Dont mean to be such a tease with the pictures, definatly tomorrow though : )

Im freakin out, i just found out i have some kind of fucking intestinal parasite, its so beautiful, i learned these worms can FUCK YOU UP, they block out the intenstines abilility to take in nutrience for one, and thus making you very lathargic, and do some fucked up shit to your intestinal walls, as well as give you flu like symptoms. When i saw a picture of a brain cut in half balked with worms, i freaked the fuck out. So shit im going to have to see a docter tomorrow, the crazy thing is the larvae grow in your LUNGS! What the Fuck. Im telling you all this because they said that 50% of americans have intestinal parasites. Scary shit right? They can sometimes take months to incubate. Soooo... Carots, a cup or two a day, carots, carrots kill worms. But ya, im finding every herbal remedy known to man.

Edit: i take that 50% back, that was an africa percentage. My bad, im just a little nuts right now.


Well-Known Member
Oh man that sucks.

I recently got a fungal infection from handling soils and organic ferts without gloves just one time. Ringworm, that went systemic and never presented as ringworm. Insane itching all over for two weeks or so before we figured it out. I mean raw scratching your skin off insane itching.

So anyway, never touch your soil even.

Gloves every time.


Well-Known Member
Oh man that sucks.

I recently got a fungal infection from handling soils and organic ferts without gloves just one time. Ringworm, that went systemic and never presented as ringworm. Insane itching all over for two weeks or so before we figured it out. I mean raw scratching your skin off insane itching.

So anyway, never touch your soil, never.
Ya man this shit is common too, i read percentages from 20% 50% have these parasites, and some are especiall common in the US. can get um from fleas, "poor hygyne" and like you said, dirt, they grow in dirt.


Well-Known Member
I'll post some pics of my 150, glad i found this. 2 weeks into flowering, i think i left her get to tall not sure. Let all of you experienced lads make some assumptions, im new to this indoor crap, i've got a outdoor green thumb.haha, ill post some pics as soon as the lights come back on.


Well-Known Member
You can't have let her get too tall because you can just bend her in half if you do it right, or just bend it over 90 degrees if you're more confortable with that.

Bigger yield than leaving it tall, you can drop the light and get a huge yield.