I am and I started as a "Personal Use" grower. Also a STEALTH grower.
I started growing in doors 3 years ago, and I was overly paranoid, which, really, in my opinion, we ought to be. I WANTED TO BE SAFE, NOT SORRY.
I worried aobut heliocopters seeking my lights with heat detectors.
I worried about my power bill.
I worried about HEAT and the expense of VENTING.
I just wanted to grow enought for me to smoke for free.
I did not want to spend a lot of money but i figured IF I spent the price of a bag of two bags, and got two or three free bags back, I would be glad and come out on top.
I wanted a STEALTH grow, so I could have STRAIGHT friends visit and not know I was growing but I did not want to run ducts and vents and fans.
I do not chagne my own oil in the car, I am not a DIY kind of person, I make too many mistakes and so I looked for a KIT.
I bought a kit, that came with two 65 watt bulbs, a 6500 K and a 2700 K. I was so tickled, and every one on every grow site I visited said I would get more, if i had more watts or more lumens, or more LIGHT.
So, I added two 85s the next grow. Still no HEAT, still no spike in electirc bill. So each grow, I added more 65s and 85s and last year, two 105s. And then I found some cheap 42s at Lowes and Walmart, for the sides.
When I added the two 105s, I did have a heat problem, they do get hot. And I had the rpblem with my circuit brakers, I had 4 65s, 4 85s, 4 105s, and about 6 42s. Each and eVERY grow, that I added Lights, I got more yield, and bigger buds.
Now I got :
and it's like an addiction, to add more lights.
I am very happy with 4 65s,a dn 4 85s, vERY HAPPY, adn the additional 105s are great, but I have to keep a fan running and I am not as STEALTHY as I used to be.
Dual Spectrum 65 High Output Fluorescent $23.99 for 65s
BulbsLow heat, energy efficient light bulbs for use with Stealth Hydro Dual Spectrum Lighting Systems. Available in blue (vegetative) and red (flowering) spectrums.
Dual Spectrum II High Output Fluorescent BulbsLow heat, energy efficient light bulbs for use with Stealth Hydro Dual Spectrum II Lighting Systems. Available in blue (vegetative) and red (flowering) spectrums.
$29.99 for 85s
Multi Spectrum Fluorescent Tube CFLLow heat, energy efficient light bulbs for use with Stealth Hydro Multi Spectrum Lighting Systems. Available in 6500 K (vegetative) and 3000 K (flowering) spectrums.
Price: $38.99
And $9 each for the 42s.
The pics do not show the 42s that I put ont he sides, on a STAND I made from a metal shelf.
I like being able to move the CFLS around, adn lower them down in between the plants, the clamp- reflectors are just $10 each.