onlypurpz 1st grow


Well-Known Member
Today is day 15.. the plant is looking a lot better than it did a couple days ago. what do you guys think?

one of the leaves has a little bit of dark brown on the edge of leaf..anything to worry about?

OPZ :leaf:



Well-Known Member
That's really small bro.
yea thats what i was thinking about to. i should have started useing nutes last week instead of 2 days ago.

it looks a little like nute burn on her
yea, we added 2 table spoons of nutes when you were only supposed to add 1-2 teaspoon's! we left it over night thinking it was the right dose.... not even 12 hrs later the plant looked terrible so we drained the res. refilled it and added 1 teaspoon.

im assuming thats the aftermath, but thankfully the plant looks like its recovering.

OPZ :leaf:

EDIT: how far behind schedule do you think it is?


Well-Known Member
DAY 19....

everything is looking pretty good. a lot of progress since last week, two more days and i'll be 3 weeks into veg.

these pics are with my phone so there not top quality and aren't doing it justice.

also, i'm useing "supernatural, grow" nutes. its hard finding a good feeding schedule for it.

right now im just adding a couple teespoons a week... is that right?

any constructive criticism?

thanks guys,
OPZ :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Lookin much better dude. Give her another 7-10days and drop her into flowering. Can't wait till you get a better camera dude.


Well-Known Member
today's day 21...

its been 2 days since ive posted pics, it looks like the plant is makeing great progress.

it does look like my leaves are curling upwards on the edges a little. could that mean my humidity is low?

take a look...

OPZ :leaf



Well-Known Member
day 27, i will be posting pics soon! my only question is, how long should i veg for if i want to obtain 6-8 oz? i know ur going to ask what strain it is, and being bagseed i dont know.... my friend that gave me the seed said it came from a bag of kush, no clue what strain of kush but its not AK47 like i thought before.

OPZ :leaf:


Well-Known Member
we are now 28 days into veg. im going to start flowering on the 1st. i have no clue if its a male or female yet.

I may be having some issues also. as you can hopefully see in the pics (found the cam), the lower leaves are kind of stretching weird ways, im assuming it's to get more light? im gunna be picking up a couple 300w eq softwhite CFL's next week.

also, it seems that some of the leaves are gunna die. is this because they are older leaves or is this because of nute burn? im only adding a tsp of nutes every other day, which is only 1/4 strength.

anybody have any input?

OPZ :leaf:



Active Member
we are now 28 days into veg. im going to start flowering on the 1st. i have no clue if its a male or female yet.

I may be having some issues also. as you can hopefully see in the pics (found the cam), the lower leaves are kind of stretching weird ways, im assuming it's to get more light? im gunna be picking up a couple 300w eq softwhite CFL's next week.

also, it seems that some of the leaves are gunna die. is this because they are older leaves or is this because of nute burn? im only adding a tsp of nutes every other day, which is only 1/4 strength.

anybody have any input?

OPZ :leaf:
as long as it does not spread throughout the rest of it your cool... lay off the nutes for an extra day and see how it reacts...IMO...other then that looks bad ass!!Keep it up I amTuned in!:weed:


Active Member
also check the PH levels and make sure that they are at it is between 5.9 - 6.3 that could be the cause of the yellowing in the right fan leaves and the burn on the lower leaves - nute burn...good luck...


Well-Known Member
as long as it does not spread throughout the rest of it your cool... lay off the nutes for an extra day and see how it reacts...IMO...other then that looks bad ass!!Keep it up I amTuned in!:weed:
thanks dude, i will do that.

also check the PH levels and make sure that they are at it is between 5.9 - 6.3 that could be the cause of the yellowing in the right fan leaves and the burn on the lower leaves - nute burn...good luck...
the nutes i use are PH buffered... supernatural (grow) and supernatural (bloom). its hard trying to find a really good schedule for it, its trial and error right now.

OPZ :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey bro u going to get up closer to the stalk directly beneath a flower. Thats where ur going to find ur calyxes. Get in close all i see is preflower from here.


Well-Known Member
hmm... i havent started flowering yet.. were would i go from here than, as far as seeing if its a female or not? didnt -earl- say u can tell in the veg stage when ur around 4 weeks in?