stop trying to decriminilize ,arijuana everybody..stop


Well-Known Member
i think that all this fight for marijuan to be legal is won with a loop hole that we have to exploit...i use tobacco as an example of a "drug" really does nothing for you..with millions upon millions..of cigerette related deaths(being a smoker or a victim of second hand smoke)..and none for marijuana use with the prod the marijuana has to california you can go to a doctor..and pay for your recommendation..every state should be like that...we have won..if we press the issue further than that...we will loose the actual fight..having marijuana decriminilized as a whole could prove dextrimental to certain freedoms you have...if u wanna smoke,grow,carry .or consume marijuana get the proper paper work to do can see the not smoking it while operating machinery thing..but alcohol is just as mind alteringso what its sold in stores everywhere...... fuck it..u wanna smoke..go to a despisary....yea its fucked up that you have to pay to get a recommendation but hey.....think about can grow tobacco in your home..but you cant sell it...just like if your a medical patient..u cant groe mariijuana but not sell we press to get it decriminalized..we will probably loose the right to grow it in home because they want to tax while we ahead

we should make sure everywhere has a medical marijuana policy....fuck decriminilizing it...because it a criminal act to sell a pack of cigereetes on the corner just like get smarter...
you think that if the government posed a tax on weed..they would not go over think the government has any good same agency who wont decriminilize marijuana wont criminilize the use of cigarettes which are killers for


Well-Known Member
i somewhat agree with you there are only 13 medical states so far and im guessing ur in cali like myself and we have the most relaxed med laws there are i believe we should get most of the states for medical then the feds will finally accept medical then move toward decrimnation then legaliztion over many years i think this may happen


Well-Known Member
Yea..but partially..i dont worry about the decriminilization of marijuana..its the opposite for cigs..its not illegal to smoke it outside in public..u can buyh it freely..just be over 18..marijuana is criminal to posses unless ur medically needy..but to make it decriminilized...would mean they would try to control it more..we will prolly loose the right top grow ok...we wil live by not selling it...because you and i cant sell cigs..thats just as illegal as selling the bigger pic is to not try and decriminilize...its to spread the medical ideas....


Well-Known Member
While I agree with your basic argument, I don't really feel like comprimising with the government at all for freedoms that I should already have and that never should have been taken away. They do not need more help oppressing us. We are a bunch of lazy stoners anyway. The government has too much power as it is. We should be tossing out our seeds into every ditch, flowerbed, public park, forest, etc. in the country and laughing our asses off watching them scramble to to get it all cut down before it reseeds the next year!

I also agree that decrim is stupid because decrim is also a comprimise. Legalize everything, the drug war is too expensive. people should have the legal right to burn their brains out on drugs if they want to. This country is intended to be run by the people. Start planting


Well-Known Member
while i agree with your basic argument, i don't really feel like comprimising with the government at all for freedoms that i should already have and that never should have been taken away. They do not need more help oppressing us. We are a bunch of lazy stoners anyway. The government has too much power as it is. We should be tossing out our seeds into every ditch, flowerbed, public park, forest, etc. In the country and laughing our asses off watching them scramble to to get it all cut down before it reseeds the next year!

I also agree that decrim is stupid because decrim is also a comprimise. Legalize everything, the drug war is too expensive. People should have the legal right to burn their brains out on drugs if they want to. This country is intended to be run by the people. Start planting
yea..plant some everywhere..i like that...but its not really working with the government...being passive aggrresive in this case will work..marijuana is the polar opposite of cig's with one likeness...its illegal to seel with the bullshit technicalities thrown at us...we can beat them without decrim' it


Well-Known Member
I don't think what the OP is saying is really valid. We have our foot in the door at best with medical marijuana laws. Until more than thirteen states have medical laws we will have no way to stop prohibition. Remember, just because your state has lax laws, doesn't mean all the others do. I live in a state where growing one plant can result in $10,000 in fines and 180 days in prison....legalization or decriminalization are our only routes to freedom here....continuing the status quo will do nothing but lead to more honest hard working Americans in an overpopulated prison system.


Well-Known Member
Legalize everything, the drug war is too expensive. people should have the legal right to burn their brains out on drugs if they want to.
And how do you propose to take care of the people who "burn their brains out" on the drugs you have legalized? Some will need motorized wheel chairs, years of rehab, collect disability for the rest of their lives and millions in medical bills. Who is going to pay for their entitlements because the government decriminalized heroin and cocaine and now theres a 100x increase in it's availability and consequently 100x increase in related overdoses?

People might not like what I have to say, and you can go fuck yourself if you don't like it, but the idea that all drugs should be legal is stupid. I am the first person to fight for marijuana to be legalized, but you have to use common sense, and your radical extremist way of thinking scares those on the fence when it comes to marijuana legalization.


Well-Known Member
I think that if all drugs were legal, and regulated, then it would actually reduce the number of people who burn their brains out on it. Morphine, Fentanyl, and all sorts of drugs are regulated, but legal in the U.S. Sure, you have people getting into morphine and fentanyl, but far fewer problems out of them than people illegally obtaining heroin which is not regulated. The drug cartel have little market for production of morphine because it is regulated.

Using freedom as an argument for decriminalization is actually hurting the argument more than than the argument for all out legalization. That's really why the drug laws are the way they are now. If we'll settle for something now, we'll settle for something later. You keep fighting for a half assed comprimise because you are scared to fight for what is already yours. Since when is liberty a "radical extremist way of thinking"? You have an angry-mouth, too bad you aren't running it in the right place.

And I also don't believe it is my responsibility to take care of pople who refuse to take care of themselves. Most likely, we would use the money that we were saving the taxpayer from unneccesarily bottlenecking the legal system.


New Member
If marijuana were to be legalized, who would be hurt the most? The answer is, the criminal justice system ... and drug dealers.

Legal pot = fewer prisoners.

Legal Pot = less risk and less demand.

The less the demand, the lower the price ... and who want's that? :lol:



Well-Known Member
theres always gona be pro's and con's about the legalization of marijuana. but think of it this way...

our country is in nothing but debt, whos fault is that.. idk thats another topic.

if marijuana was legalized the government can tax on the product, make a large amount of money, probably close to what cigarette companies make anually.

as a marijuana user i would be stoked to be able to use marijuana in a recreational matter, and not worry about the 5-0....

there would be less inmates in prison, but then again i feel that no one should be "labeled" and prosecuted for using/possesing marijuana.

"-every seed bearing plant is good by god, and is a gift to you."

back on topic, i think your on the right track, and the 1st step of legalization is to get the other what..37 states to accept and pass medical marijuana laws.. without that, it will never happen...

my .02


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I do not agree with the OP on this topic at all.

I am not a medical user.... I'm a recreational user and as such I want it COMPLETELY LEGALIZED! I view alcohol as way worse then mj and yet it is legal. I think mj could easily be taxed just like alcohol and tobacco and controlled via age limits (similar to tobacco and alcohol).

I also don't buy that whole 'everyone will grow' argument either. Sure... some will... but growing cost money, takes time, patience and skill..... I believe most people would not bother with the hassle if they could just run down to the store and pick up an ounce. I mean come on... we can all brew our own beer if we want... but how many of us actually do? Not me... I'd rather run down to the market and just buy it. I think mj would be much the same.

The prices may or may not drop.... surely the farmers in the mid-west with huge farms could easily produce mega tons of it .... driving the price down... but then again... would it really? Large crops are not likely to produce only females....or stellar quality... I suspect it would be a lot like the Mexican brick weed that is grown in large amounts commercially. That garbage will be ok with some... but many will demand the higher grade product offered by smaller specialized growers (who could open their own shops). I really just don't see weed prices falling into the gutter as a whole.

IMO there is plenty of room for everyone to make a decent living off of weed if it were legalized. We would have 'coffee houses' where you could sit and partake with friends, stores to just buy it and leave, more head shops, drivers delivering supplies, distribution shops, more hydro and specialized stores geared to growing it.... etc. etc. I think the list goes on and on for the $$$ opportunity if it were legal... so I don't buy that whole 'I'll be out of work' BS..... no you won't be, you might just have to do actual work once it's legalized.

I am NOT one of those that thrives on being a criminal (in govt. eyes). I do not get a rush out of doing something against the law. I'd much rather the archaic law be ended allowing me to be a completely law abiding citizen.



Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
i just see how the government will go overboard "ok..marijuana is now legal....but you cant grow it any more"

You are putting the cart WAY before the horse. You are also just making up things you think MIGHT happen if it were legal. Since alcohol is legal and people can legally home brew I suspect mj would be the same. Worst case scenario they put limits on how many plants you can grow legally without a license to vend. BFD... tell me I can only grow 25 plants without a license... if it were legal I'd be TOTALLY ok with that. If I needed to grow more to sell I'd get the required license to vend so Uncle Sam could get his share. It's not rocket science ;)


Well-Known Member

You are putting the cart WAY before the horse. You are also just making up things you think MIGHT happen if it were legal. Since alcohol is legal and people can legally home brew I suspect mj would be the same. Worst case scenario they put limits on how many plants you can grow legally without a license to vend. BFD... tell me I can only grow 25 plants without a license... if it were legal I'd be TOTALLY ok with that. If I needed to grow more to sell I'd get the required license to vend so Uncle Sam could get his share. It's not rocket science ;)
you right..its not rocket science..they will get there share of what....from what..a fuckin plant that you decide to grow and thats not putting the car TOO far in front of the one point..alchol was alcohol isnt illegal any more...we think..yay..we won...but they still tell u when u can drink...what if i wanted to go to the store at 3:09 am and get a cold brew???..can you do so??..everywhere???...NO.....think making it legal is cool..but you'd rather give up your right to grow it....or..for example if they do pose a limitation on the amount of plants you can do they monitor this?? will release a pleathora of think the medical marijuana situation should be placed in everystate everywhere....stop trying to decrim it...


Well-Known Member
also..who the fuck is uncle tom or what ever to take anything from ur history..find out about the federal reserve bank.....its history..our money..the irs...and im not talking about theories....lets talk facts...