electricity ?


Well-Known Member
i have a ?.....i was charged 59.59 for my electric [email protected] this good or bad

the bill says......
basic charge: 31 days x $0.01700 $0.53

baseline winter: 502kwh x $0.04031 $20.24
over baseline 1%-30% 95kwh x $0.04185 $ 3.98
Delivery subtotal $24.75

this is the basics...how much am i being charged per kwh
theres taxes and distrubution fees i didnt add up....this is the energy usage
help n e 1


Well-Known Member
lol, i pay like $60 for 1x 4x4' T5's, 1x 400w mh, 2x 600 hps, 1x inline fan and 10 other fans......


Well-Known Member
i know its cheap...im making my "blueprints" if you will...on my electricity..im in an all elecrtic home..so..if i make growing marijuana more effecient..it will be sweeter in my book..i just need to know exactly how much kwh their charginmh...i might just call them sack of shits..they always take along time to answer...i was thinking if my bill is low like this already...i can swap out all my 23 watt cfl's with 3-4 watters'...we dont need much more light than that for any application in my house...then when i calculate that..i can get an hps system to my desire....instead of buying a 150 watt hps system...i can possibly get a 250 watter........or even more........im not sure but i heard of a power strip than reduces wattage consumption drastically...do anyone know of any....


Well-Known Member
never herd of that kinda power strip..... not possible, the lamp still needs the same watts and amps.... and if you want any type of big buds you best think them HPS lights and the bigger the better.....


Well-Known Member
because of the light spectrum..... MH duplicayes spring and early summer light spectrums, HPS is the harvesy moon style spectrum..... MH is whiter and HPS is yellower... it's how mother nature is, so it's a better way to go....


Well-Known Member
ppl use 1 typs for all outa cheapness usually, mother nataure knows how to grow so follow her lead


Well-Known Member
acording to that link, ya
but if you goin that direction, look at the light per watt spec's and you might best go 600w'z like i use


Well-Known Member
i think ur being charged 17 cents/kwh.

i got this by subtracting the delivery charge ( a set fee for you to get any power) and then taking the 597kwh divided by that.

i came up with 17 cents, so theoretically in my mind if you ran a 1000 watt system it would cost you 17 cents an hour to run?

if thats right a 1000 watt would cost $120 to run 24/7 for 30 days, a 250 would cost 42.

BUT i do know this is slightly wrong. not all the energy electronics use is billed by the power company. only the energy that is turned into heat, my high school electronics teacher told me this.

In general i'm an idiot about stuff like this and everything i said may be completely wrong but thats my interpretation.


Well-Known Member
Realistically, a small commercial operation (5KW or less), in a good location, with a good odor control system that only two trusting people know about is virtually unbustable. You peek out of your blinds for months, always expecting to see the cops, but the bust only comes when a Cessna has engine failure and crashes through your roof. In my experience, I have never seen any cannabis creator get busted because the police figured it out by themselves. It is true that the slightest hint may get them on your trail, but it is inversely true that without that, you should be getting away with your wildest dreams.

source: http://www.1stmarijuanagrowerspage.com/how-to-grow-marijuana-3.html


Well-Known Member
yeap. sumtimes your "friends" can take ur ass down, whether they mean to or not. it only takes one slip in front of the wrong person.

lol. if i let my computer run 24/7 it jacks my power bill up $35.


Well-Known Member
well...using this formula i came up with out of thin air.....i rounded the kwh to 600 kwh devided by 59.59 rounded to 60 bucks..which left me 10...so 10 cents per kwh.....
iu used this website...above and inputed 10 cent 250 wats.12 hourse...to get 9 bucks....another person said they think im being charged 17 cents per kwh sdo i did both to give me a generalizatin....so a 250 watt system 12/12 will cost me anywhere from 9-15.30 monthly..not bad..considering the 2-3 watt bulbs im about to replace in myhouse to cut down on power consumption and to possibly save mrore money ion the process