heed help


Active Member
i have browning in middle of leaves about 3 bracets up i use tap water every 3 to 4 i use foxfarm bro big 1tsp per gallon can anyone help
yo dude..this shit was happening to my plants when watering with tapwater and shit also and nutes.. b.c grow..basically a grow nutrient jus like ur foxfarm..

you might have a nutrient lockout like i did..what happens is..at certain p.h levels your plant cant uptake certain nutrients..check ur p.h..throw some dolomite lime on the top layer of the soil..it could be a magnesium or calcium deficiency caused from the lockout of nutrients..

if you dont have a p.h meter or u cant test it, flush the pot that you have them in with like 3 times the size of the pot..jus reg water..flush out whatevers fucked up in there..if that doesnt work or you do test the p.h and its under like 6..then throw some dolomite lime on there..

after i flushed my new growth didnt show any signs of that, but the old leavcs still had it..so i pruned them off to encourage new growth..

hope this helps



Ganja God420

New Member
The chlorine in tap water burns your leaves. You can either let the tap water sit out for a few days prior to watering so the chlorine dissipates; or you can use de-chlorinating drops that you put in your fish tank.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
It looks like maybe a fungus combined with a lack of nutrients.
Grow big shouldn't be used alone. At this stage you should be using 2 tsp. of Grow Big along with 2+ tbsp. of Big Bloom.
Fox Farms is a three part nutrient solution. Which needs to be mixed according to the plants specific needs at each stage of life. Just using Grow Big will not produce desired results. You should also invest into a Ph meter for your tap water. Without correct Ph your plant will not be able to pull what it needs from the soil.