WOAH new stuff


Well-Known Member
I agree it's really bright, I fel like a hangover victim in a drum factory this morning.

It's kind of cool though, but I'll just have to wear shades. :)


Well-Known Member
if you have a different skin, go to the bottom of the page and there should be an option thing, change it to blzin 07


Well-Known Member
I don't like it, I've been thrown way outside of my comfort zone. Biggest complaint would have to be that it's excessively bright, hurts my eyes to read people posts. Also, what's with the link to shop on the top? That has to be the worst outlet for growing products I've ever seen, hope I don't get kicked off the site for saying so...


Well-Known Member
I had to change my veiwing scheme back to the blazin 07 also,the new page is impossible for me to focus on,i would be exhausted in a half hour lookin at the new scheme.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Oh thank god... I fixed it. Go to My Rollitup and over there to edit options. Down the page there's miscellaneous options. Over there there's a skin chooser. The old one is blzin-07.


Well-Known Member
go to MYROLLITUP on the left side there is SETTINGS & OPTIONS, then go to EDIT OPTIONS and on the bottom there is the last option to change its the FORUM SKIN, choose BLZIN 07