seeds not germinating...


Well-Known Member
ive had the seeds in germination for about 2-3 weeks and not one seeds has popped .. i have them in a bag to keep the moisture ... they were some lemon skunk bag seeds .. i bought a oz and it had some seeds...should i just give up on these seeds?.. i just wanted to grow this strain it was really long lasting and tasty...


Well-Known Member
11 days max dats an extra day already did u pinch the seeds b4 u germinate to make sure they didnt crack n were able to germ. dark/ warmth / moist place is best for germ goodluck hope u ddint use up all the seeds but ur current ones seem unable sorry


Well-Known Member
11 days max dats an extra day already did u pinch the seeds b4 u germinate to make sure they didnt crack n were able to germ. dark/ warmth / moist place is best for germ goodluck hope u ddint use up all the seeds but ur current ones seem unable sorry

yea i only kept the strong ones they looked fine..i have a few more thoguh


Well-Known Member
I've had the same problem. I was thinking maybe it's just too cold, even though I'm in a warmer climate or maybe somehow the seeds just have it programmed into them that it is winter time and they shouldn't be sprouting.


Well-Known Member
"skuffing" seeds is where you rough up the surface of the seed, with sand paper
or a nail file. Theres like a coating on some of the seeds that doesn't let water through.
H2O starts the germination process. No H2O no germination.
thats why you soak your seeds in a cup of water for 24- 48 hours. The seeds that fall to the bottom of the cut have taken water and are now ready to be put in your moist paper towel. The seeds that are still floating either have to much water tension to sink. take your finger anf poke them down in the water a couple of times to get the whole seed wet. Or the seed might need to be "skuffed", Or the seed is a bad seed.

Remember warm and dark, about the same water temp as cloning about 75 - 85F