Mini Oscillating Fan


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know where I can get a mini oscillating fan from? In fact, it doesn't even need to actually be oscillating, but that's what I'm hoping for. When I say mini, I mean no bigger than 4 inches. I have a grow area that is 58" T x 28" W x 20" D. Pictures of it are included. I've searched and searched and can't find any fans that I need!



Well-Known Member
That's probably what I'll end up getting, but where can I mount it in my box? I don't really want to make another hole in the box (that's a homemade grow box), but I may have too. I just wanted something else to move the air around a little.


Well-Known Member
that might work... with the computer fans, you could hang them with string to blow a few different ways maybe? AA batts can get expensive for something that has to run 24/7.


Well-Known Member
Oh wow. That looks like something perfect. Just gotta figure out a way to hang it, as I don't have any room to let it sit.


Well-Known Member
Drill some holes and zip tie it inside the cab. You just want to more the air around not draw in new air right?


Well-Known Member
Drill some holes and zip tie it inside the cab. You just want to more the air around not draw in new air right?
Correct. Just to move the air around so it doesn't stay to stagnant. If I zip tie it inside, would it still work, because it'll be pressed up against the cab, and no air will be coming in from behind it.


Well-Known Member
Zip tie the braces/legs maybe? You really dont have anything blocking it, air is going to go where its being pulled. Might not work at full capacity but I doubt it's being hindered enough to NOT make a difference.

I'm still a newb to this whole thing but, I think that's your fan.


Active Member
that floor fan is the smallest they come and those things usually put out a nice little breeze ur best bet is to zip tie it as it is adjustable but only up and down and it will recirculate the air inside no prob im going to actually b picking 1 of those up myself for a box i just built let us know how it works when u get it =) :leaf: