I need advice, or something. My spirit is broke.


Well-Known Member
I read the faq that would help everyone help me so I dont look like an ass tool so here we go...

The plants look overrall healthy. The temps range from 85-88. I haven't used any nutes yet.

Not overwatering, I water like every 4-5 days just cause some of the things i've seen on here. They are only like 17 days old today so I knew them growing soo quick it was too good to be true.

The problems lie in the first nodes. They are starting to have a olive-brown look to them, and the end of the 3 leafers of the first node are fucking up for some reason. Should I use nutes now?

I have shultz 10-15-10...

medium = 55% per 45% reg soil give or take.

lights are good.

here are the pics. I hope this doesn t continue. If you read the pic descriptions it will explain, kinda funny, but im trippin. Should I be? I hope im not fucked. Let me know what to do, if I should do ne thing.

And if I do need to do something, what exactly can I do?:shock:
First off... please don't feel like your spirit is broken... you have some BEAUTIFUL plants going there... MUCH to be proud of :clap:

They look like an Indica dominant strain.... know what they are?

Don't dismay at the leaf tips.... your plants will survive and thrive through much more then that! My second harvest I got root rot (long story)... much worse then a burnt leaf tip ;) .... I pulled them through and harvested a reduced amount... but got them to harvest none-the-less :)

Those leaf tips are the plant telling you either a) I need something b) I have too much of something or c) the PH is off.

Start by getting a PH reading of the RUNOFF. Report back what it is.... DO NOT use the Schultz until you know more. That NPK doesn't sound right for MJ.... I'm sure the users here can help you with cheap alternatives to Schultz that will do your plants better (fish emulsion for one).

Also.... your temps are a TAD high... can you get the temps down to 79 or 80 F max?
Thank you for the response, and for the compliment. the only thing I have used was eggs shells soaked in water in a jar which i have used in the past, successfully, they worked on this real good, I havent used them in a week, and this started literally today, I opened my chamber door to my hidden stealth grow area, and the temps have dropped to 81 degrees with 34 % humidity. My grow journal link, could give you more info, if you have the time or want to look, thanks again, I really appreciate it.

BTW: I have no idea the strain, they are like 1 year old bagseeds, they gave me an energetic high with a low letdown. When the high wore off, it wore off like I was never high, I loved it, thats why I saved it.. does that help ???
Try to find a local nursery to get some better nutrients, but if you have to add the shultz start with a 1/4 strength application. The plants looks great, the older leaves will die off as the plant matures, nothing to worry about.
I have not added no nutes other than the eggs shells soaked in water then poured the water. They way they are growing at 17 days without nutes, I almost dont even wanna use nutes until flowering. Is that a smart move? We have a local farmers grow coop down the road,(i live in the country ) with all that stuff. I dont know how to use the fish emu, or nethin else they have. I was however gonna get some mollases ( sulfur free ) for the end of my harvest if i get that far.

And thanks man, I love these little plants, I really do...
You really don't have to give them any nutes before flowering, but I would at least once to make sure they have ample NPK to enter flowering.
looks like a transplant may help. But for sure you want to hold back on nutes. It'll do more harm than good when they are so young.

Get a moisture meter. They are only like six bucks and they will tell you when the soil is dry. Only water after the soil dries out. You may still be over watering them even though you are on a four day cycle.

. My grow journal link, could give you more info, if you have the time or want to look, thanks again, I really appreciate it.

Did a quick glance at your grow journal.... looks like you used Tin Foil (instead of mylar) and it looks like the tin foil has A LOT of crinkles in it.... which can lead to 'hot spots' on your plant. Do you realize that your whole issue COULD be the tin foil? I'm not saying it is for sure... I'm just saying.... tips growing out towards the crinkled tin foil COULD cause burn on tips.

Take down the foil and get a PH reading of your runoff... we can go from there...

I subscribed to your grow... I have that feeling it will be a good one if they turn out female... your plants look really good for a CFL grow... which, by the way, if you are going CFL you should have 3-4 lights MINIMUM PER PLANT.... time to get more lights

BTW: I have no idea the strain, they are like 1 year old bagseeds, they gave me an energetic high with a low letdown. When the high wore off, it wore off like I was never high, I loved it, thats why I saved it.. does that help ???

Interesting... sounds like a 70/30 Sativa /Indica strain.... with Sativa being dominant. Interesting because the plant LOOKS like Indica is dominant. Too bad you don't know the strain.... Oh well... if you really enjoy the strain and get a male and female it wouldn't be a bad idea to seed one branch of the female to get some seeds. I love cloning... but I like to have a reserve of seeds of strains I like the most 'just in case' :peace:
okay, few things i dont understand since im soo used to just shoving them in soil mixed with lime outdtoors and growing pounds lol. Indoors, its like a whole new ballgame. what is NPK? And how do i use a ph meter in the soil? right now I have like 20 bucks to my name until I get paid on the 15 th of january. I know nothing. Outdorss yes, indoors not soo much. please explain.
Did a quick glance at your grow journal.... looks like you used Tin Foil (instead of mylar) and it looks like the tin foil has A LOT of crinkles in it.... which can lead to 'hot spots' on your plant. Do you realize that your whole issue COULD be the tin foil? I'm not saying it is for sure... I'm just saying.... tips growing out towards the crinkled tin foil COULD cause burn on tips.

Take down the foil and get a PH reading of your runoff... we can go from there...

I subscribed to your grow... I have that feeling it will be a good one if they turn out female... your plants look really good for a CFL grow... which, by the way, if you are going CFL you should have 3-4 lights MINIMUM PER PLANT.... time to get more lights :)

Interesting... sounds like a 70/30 Sativa /Indica strain.... with Sativa being dominant. Interesting because the plant LOOKS like Indica is dominant. Too bad you don't know the strain.... Oh well... if you really enjoy the strain and get a male and female it wouldn't be a bad idea to seed one branch of the female to get some seeds. I love cloning... but I like to have a reserve of seeds of strains I like the most 'just in case' :peace:

Yes, I was thinking the exact same thing, I have some old posters that are white on back and im thinkin of using them and redoing the interior, would that help? Also how do I use a pH meter for soil, and fish emu? I have like 20 bucks til i get paid in the middle of january. what do I need? lol how do it useit lol, im sorry guys, im just real excited, yet scared at the same time, i want some weed bad lol havent had none in like 3months
looks good follow advice from RIU people i am still doing my first and they look good from what i have learned organics are good i am using FF soil and FF nutes so far so good
okay, few things i dont understand since im soo used to just shoving them in soil mixed with lime outdtoors and growing pounds lol. Indoors, its like a whole new ballgame. what is NPK? And how do i use a ph meter in the soil? right now I have like 20 bucks to my name until I get paid on the 15 th of january. I know nothing. Outdorss yes, indoors not soo much. please explain.

NPK is Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. In a nutshell the active food all plants need to live and grow. This is important weather growing indoors or out. Different plants have different needs to grow efficiently. The difference (and why you may not know about NPK as a new indoor grower) between indoors and outdoors is that outdoors is usually in the GROUND and the earth can absorb and drain away over feeding more easily then a plant in a pot inside with no earth below it to leech away the excesses. Does that make sense?

Since you are low on funds I wouldn't worry about an expensive PH meter. They are generally not needed for soil. Go to walmart and get a soil PH reader (green with prongs you stick in the soil) for like $9.00 .

Your plants look good so don't over analyze things...and for gods sake don't OVER compensate with 'fixes' and change everything. With each grow I'm learning how to 'fine tune' things with small changes. Big sudden changes just ruin everying ;)

Yes, I was thinking the exact same thing, I have some old posters that are white on back and im thinkin of using them and redoing the interior, would that help?

No, B&W posters won't help. You don't want Black spots on your grow walls. Simply take the foil down and don't replace with anything until you get paid. When you get paid, go to wal*mart or home depot and spend $11 on some cheap flat white paint (that's right... you can go cheapie on paint).

When you are ready... take plants out of cab during the dark cycle (put them in a dark closet) and paint your walls with the flat white paint (one coat should be fine). The paint should be dry by lights on... move them back to cab. After this crop I'd put up another coat of the flat white just so it has two coats. One is fine to get you through this first indoor crop so your plants don't suffer waiting for paint to dry ;)
Yes it makes total sense. So basically keep doing what im doing, Lay interior with the backwards posters I have lyin around that are white, get a meter and just chill?

One more ?, I only have like another 2feet left when it is 3-4 weeks old would it be okay to switch to flower 12/12, and when do i start added flower nutes after the flowering period begins?
Yes it makes total sense. So basically keep doing what im doing, Lay interior with the backwards posters I have lyin around that are white, get a meter and just chill?

Forget the posters.... but other then that... yeah... chill and get a $9.00 soil PH reader. They also tell you the moisture level of the roots so you know when exactly to water... BONUS!

One more ?, I only have like another 2feet left when it is 3-4 weeks old would it be okay to switch to flower 12/12, and when do i start added flower nutes after the flowering period begins?

You can put your plants into flower WHENEVER you choose (that's the beauty of indoor growing). Of course the longer you veg the bigger the plant (I like to veg a long time... most don't). How much vertical room do you have? If it is Sativa dominant then it will likely triple in size from the time you flower it. Only you can decide when to flower...... but if you want to keep a tall plant down you can screen it... it works GREAT!
yeah thats sounds good, also, i just found some flat white paint in the back of my truck. My plants however, have been on 24/0 lighting, wont that hurt it if i do it now?

Basically Imjust looking to get like a quarter bag to smoke while I start the more serious plants, could i start my flowering at 3 weeks and get like a 7 gram or half oz if they are female?
yeah thats sounds good, also, i just found some flat white paint in the back of my truck. My plants however, have been on 24/0 lighting, wont that hurt it if i do it now?

If you don't have a dark cycle now then just take down the tin foil and leave as is. Paint during the dark cycle when you switch to 12/12.

Basically Imjust looking to get like a quarter bag to smoke while I start the more serious plants, could i start my flowering at 3 weeks and get like a 7 gram or half oz if they are female?

LOL... aiming pretty high for not knowing what the gender is yet :lol:

But in all seriousness.. you are overestimating in my mind. My first indoor grow (hempy method) I got one female... she got all the light... and I got just under 3 oz. dried/cured. Plenty for me
:weed: :mrgreen: