Drug addiction shows piss me off


Well-Known Member
I'm watching this crap on tv and 90% of it has to be fabricated.

I mean, when the fuck would you sell your car to buy weed?????

they make pot look like the worst thing in the world.

Other harder drugs actually have a case, but weed?!?!?!?!


I watched this chick that was addicted to "duster." She drove her car into a ditch when she inhaled some while driving around a corner. Someone tell me that people aren't that stupid.

i mean Duster???


Well-Known Member
I've never done duster that's some crack head junkie shit I believe that one.

The selling her car for weed is BS.


Active Member
I think it's possible to get addicted to a non-addictive item, if you have addictive tendencies.


Well-Known Member
maybe its the only way they can stop, by exploiting themselfs to the world, so that they have to stop ^^

rofl.. who knows....... never watch'd any shows with drug addicts...... ITs all just being selfish anyways... u can say no, or u can say, yes.. i want to take it... :) Its all to do with being selfish actually....