Cfl's Urgent Help Needed!


Active Member
Hey everyone i just wanted to know what everyone thinks the best amount or lumens/wattage is for vegative and flowering and how do u know what colour the bulb puts out? also what are the things called that allows you to plug the CFL's into a powerpoint and what exactly is lumens and wattage lol im not 100% sure im dumb :mrgreen: p.s i want lots of peoples opinions so as i can get an average of the best lumens/wattage and i want lots and lots of info on CFL's ect ect (you know what i mean) so everyone please comment

I have been looking up everything about CFL's but am still unsure and dont want to purchase the wrong thing




Well-Known Member
i have the same question man, i bought 2 42 watt (on the package it shows 150 watt equivilent) cfl's and i dont think that they r gunna work or are even the right light....because after i got em back home and on after a day nothin was happening at all to the lil plants i put under there and they started to droop and are doing horrible after 2 days, they r basically dead. and i realized that on the box it has a little meter with an arrow that shows wut type of light it is, white light brite light or day/sunlight, and these ones are white light. i am thinking i need the day/sun light ones, so i am pretty sure that i have the wrong bulbs, if anyone knows wut to do let me know thanks


Well-Known Member
See if you can see any indication on the packet as to lumens, 2700k is for flower and 6700k is for veg,
The Cool Daylight ones are generally the ones and Warm white will be the 2700k, some say a mix is ok right through, but what ever stage your in make sure you have more of one (Veg 6700k, Flower 2700k)
The difference is 2700k has more Red Spectrum
and 6700 has more blue spectrum.
Dude 2 x 42 watts of any spectrum should have been enough I would say your plants died because of some other reason not the lights.


Well-Known Member
ya oz u could be right bout the death of them, 2 were transplanted and 2 my buddy i think watered too much, but i just put a few new ones in the soil that were sprouted today so ill be able to tell wut goes wrong now with these ones since they havent been transplanted and my buddy is off of watering privliges


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone i just wanted to know what everyone thinks the best amount or lumens/wattage is for vegative and flowering and how do u know what colour the bulb puts out? also what are the things called that allows you to plug the CFL's into a powerpoint and what exactly is lumens and wattage lol im not 100% sure im dumb :mrgreen: p.s i want lots of peoples opinions so as i can get an average of the best lumens/wattage and i want lots and lots of info on CFL's ect ect (you know what i mean) so everyone please comment

I have been looking up everything about CFL's but am still unsure and dont want to purchase the wrong thing

It depends on how much you want to grow dude and how big an area you have.
CFL Globes range from 20 watt to 125 watt may be more, I cant say I have seen any tho.
But the things that plug into the wall are your sockets, you can buy the ones already made online or you can make your own, just buy cheap lamp shades that you can smash and use the light socket from there but you need reflectivity with CFL and plenty of it.


Well-Known Member
It depends on how much you want to grow dude and how big an area you have.
CFL Globes range from 20 watt to 125 watt may be more, I cant say I have seen any tho.
But the things that plug into the wall are your sockets, you can buy the ones already made online or you can make your own, just buy cheap lamp shades that you can smash and use the light socket from there but you need reflectivity with CFL and plenty of it.
or even cheaper than breaking lamps i have theese ceramic lightbulb basses tht all you g2 do is attach the neg and positive wire and walla a light socket.
just make sure you dont let the wires touch the metal part where the bulb skrews in or ur gonna blow a fuse and have to reset your breaker like me lol my celling fans light went all crazy and i was like to many hits and electricity dont go well lol but as for your main question 2700k for flower and 6700k for veg is gonna be the best awnser you get for cfl,s efficiancy i like the cool blues for veg then i swap to red spectrumed cfl,s and i do alright after i harvest but im only growing for me and i want quality not quanity.


Well-Known Member
spectrum is everything make sure you have that right. i would have about 1 26 watt light for every plant you have and during bud production maybe , 1 top and 1 on each side so pretty much 1 during veg and maybe up to 3 in flower or you will get whispy bud in the end but thats just a personal preference i have. i get these sockets that screw on to the bulb and plug right in to a outlet with no cord cost 1.50 each about check pic



Active Member
or even cheaper than breaking lamps i have theese ceramic lightbulb basses tht all you g2 do is attach the neg and positive wire and walla a light socket.
just make sure you dont let the wires touch the metal part where the bulb skrews in or ur gonna blow a fuse and have to reset your breaker like me lol my celling fans light went all crazy and i was like to many hits and electricity dont go well lol but as for your main question 2700k for flower and 6700k for veg is gonna be the best awnser you get for cfl,s efficiancy i like the cool blues for veg then i swap to red spectrumed cfl,s and i do alright after i harvest but im only growing for me and i want quality not quanity.
Lol bet you shat hahah something similar happend to me when i got electricuted i shat my dacks haha and from that day on i swore to be more careful also i dont totally understand wot you mean i think it would be more simple to buy from shops and not risk your life man :-P



Active Member
Do you reckon i would get the sockets from the same store i get the lights from like e.g Bunnings and ozstone will CFL's plug into any socket like one size fits all how do u know if the cfl will fit in the socket? p.s Jhonny were did u get your sockets from and does it say on the packaging wat size globes fit

Thanks (sorry for double posting)


Well-Known Member
Lol bet you shat hahah something similar happend to me when i got electricuted i shat my dacks haha and from that day on i swore to be more careful also i dont totally understand wot you mean i think it would be more simple to buy from shops and not risk your life man :-P

lol yea i know what you mean but sumtimes money tight but the bases i use are like a ordinary ceramic light bulb base but you can rewire them

pic one shows my base taken apart.see the two skrews for the wires positive on the gold and negative to the other silver one. my positive was accidently touching the silver part and kaboom my power was out.i heard the electricity current flowing too it scared the shit outa me lol
oh and this fits any standard lightbulb including cfls but i use these for my walls and i use the silver dome lamp shades like 10$ for my top light.

pic 2 is it all put together and then you just screw in the bulb whats cool as theese is they come with holes so you could attach this to your grow wall during flower conveintly.



Well-Known Member
Do you reckon i would get the sockets from the same store i get the lights from like e.g Bunnings and ozstone will CFL's plug into any socket like one size fits all how do u know if the cfl will fit in the socket? p.s Jhonny were did u get your sockets from and does it say on the packaging wat size globes fit

Thanks (sorry for double posting)
Dude when I brought mine, funny enough from Bunnings, the only restrictions I could find were that the stronger wattage globes generally came in the Edison screw type, and trying to find sockets there was hard. They have 48watt globes in both spectrums, I brought the cheap lamp shades at about $8.50 each, I priced just normal bayonet light socket fittings wired up and ready to plug in from an electrical store and they were like $25 plus. Yeah I agree with you about safety, I made a decision at the start not to fuck around too much with the electrical appliances as you are going to have these things unattended when you are away from home, and the last thing you want is to come home and find the Fire Brigade dousing your house and the cops asking about your grow setup.


Well-Known Member
Another thing that is good to know about is CFL's is that they are so cool compared to HPS's that whack out a lot of heat, that you can have them as close to the Plant as say 1inch, this means u get the most out of it as the further away the lights the less effective and to point then useless, i used a method of making a lighting rack that i attached to chains on the roof of my box so i could raise the lights all the time and constantly have the lights as close as i can to the Plants.
Jolly (sorry for the essay)


Well-Known Member
ace hardware has them i know but go to the grocery story and check there little hardware section where they keep the all the lights bulbs i got the outlet to lampholder at fry's for $1.50 .walmart for sure has them just gotta look hard


Well-Known Member
im poor so ive decided i have to grow with cfls and ive also already decided im gonna have to keep them short so the light will have enough penetration, but would it be better to bend them or just top the shit out of them?... definitly wish i had a hps or a bigger setup though