When and how do i flush the plants


Active Member
I'm sure this question seems ridiuculous, but I am approx. 2 weeks away from harvest, and I am reading that flushing is needed around this time.

I have a 8-plant flow-and-drain system, under a 400watt HPS, using GH nutes and a product called Clearex to prevent salt lockup.

Question: Do I need to flush, and if so, what do I do?

My main concern is my buds tasting of chemicals. Any help is appreciated in advance. Thank you


Well-Known Member
its alot easier to flush a hydro system than soil. Just run phd water through your system, no nutes. Maybe a week before harvest


Well-Known Member

If you're harvesting for less than all amber trichs I wouldn't do it a full week though because that could cost you some important fattening up time with growth, but maybe 3 days, 2 minimum.


Active Member
Ok, that kind of makes sense being that I am on a 8 week cycle. I guess I'll try the normal nute change this week. In the final week, maybe a nute change in Day 1 with less nutes, and a switch to phd water in Day 4?

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Dont cut the nutes all at once from your plants because they will get shocked, ease them off by giving them 25% strength nutes for 4 days, then keep it to filtered PH'd water. If your worried about the buds not fattening up during the flush you can add Molasses, Sucanat, or Sweet. This gives the plant enough energy to finish its biological process', helps fatten your buds a bit, and wont make them taste bad, actually the opposite will occur; Sucanat will give them a slight caramel flavor/aroma, and Sweet will enhance the flavor/aroma that occurs naturally with that strain.


you cannot use mollasses in hydroponics, do not i repeat do NOT put mollases in your hyrdoponic system, it will ruin your day. trust me

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
I wasnt sure if he was hydro, or soil. But Sucanat, and Sweet can be used in hydro. If you have DWC then molasses can be used.


Well-Known Member
you cannot use mollasses in hydroponics, do not i repeat do NOT put mollases in your hyrdoponic system, it will ruin your day. trust me
I thought it was ok to use molasses in a hydro system as long as its not a drip or a spray system? I have an ebb and flow system and was planning on using some molasses after stuff i've read. can someone pls clarify?:wall:


Well-Known Member
sweet does the same as molasses, and it comes in 2 flavors, berry or citrus and is made for hydro setups, good stuff