RIU Security


Well-Known Member
Good questions. Im also interested about whether or not your traceable because you havent used a proxy up til now.


Well-Known Member
I really don't bother with it unless I'm ordering something "illegal". For day to day posting on this site, well, there isn't anything illegal about talking about growing marijuana so I'm not worried. If you're posting your mass operation then yeah, maybe you should be using a proxy. If you're discussing which light schedule is better then I wouldn't be worried about anything.


Well-Known Member
I really don't bother with it unless I'm ordering something "illegal". For day to day posting on this site, well, there isn't anything illegal about talking about growing marijuana so I'm not worried. If you're posting your mass operation then yeah, maybe you should be using a proxy. If you're discussing which light schedule is better then I wouldn't be worried about anything.
thats pretty much how i feel about it. there is nothing illegal about talking about it just be careful what you say and when you order seeds since you have to put an address in use a proxy server then


Well-Known Member
When i first came here i was shakin in my boots like many in this thread,after thinking about it & lurking around in the shadows for months i adopted a different view.

All the sneaking around & worring,posting ways to hide like sniveling weasels plays right into the hands of people who do not want us smoking/growing marijuana for their own personal reasons..............

I now say fuk em,post as many pics as possible .


Well-Known Member
right on panhead. it seems some of have cur a bit 'early' and are experiencing paranoi from lack of CBN's.
...besides, there are like 7 million posts/threads and like 100k users or something.
at my age, I would not ever rule out the feds, but local,nah dont got the resources unless u r in parts of Cali. as for the feds? well they need be gettin on to the big dogs and not personal, recreational and medicinal users like 99% of RIU.
I'm sure there are a few here or there who are somehow fuzz or Matrix related.


Well-Known Member
I fully support and encourage the growing of cannabis across the world for medical,personal and recreational use .If thats a crime then im a criminal :finger:....................i am 100% against any illegal profit made from cannabis .:leaf:

+rep dude:leaf::peace::leaf:

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
what i worry about is ,my internet service provider seeing a massive long list of web pages all related to growing marijuana every day all year round , ......does it work like that ? can your isp look at every page you have visited or is the info they get all just numbers etc ? i mean just look at your browsiong history and every page says marijuana on it , is it possible for them to flag your account up because of this and maybe report you to the police ?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
I fully support and encourage the growing of cannabis across the world for medical,personal and recreational use .If thats a crime then im a criminal :finger:....................i am 100% against any illegal profit made from cannabis .:leaf:

+rep dude:leaf::peace::leaf:

thanks ....:peace:


Well-Known Member
When i first came here i was shakin in my boots like many in this thread,after thinking about it & lurking around in the shadows for months i adopted a different view.

All the sneaking around & worring,posting ways to hide like sniveling weasels plays right into the hands of people who do not want us smoking/growing marijuana for their own personal reasons..............

I now say fuk em,post as many pics as possible .


Active Member
what i worry about is ,my internet service provider seeing a massive long list of web pages all related to growing marijuana every day all year round , ......does it work like that ? can your isp look at every page you have visited or is the info they get all just numbers etc ? i mean just look at your browsiong history and every page says marijuana on it , is it possible for them to flag your account up because of this and maybe report you to the police ?
If the RIAA/MPAA bastards can figure out who downloads illegally I think it would work about the same way.


Well-Known Member
what i worry about is ,my internet service provider seeing a massive long list of web pages all related to growing marijuana every day all year round , ......does it work like that ? can your isp look at every page you have visited or is the info they get all just numbers etc ? i mean just look at your browsiong history and every page says marijuana on it , is it possible for them to flag your account up because of this and maybe report you to the police ?
seriously, think about all the 14yr old junior potheads who just sit on pot sites all day. do you think they have the time/manpower to look into that shit?


Active Member
The only LEO (in the US) that would even consider searching internet records from sites like RIU for growers are the Feds (DEA, etc.). And I can absolutely guarantee you that Federal LEO have no interest whatsoever in a little 6-12 plant grow. Hell, they probably wouldn't even give a crap about a 50 plant grow. They're looking for truly large volume professional grows, usually run by organized criminal gangs. Local cops may bust a small grow, but only if they stumble into it through a tip, smell, dumb ass move by the grower, etc.

I monitor the news pretty carefully and try to catch every grow bust I can. I've never seen one that happened because of internet communication. The cause of the bust generally falls into 4 catagories:
1) Rats - of the two legged variety. Tell no one!
2) Smell - your nosy neighbor smells the skunk and tips off LEO. Cover that stench!
3) Some other illegal activity attracts LEO attention - often stealing electricity in professional grows, but I've also seen cases of wife beaters, tax evaders, and others who got searched for some other reason and the cops found the grow as a bonus. Don't be a dumbass!
4) Damn bad luck - your house catches on fire and the fire department rats you out. You have a heart fart and the EMTs tip off the cops. A tree falls on your house in a wind storm and the insurance adjuster sees the grow, etc., etc. I recommend prayer and animal sacrifice to keep this bad mojo away.

I recently saw some poor bastard in Detroit who had a commercial op going in his house (file that under dumbass), and somebody broke into his house while he was out (probably to steal his weed). He had one of those siren-based burglar alarms installed. Well it did a great job of scaring away the burglar, but it also brought the fuzz right to his busted open door, and guess what they found! The moral of this story is that it is better to have a thief rip off your stash than have LEO steal your stash, your house, your money, and your freedom.

Anyways, be careful out there brothers and sisters, but don't fret too much about posting some bud porn on RIU. :weed:

Top 44

Well-Known Member
I dont know much about it, but it might be a good idea to use an anonymous proxy in a country unlikely to cooperate with LEO in the country you live. For example, if youre in North America, maybe use one from China or the middle east, etc. It'll probably be slow as hell though. Just a theory.


Well-Known Member
it would be very easy to find out where the Internet traffic came from. your ISP gives you a public IP address and they can track it from that. they could say "joe blow's IP is 65.37.x.x and he lives at this physical address."
there are log files for every computing process so there will always be a way to trace back.


Well-Known Member
I don't post pics with it.

Do they really have time to search riu and find me? I get the rest, makes cents.

Humor me. Do they really have the time/resources?
if your not selling or just being stupid likely not.
I stay to the letter of the law myself. But understand why people may break the unjust laws.
I would hope the leo would have better things to do like screw with my doctor.lol
i hope leo does not have the resources. With the bad economy I hope he is 1 payday from unemployment.


Well-Known Member
it would be very easy to find out where the Internet traffic came from. your ISP gives you a public IP address and they can track it from that. they could say "joe blow's IP is 65.37.x.x and he lives at this physical address."
there are log files for every computing process so there will always be a way to trace back.
Proxy takes care of that,Images can have info embedded:
the computer name, the user name sometimes much more
like the cameras info.