my experiment


Active Member
ok so i call this an experiment only because it was....i got a twenty of train wreck and was pissed when i found seeds in it...then jokingly threw them in a pot i had sitting just outside my bedroom almost 4weeks later...i have this! i have a very minimal set up and have no clue how to care for this gorgeous plant. im quite happy with my success to this point but want to care for it properly. the little picture is what poped up on dec 8th! and the others were taken today!



Active Member
nice experiment. it is a little stretched tho. see how the nodes get closer together as it gets to the top? that is because it was streatching trying to get to the light. and now that its there it doin its thing. you are probably want to get a better light, and put it closer to the plant.
if you really dont know anything.. there is a faq on the top, also just reading on here works well too... just click on things that look interesting and read. you will def. find all of your answers if you look hard enough. good luck from a fellow noob


Active Member
im pretty confident that i'll get something out of it... im doin this for hobby not profit. lets stick to the..."if u don't have anything nice to say dont say anything at all. i was looking for advice? comments? feedback. who knew pot heads could be so uptight and bitchy?


Well-Known Member
im pretty confident that i'll get something out of it... im doin this for hobby not profit. lets stick to the..."if u don't have anything nice to say dont say anything at all. i was looking for advice? comments? feedback. who knew pot heads could be so uptight and bitchy?
i hope this wasnt pointed at me. i wasnt trying to have my post come off in a negative way. just seeing if you were asking for help with it or if you were just excited you got some plants to sprout.


Well-Known Member
the only foreseeable problem I see is the weight up the buds being too much for the elongated stalk...but support sticks (which I think I see you have) will help. Has it been under any sort of light schedule? Cause when you say you just stuck it outside your bedroom I'm under the impression that it was just sitting there without any special attention. Pretty impressive that you got that though.


Active Member
very basic set up. i have a ge plant light on 24/7. with a reflector wall. its potted with basic miracle grow and i water it almost daily with bong water. lol. its an experiment that is going pretty well.


Well-Known Member
there's one in every crowd, isn't there? anyway, growing pot indoors is about as difficult as growing a house plant, except for security issues.

some thoughts:

you are going to need a lot more light to get a decent amount of bud. this is the big difference between pot and a house plant.

the other things to think about are soil, watering schedule and fertilizers. all of these need to be done right to get a good yield as opposed to growing a pretty plant. as stated earlier, read the faq and stickies on this site and you'll get plenty of ideas on how to grow.


Well-Known Member
really wanna experiment!? slam that badboy under a 400hps 12/12 for a couple montsh and see what happens


Active Member
:clap: Bravo! Bravo!

Definitely needs more light, and be careful about over-watering, I've made that mistake before.

But Hey! Everyone starts somewhere right? :weed:


Well-Known Member
It needs more light and correct kind of light. It isn't incandescent plant light what you have now is it? They have very little use as a 'true growing light' sorry if that's not what you want to hear but it's the truth. You'll want CFLs (compact fluorescent) lamps in correct spectrums depending on what phase the plant is in.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
im pretty confident that i'll get something out of it... im doin this for hobby not profit. lets stick to the..."if u don't have anything nice to say dont say anything at all. i was looking for advice? comments? feedback. who knew pot heads could be so uptight and bitchy?

:clap: I find myself saying that from time to time on here.

really wanna experiment!? slam that badboy under a 400hps 12/12 for a couple montsh and see what happens
Im with chazel, get some good lights(CFL are cheapest, 400w hps=$300-400) find a place to put it where it can be in a light tight area (spare closet, storage room, attic) and put it on a 12 on 12 off light cycle to see if it is in fact a female. If it is you will know with in the first 2 weeks.
It looks pretty tall already and once you change the light cycle it will double or tripple in size in just a matter a few weeks to a month so you dont want it getting to tall before you switch it.
Its a experiment anyway, if you get anything to smoke at all its gunna be awesome. Hell even if its a male its still cool to get a grow under your belt and see how they develope

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Very nice! The only thing I have ever bought online was seeds and I havent got them yet :-P
:dunce: The reflector/ combo ballast cost me about $200 400w bulb was still about $90. I bought all my stuff new like a chump lol

I was being a wussy about buying online. Even with the seeds I got a prepaid credit card and had the seeds sent to a family members house with stealth