growing weed in prison new help


Well-Known Member
12 years you'd think that you wouldn't want to go back.. Its one thing to be a rebel and live the way that you'd like to but one day thats gonna get old and then by that time your life will already have passed by... I dont know man I guess that some people like jail and such, I think that the system programs you to become a reoffender, and thats the broken system but you do always have "Choice" and the choices that you make in your life all have reprocussions solong as your ready to deal with them I guess that you could do whatever the fuck that you want. but to let you know its dumbasses like you that make pot still illegal in most places the foolish decisions that you make allow us all to suffer in someway. It's one thing to stick it to the man but you've got to do it in a mindly manner . But you go ahead and stick it too him... and try to forget how you got caught last time... so much for being stealthy.....


Well-Known Member
go for it dude... stick it to the man
idk why everyone is against you
all power to you


New Member
enjoy your plant while it lasts, oh you guys are british. i mean Yarbles! Great bolshy yarblockos to you.
That CWO dialouge is NOT common British slang. It was from the novel's invented world. correct me if I'm wrong, i'm from :leaf::fire: Texas :fire:


Active Member
Go get fuct,any moron who thinks he's gonna grow in jail is mental. Get a hobby and remember "baretta"?u do the crime;u do the time. Learn how not to get cot with POT!
Hey it might be possible to do it, trustees are often allowed to go outside of the prison around the prison grounds for maintenance and whatnot, and often I have seen many prisons built along wood lines that would be great for growing, like someone would be looking for outdoor growing pot on the edge of a prison grounds, I'd say you would have to have 3 things in your favor, be a TRUSTEE, be in a prison built on a woodline , and access to the outer grounds in the summer and fall. But then again Trustees are randomly piss tested for drugs, so once you come up dirty , you would lose your trustee privilege.


Well-Known Member
just to add my two cents - my wife used to work in a juvie prison and they would find weed growing in the garden all the time


Well-Known Member
i just read the entire thread and really there could have only been 3 pages if every post wasnt a repeat. im not going to bother repeating that shit again. balls. good luck man.