Paging Dr.Greenthumb plz help


Well-Known Member
So ive come across a problem found in just 1 of 8 plants im growing well the first pics are just strange yellow spots ive found on the leaves

the pic that looks like i circled nothing are actually semi-faint brown spots on the leaf

and the last one is just all da bottom leaves turnin yellow

Plz dr.greenthumg i need a diagnosis



Well-Known Member
I agree they do look overwatered.

Are you giving them any nutes yet?

How often are you watering? How much do you water when you do? How old are the plants? How tall are they?

What size containers do you have them in? Do the containers have proper drainage and is the soil allowing for good water drainage?


Well-Known Member
i dnt water 2 much and the soil is guarnteed 2 last me 2 more mnths of nutes

if neting i would say poor drainage thnk yu i wil get sum scissirs nd widen the hole

(pray i dnt hit da roots)

also wat was the the most obvious sign to make you think its overwatering?


Well-Known Member
Your leaves look droopy.

Does it get a good supply of fresh air?

It could be the soil, is it miracle grow?


Well-Known Member
the brand is miracle grow ya

i dnt have an actual fan but i keep the room well ventalted
except at night i close the closet door so that may cut off ventalation


Well-Known Member
so wat i gotta do?
crush up some calcium tablets and mix it with the waater?? lol jp
wat brand do you recomend for fixing the calcium deficiancy


Well-Known Member
it says miracle grow nd sumtin like best suited for flowering and fruit bearing plants so i thought that was perfect and exactly what i needed


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow sucks trust me.

The time release is not good for MJ. You will have too many nutes and you won't be able to flush the soil because they are in the soil! In too large of quantities.

I am speaking from experience. If you want to be stubborn and use MG you can grow with it. Just know you will get less, it won't be as good, and it will NOT taste good at all.


Well-Known Member
carry on with miricle grow a sudden change can damage ur plants add some of it every 2 waterings get a ph meter and check soil levels 2 make sure the ph is between 6.4 and 7.0