Hello everyone!!!!
Finally feeling up to typing, I've been reading along faithfully.... glad that everyone is doing well. Thank you to everyone that has asked about me.
Sunny, I am so happy that your hubby is coming home soon. Sorry about the bird situation.... I went into your profile to see if you had more pictures.... we need to see more of them. Sorry they did the damage on your furniture.
Gryph & Ph03nix.... sorry about the living situation. I know you will come out of everything on top. You have each other and that is comfort. By the way.. nice pictures.... you are both beautiful inside and out.
Chiceh & Miss.... thanks for keeping the other half busy.... allowing me sleep time.

My love to both of you. Chiceh.. sorry about the snow... but I am glad you had a great holiday. Miss... I think you need a bird....she sounds so sweet.
Tips.... BOOOONNNNAAARRRROOOOO!!!!! Enough said.
Sicc.... thanks for the "GOOD REP".. you're the best sweetie!
Cracker Jax..... what a sweet soul you are. Thanks for checking up on me.
Twisty... last but not least.....you make me so happy! Your kind words are so sweet. It was medicine to my ears. Thanks for being such a great friend to Vette and to me also.
Slik.... adding you in.... thanks for all the good vibes... keep taking care of that little one!!!
If I left anyone out.... my humble apologies.
There are many others on many threads that have been kind.... just want to stop here first. Wake and bake seems like home.
Have a great evening.