Well-Known Member
agreed, but wouldnt it be logical to consider that the thc with the smoke would go through a different filtration system in your body? while the thc alone would just stay in the body untill bonding to something? like fat? or going strait to the waste area (urin)? because your body gets rid of the toxins that arent in the body normaly first. and since thc is a canabanoid wouldnt it surpass the toxin filtration and head strait to the fat and urin? making the thc going through more of your bodys filters stay in your system longer, giving you lasting effects?I'm glad you prefaced your post with "I think". You got a lot of it inline with the science.
One thing is if you are combusting anything, you aren't properly vaping. The hot stream of air in most modern vapes passes over the vegetative matter, and heats it up. Once said material has reached the temp needed, the chemicals in the material begin to volatize, and become vapor. Many on the market do not evenly or efficiently heat the plant material. CBN and CBD volatize at lower temps that THC. This is why most like the volcano. It pumps a lot of well heated air through a large amount of material, via a large surface area. It is efficient for the scale it works on.
Your fat theory is good, but I THINK ( :; ) wrong. More along the lines of innefficient heating and volatization of THC.
im just thinkin out loud here... welll typing...