Dwc Grow Club


New Member
I get it. Just the other day some kid totally dismissed my answer to his question and told me i was stupid..... hahahah. Whatever to him! ass!


New Member
I need to smoke. Earlier I went to the store to get some meds for my cough and some jerk arse hole piece of turd kid wasn't looking where he was going and hit my bike while I was on it. I was parked in a designated bike space ( close to the store) and he mad ethis wide ass turn while on the phone texting no less and hit me. My rear lights are jacked as well as my muffler!! I fell pretty hardbut luckily i already had my helmet on!!! I was just about to leave when BAM! All I remember was feeling like the hulk pushed me, head jerk and a hard fall. My arm is bruised and I have a head ache but all is ok. The kid was a snob too!! He was like "Your ok right!" "Your not gonna call the cops right" HELL YES! I didnt even talk to him. Some girl saw the whole thing and called right away AND made a statement on that prick! Insurance will cover everything and its up to me if i want to see a doctor, but I feel ok. I rode home ok but the bike need help. Now it's the gas guzz for a lil while. SHeite!


Well-Known Member
Damn net that shit is crazy.... Im glad ur ok... Get blazed up... I think u would be much hotter in the car either way. People in cars dont see peeps on bikes.. I dont think id marry u if u rode a bike.
I sold my bike not tooo long ago.

Good news. Im getting my car back monday with a brand new engine hahaa..


Well-Known Member
thats some crazy shit, i would sue the shit out of his parents.

in newyork cell phone use while driving is a huge nono.


New Member
Hello everyone! So I ended up going to the doc this morning and I have a minor neck whiplash. Other than that, I'm fine. Also my bike is going to be totally fixed. Even shit that was already wrong with it. WOO HOO!


Well-Known Member
Glad ur ok net damn. Can u sue people or what lol.. Glad ur getting ur bike fixed..
Everything kinda works out in the end... I bought my car used blew up my engine and they are putting a new one back in it. Im picking it up tommorow.


New Member
Awesome that you are getting your car back!!! Yeah, I can sue him, but why. To screw up his life for good just so I can get some cash. NAHH... I'm sure he is a little prick, but who am I to screw with someone.

I feel a lot better anywho!!


Active Member
what do you think of this. 4 weeks into veg and these plants are short. unknown strain,but they are healthy and green i've got at least 1 girl and i'm stoked! ph 6.0-fox farm grow big nutes-400 hps

