Panic: the drooping plant syndrome


Active Member
Help me rollitup,

I woke up this morning to the worst sight I could have besides having a totally dead plant. My plant is drooping like mad. Let me explain what went on last night.

I had to transplant because I started this plant on Miracle grow soil with slow release nutes in it and they were burning my plant. I bought some super soil and transplanted last night. I got as much of the MG soil out as I could, and promptly replaced it with the super soil. I then watered the plant, but here is where I think I might have made my mistake. The other day I bought a General Hydroponics ph kit. I watered my plant last night after the transplant without checking the ph of the water like an idiot. I checked the ph after I had watered because I wanted to get my water supply ready for future waterings. When I checked the ph of the water it was 8.5 or over.

I added some ph down and got the water to 5.5. I am worried that I really hurt my plant. I can't flush the soil because I don't want to get root rot and I don't want to stress the plant in the fragile state that it is in. I was told by a friend of mine that grows to just let the soil dry out and hope for the best, but I feel like there is something more I should do. Do I just wait it out and hope for the best?



Active Member
I didn't break up the root ball at all. I am in my dark cycle right now so I can't tell you how it looks now. I seriously think it was the water with the high ph. That is the only thing I can think of that changed. And like I said in my first post, the plant bounced back within 2 hours from the transplant. I think it was the water, so I am going to let it dry out and then I am going to assess the damage.